I get AC on just about every Apple product (desktops, laptops, iPad, iPhones, TimeCapsules, Apple TV, Watch, AirPodsPro). Not just for the hardware insurance/peace of mind, but also for the FREE TECH SUPPOPRT whenever I have a software issue or question. It's very nice to be able to just call Apple up, or go in for a Genius Bar session, whenever I have a question. To me its MORE THAN NICE - even though I've been using and maintaining Macs since 1986, I find the Tech Support ESSENTIAL.
I find that MacBooks usually need at least a battery replacement by 3 years out (loss of capacity, swelling issues, etc). My 2012 Mini and my 2019 iMac have not had any repair issues to date, but I'm still glad I had/have AC for the Tech Support. I try to take the machines in to have a Genius check them out about a month before the AppleCare expires, and sometimes they find problems I didn't even know I had (such as a swollen battery on my 2017 13" MacBookPro a year ago), and the fix is free.
I just had that now-4 year old late 2017 MBP13" (w Touch screen, 4 TB3 ports, 1 TB, 16GB RAM) fall off my lap from the couch on to a hardwood floor when I was trying to pick something else that fell off the side table, and did a lot of damage. It was past AC, but Apple only charged me $600, and they replaced practically the whole machine, back to its 2017 state (was $2500 when new) - replaced cracked screen, mother board, battery, keyboard, memory & storage, all for $600

. So that was a LOT better than $1500-1900 for a new similarly specified AIR or 13" Pro, for what was about to go from being my #2 machine to #3 (next para.). Luckily I had backed it up just an hour or two before it fell.
I had already ordered and now have a 2021 16" MBP (M1 Pro, 4 TB, 32 GB) to replace the 13" for the couch and occasional travel (the big screen is SO, SO NICE!), and the near-capacity 2017 machine will now become a VERY NICE upgrade to my long-full and outdated bedroom and/or commuting machine (a 2014 11" AIR), for several more years of light use (web research, email).
Going forward, I plan to renew AC+ annually for as long as Apple lets me. The free software support alone makes it worth it to me, and the hardware insurance is a considerable relief to my mind as well. I think it's great that it is now extendable past 3 years. The recent problem MAY have only cost me $100 rather than $600 if I had the extension, but even $600 was quite acceptable.