If it involves Russia, it'll either be mimicked here, or 'trumped' here. Putin wags that dog like a rag doll. And all trump needs is a good belly rub.
He is owned by Russia. There is $120 million dollars waiting for trump to use to investigate Russian hacking in our elections. Not a single penny has been spent by the White House on that. Not one. And Cambridge Analytica and John Bolton are up to the tops of their hairs on their head in 'links' with Russia, INCLUDING working with the NRA and Russian oligarchs to effectively 'launder' money for the GOP and the trump campaign.
trump was 'installed' by the .01% of this country, and they were able, with Cambridge Analytica, the Koch's, Fox News, and so many others, to delude, lie, and inflame people who think the WWE, and 'chemtrails' are real.
The trade wars trump will start will only slaughter his base. Just like the GOP tax cuts. Crowing that someone got $1.50 a week in the trump tax cuts was embarrassing, and damned near criminal confession of malfeasance.
Tired of winning? I'm tired of corporate America and the .1% winning every stinking time.
Also, GW Bush wanted so badly to kill ALL encryption for email, and any messaging apps. They wanted to outlaw ANY 'hard encryption', no matter who or what did it. Somehow those bills were killed, and OUR ability to be private from our government was upheld. In this poop storm circus, they actually might be able to kill hard encryption. EVERYONE should keep an eye on this, even though it involves Russia. Putin declares war on encryption, trump will follow. It doesn't matter if Telegram has balky encryption, and the app sucks. trump has proven that he will act on outright lies, just to look, to his base, like he is doing something.
This COULD spell the end of civilian encryption. Seriously...
It's all about 'optics'. How he looks to his 'base'. The people that could actually think that the tray for CD's in a PC, really are a cup holder.