I'm just astounded. Shocked, more like I guess. That he was elected, that he's proven to be so incompetent, that he still has a 'base' that supports him, that 'evangelicals' cling to him like herpes, that his agency appointees were approved by Congress, that his judges were literally ushered into their offices with just a cursory sniff test after being found to be completely incompetent for the job, using Twitter as a cudgel, snuggling up to every dictator on the planet, and the GOP seems to be just fine with all of it. I majored in government in college, and I'm horrified, stunned, exasperated, shocked, sickened, and devastated. The damage to our democracy will outlive many of us. The damage to the environment will kill hundreds of thousands. Any wars he creates, and he WILL have his wars, will slaughter millions of innocent people, and cost countless American lives. The damage to American pride and worldwide standing will be the saddest part, perhaps. And the effects on the country will be the most incredible destruction of democracy yet seen on this planet.
No, democrats aren't perfect. Getting money out of politics is paramount to save American Western Democracy, but with him and the GOP in power, there seems little hope of saving the country.
One thing this has shown is how deep the dark money swamp really is. To have the NRA implicated in money laundering foreign money meant to influence OUR elections is a supreme insult to the complete history of this once great nation.
But, carry on, Comrade. Enjoy life, while you still can.