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macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2011
I own Apple (or, more accurately, a tiny piece of it).

Apple exists to take money out of your pocket and to put it into mine. So far, they have been doing that quite well. Apple can get away with just about anything, and people keep buying and buying and buying, because they know that owning Apple products means that they are cooler and better than other people.

It isn't as cool as it once was. So if I have Apple products (which I do, but not as many as before) that makes me a better person than someone who doesn't own any Apple products? Give me a break. I have it because I chose for my needs. Your thought process is very scary.


macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2008
Well carry on sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting "La la la la la" because numerous people have told you that the LG displays are inferior and I've provided several links in this thread where people have done tests etc and the Samsung displays are vastly superior. There's nothing more to discuss. The LG panels are not as good. The end.

Of course there is, you're not an OEM and neither are any of those people. I prefer to wait and see, then judge the end result, instead of making uneducated guesses.


macrumors member
Oct 22, 2012
Many of you are jumping to conclusions that have not yet been drawn.

First, Samsung and Apple are ceasing business on displays, not on other components. So all of these posts naming other components are silly conjecture at best, based on zero facts. Samsung still supplies their memory, ssd's, processors,'re assuming that since they're no longer supplying displays that they're also no longer supplying other components, when this has not been reported.

Second, Samsung does NOT have the best displays in many regards, I'm not sure where a lot of you get this information. LG doesn't, either, but because LG's are worse than Samsung's, that doesn't make Samsung's the best, either. Sharp makes far better displays than Samsung for those that want to talk actual facts.


macrumors 6502
May 4, 2001


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2008
Austin, TX
1) Chinese Honour? lol the Chinese are the biggest kerf manufacturers in the world. The concept of business ethics isn't that developed in China.

2) Creating 'several Samsungs' doesn't happen in a day, and would consume a very very large chunk of Apple's cash pile.

Whoops, I think your sarcasm radar is off today.


macrumors 603
Apr 13, 2010
Bedfordshire, UK
Of course there is, you're not an OEM and neither are any of those people. I prefer to wait and see, then judge the end result, instead of making uneducated guesses.

But the end results are being discussed in the links I provided. LG displays are already in Apple products and they have been proven to be inferior with many tests.

I'm not sure what further results you need. But do enjoy waiting for confirmation on what's already been confirmed...


macrumors G5
Creating 'several Samsungs' doesn't happen in a day, and would consume a very very large chunk of Apple's cash pile.

The large chunk of Apple's cash pile is shifting per this very story. It is not being given to Samsung and is instead shifting to these other vendors. These other vendors are already mini-Samsungs, already making Android iDevices. Now they'll simply have a lot more cash flow to potentially accelerate the growth of their iDevice knockoffs business. That's what I meant by making several Samsungs. Apple is shifting cash to other iDevice competitors. Whether this is driven as some form of revenge by Samsung against Apple or Apple against Samsung, the outcome is the same: other firms no less interested than Samsung in growing their own revenues from iDevice-like Android toys will now have greater cash flows to step up their games.

Will this move Samsung to stop making iDevice-like Android toys? Not at all. So now, instead of having one big "knockoff" competitor with manufacturing revenue flows from Apple, there will be several big "knockoff" competitors with manufacturing revenue flows from Apple.

It won't take them years to be a Samsung-like threat to iDevices. They're already in the "knockoffs" business. Now they'll just have more Apple cash to potentially step it up.


macrumors 603
Nov 25, 2009
I am not sure who is going to lose more Apple or Samsung nor do I care. I am not sure why so many people on this forum do care about this. What's crystal clear though is that Apple customers will lose big time so this is obviously a very bad news.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2010
Hate to break it to you fan boi, but LG currently makes the best S-IPS panel on the market. Go look at a 27" iMac and tell me it's a poor display.

Samsung should go back to making microwaves and cheap home stereos.



macrumors member
Oct 22, 2012
But the end results are being discussed in the links I provided. LG displays are already in Apple products and they have been proven to be inferior with many tests.

I'm not sure what further results you need. But do enjoy waiting for confirmation on what's already been confirmed...

LG displays in *SOME* Apple products are inferior, yes. But not in all. Samsung has made higher quality small LCD's (iPhone, iPad, etc), but their larger monitors are not on the same level.

