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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
So the year anni is coming up! And I checked out my battery cycles... I'm at 65 cycles. I found that to be rather high considering how much I typically have this plugged in. I try and get at least 2 cycles in per-month so I thought I'd be around 24ish.

I have a few friends that are well into the 100s (if I'm not mistaken). I wish I was just as daring to let mine out into the wild :p


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
My 2012 cMBP was on 225 cycles! I was quite shocked when I saw it.

Damn haha, I used mine a lot when I got it but then recently it's just been sitting here plugged. I mean every now and then I'll take her off for going around the house but I totally thought my number would be lower.


macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
After 9 month: 377 cycles, 92% health. I don't pay any attention to the battery, I just use the laptop.


macrumors 68030
Oct 19, 2011
I have a few friends that are well into the 100s (if I'm not mistaken). I wish I was just as daring to let mine out into the wild :p

I used my first Mac as desktop replacement for two years, only later did I start using it mobile. So the battery had very few cycles. Didn't help, it died in its fourth year.

However, I would never limit my use of the laptop out of fear to damage the battery.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
I used my first Mac as desktop replacement for two years, only later did I start using it mobile. So the battery had very few cycles. Didn't help, it died in its fourth year.

However, I would never limit my use of the laptop out of fear to damage the battery.

Yeah mine is a desktop replacement, hence the low count. But I do every now and then use it unplugged to prevent it from being at a cycle count of say 5 :p


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
Damn haha, I used mine a lot when I got it but then recently it's just been sitting here plugged. I mean every now and then I'll take her off for going around the house but I totally thought my number would be lower.

I don't see the point in owning something you're afraid to use. These batteries can die due to age as opposed to just cycle count. I've experienced it with one bulging even while it still held a decent charge. If you go to sell it in a couple years, used is used. One of the things I would factor in buying a used machine is that you're buying a used battery with it.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
I don't see the point in owning something you're afraid to use. These batteries can die due to age as opposed to just cycle count. I've experienced it with one bulging even while it still held a decent charge. If you go to sell it in a couple years, used is used. One of the things I would factor in buying a used machine is that you're buying a used battery with it.

I'm not afraid to use it, this is mainly my desktop computer.

I mean yeah I don't take it out often but during school season I do have this with me all the time and I'll take notes in class and do the occasional homework on the side during brakes and such.

I may have exaggerated when I said I was afraid to take out into the wild. I do have her unplugged and I do get a few cycles in a month to ensure that my cycle count isn't at say 5 or less :p that would be tad bit overboard on the keeping it plugged had my count been at say 5 after a year of owning it


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
I do have her unplugged and I do get a few cycles in a month to ensure that my cycle count isn't at say 5 or less :p that would be tad bit overboard on the keeping it plugged had my count been at say 5 after a year of owning it
Run on battery whenever you need to and plug it in whenever you can. You can plug or unplug any time you need to, regardless of the charged percentage, and you never need to completely drain your battery. Just make sure you don't run on AC power exclusively, as your battery needs to be used regularly to stay healthy. The link below should answer most, if not all, of your battery/charging questions.

If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you take the time to read it.


macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2004
Salt Lake
76 cycles currently, got it early last July, although my wife had it hidden since launch.

For what it is worth, I had the original late '08 unibody before hand and the battery ended up swelling and had to buy a replacement for $129, so for apple to charge the $199 to replace the rMBP, seems reasonable enough.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I really don't track how many cycles. My rMPB stays on AC 80 to 90% anyways though I probably should be more diligent to run it on the battery more often.


macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2012
According to iStat Pro:
159 cycles, 94%

System Report:
  Charge Information:
  Charge Remaining (mAh):	7826
  Fully Charged:	Yes
  Charging:	No
  Full Charge Capacity (mAh):	7912
  Health Information:
  Cycle Count:	159
  Condition:	Normal
  Battery Installed:	Yes
  Amperage (mA):	-2524
  Voltage (mV):	12194

Used since august 2012 as "all-in-one".


macrumors 68020
May 1, 2009
352 cycles here, had it almost a year now. Bought the computer to use it, and so I do. Battery is 86% of what it was when new. I still get 7+ hours on light usage so I'm content.


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2012
352 cycles here, had it almost a year now. Bought the computer to use it, and so I do. Battery is 86% of what it was when new. I still get 7+ hours on light usage so I'm content.

And we have a winnner!!!

Jesus, that's almost (more than?) a cycle per day, considering the machine hasn't even been out for a full year yet.

It would be pretty hard to put more cycles than that on it, unless you were intentionally charging and discharging the battery all day, every day.
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