Also, just because Samsung is better than LG on smaller panels, doesn't mean they're the best either. They were, however, the best for the price Apple was willing to pay. Apples to Apples -- for the cost -- LG's small displays were NOT as good as Samsung's. And Sharp, who arguably makes the highest quality displays there are, did not have the manufacturing capacity to meet Apple's demand.


macrumors 68020
Dec 18, 2009
Some don't like facts when they reflect poorly on Apple. :D

Actually it seems many here don't like facts when they reflect favorably (or in this case, not as a big deal as it's made out to be) on Apple. The fact is outside the Retina MBP and the initial shipment of the iPad 3rd gen, Samsung has not been that important of a display supplier for Apple because Apple has traditionally always relied heavily on LG for LCD display and Samsung isn't that big on LCDs.

Also I'm rather skeptical about this whole article from Korea Times. From what I've told iPad displays actually tend to have higher margins than other displays and there's no way Samsung Display can find another buyer who will buy displays that are as expensive the iPad Retina at that quantity, not even Amazon. It just reeks of someone from Samsung either doing damage control or leaking things to see how the market responds.

Don't forget ssd's either. Samsung is at the top with those too.

Samsung Display is a spun-off entity separated from Samsung that makes phones and electronic components such as chips and SSDs, a small fact everyone in this thread seems to ignore. Again, the bias runs strong for anti-Apple crowd but they keep accusing the pro-Apple crowd for bias. ;)


Jun 3, 2002
Good, Samsung display's ... especially their TV's are awful, I've got a broken 47" with is < 2 years old but had a huge pink band in the middle with no picture due to very poor grade capacitors that have blown the T-CON board and the panel.... unfortunately Samsung wouldn't do anything about it.

One and only time I wish I had bought Curry's extended warranty :)


macrumors regular
Dec 22, 2008
Both suggestions are useless, since they are single instances of tests of consumer products, and also introduce heavy selection bias. What would be needed is a comparative test of the technical capabilities of the largest panel manufactures to make panels.

ok, you stubborn fanboy:

from one review i quickly found which test the technical capabilities:

LCD Analysis - White : Samsung is superior
LCD Analysis - Black : Samsung is superior
LCD Analysis - Contrast : Samsung is superior
LCD Analysis - Colour Gamut : Samsung is superior
LCD Analysis - Delta E : LG is superior

A good fanboy always does their research, the rest are called sheeps


macrumors regular
Jun 27, 2008
Who makes the best monitors and tv's then?

The defacto benchmark when it comes to tvs is still the kuro, was manufactured by Pioneer with an LCD produced by......gasp......Sharp.

With monitors, depends what your using it for but Dell, BENQ and Asus are but three that have produced MUCH better monitors than Samsung this year.


macrumors 603
Apr 13, 2010
Bedfordshire, UK
They were, however, the best for the price Apple was willing to pay. Apples to Apples -- for the cost -- LG's small displays were NOT as good as Samsung's. And Sharp, who arguably makes the highest quality displays there are, did not have the manufacturing capacity to meet Apple's demand.

So Samsung were/are the best option then.


macrumors member
Oct 22, 2012
Good, Samsung display's ... especially their TV's are awful, I've got a broken 47" with is < 2 years old but had a huge pink band in the middle with no picture due to very poor grade capacitors that have blown the T-CON board and the panel.... unfortunately Samsung wouldn't do anything about it.

One and only time I wish I had bought Curry's extended warranty :)

For most people, Samsung's displays are fine...but videophiles dislike them on larger screens. I have a Samsung Plasma, it's nice...but it's not in the same league as Pioneer's, for example, who recently exited the market. Sharp also blow Samsung displays away, too...but again, for MOST users, they won't notice the difference.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
I wonder how many posters here are saying "good" because they dislike samsung no matter what vs actually disliking their actual screen (for example).

I also wonder if some people (and I think we know who they might be) will say how much they are happy about this to psychologically psych themselves up because they are actually concerned and need to suppress those feelings.


macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2008
But the end results are being discussed in the links I provided. LG displays are already in Apple products and they have been proven to be inferior with many tests.

The change will affect products released after 2013, where are the tests of these non-existing products? Do you think all panels are the same, and even that LG are the only option?
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