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Jul 11, 2006
I could see it happening… but knowing Apple, it would only be marketed as a "low-end" (entry-level) iPhone, which means it will lack the high end features of its higher-margin big brothers.

And it will still be priced high enough that it won't attract anyone looking for an entry level phone, just those wanting a smaller iPhone, which probably is a bigger market than the 5C had.


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2013

So....will we have the following at the next launch:

~iPhone 6S

~iPhone 6S Plus

~iPhone 6S Minus



macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2010
I Would love a 4inch iPhone 6 ☺

I know I ask in the minority. But I would love that.

My iPhone 6 is a little big for my tastes


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
And it will still be priced high enough that it won't attract anyone looking for an entry level phone, just those wanting a smaller iPhone, which probably is a bigger market than the 5C had.

Oh for sure. I never said it will be cheaply priced. An "entry-level Apple phone" will always and still be an expensive high-margin device, and still be relatively costly compared to most other Android phones.

Apple is not into the "cheaply priced" market. It's not their game.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I could see this happening.

An iPhone Lite, with a little less features than the iPhone 6.

This may be that phone for the developing world that we've been hearing about. A phone that is the 5c replacement.

Once you try the iPhone 6 Plus for a week or so, you never go back.

100% agree.

I totally forgot that some people actually want a smaller phone for some reason. I guess this model would be for them too.


macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2014
Berkeley, CA
Can you say: "F-R-A-G-M-E-N-T-A-T-I-O-N" ? Sure, I knew ya could.

Judging by how the new Xcode Interface Builder looks, I think they expect developers to deal with many different screen sizes. Developers already have to deal with 4" as well as the bigger ones, so this isn't really news to them. At least they're all the same aspect ratio.


So....will we have the following at the next launch:

~iPhone 6S

~iPhone 6S Plus

~iPhone 6S Minus


Or iPhone 6S mini to fit in with the iPads and previous iPods. If I were in the market for a new phone, that's the one I'd want.


macrumors 68000
Mar 11, 2009
This would be great. As well as a 2.5" model for kids.

Heck, I'll take one.

Having an iPad around most of the time means I don't need much of a screen on the phone because I'd mostly use the phone as...a phone. I'd be first in line for an iPhone 6 Nano.


macrumors 68000
Aug 28, 2003
This has to be false. I have an iPhone 6 and I used my brother's iPhone 5 the other day and it felt like a tiny little toy. Another 4" display would surely be a step in the wrong direction.

Trey M

macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2011
Well I believe this rumor is definitely sketchy, because I had this exact thought a couple of weeks ago about this exact thing. A lot of rumors gain traction based purely on people's speculation, and this definitely seems the case in this instance.

However, I do believe this rumor will prove to be true. I always knew that if Apple released a 4.7'' screen, which they had been rumored to do very shortly after the 5S was released, that some people would never completely embrace this change. While absolutely not exclusively, I think many, many females have a case saying that s the new iPhones are too large. I know I don't have the very big hands for a male of my height, and it seems my iPhone 6 can barely fit just right in my hand. I can't imagine how some 5'2 females would feel with their significantly smaller hands. Clearly, the market was shifting and demanding larger screen phones, which is why Apple went with the 6 and 6 plus at 4.7'' and 5.5'' respectively. It was necessary to maintain the numbers they strive for in terms of adoption rates.

While many (and probably most) users are satisfied with the new sizes of iPhones because of the benefits a larger screen has, I believe there will always be this demand for smaller phones, specifically right around the 4'' size. I simply believe there is too strong a demand for 4'' from mainly females, older people that are more hesitant to change, and many males that may not necessarily have large hands or simply do not desire a larger cell phone screen size. It is something Apple will inevitably have to address to keep these users on their platform.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2014
Look its good If they bring back the 4inch for the users that desire this size. But I for one will never go back to a smaller screen size. My 4S was getting to be very hard on my eyes, now I have owned the 2G,3G, 3GS, 4S, and now 6plus. And to me my 6plus is a absolute joy to use in very way. I use it for almost everything, I am using to type on this thread now. I can type just find with one hand no problem, took me a little while to get use to it. But when I did after a few days of use, I most say it's a blast to use. I was at the Apple Store on Monday, And saw a 5s and it looks like a dwarf comparing to my 6plus. But if apple does go ahead and bring back the 4inch it's all good, because a big phone is not for everyone. My wife however uses her 6 with one hand just fine, and she really loves her phone. I think the 6 is a really nice size in my opinion for a lot of people.

Trey M

macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2011
Also, I think it's important to point out that if Apple were to release a 4'' iPhone, it would absolutely need to have all the groundbreaking features that the larger kin iPhones would have as well. I think the 5C (and its relatively little success and fanfare) proved that there is not the demand for underpowered, inferior iPhones. Just because you are using a smaller screen for personal preferences does not mean you should be willing to sacrifice performance a larger screen device might offer. I myself would strongly consider a move back to a 4'' phone should one be released, and I would be so, so disappointed if I didn't get all the same features people with the larger iPhones would get.

Another example of little demand was the original iPad Mini. Many, many users expressed their desire for a device of that size, however it was not until the iPad Mini 2 that it saw mainstream success because the iPad Mini 2 matched the iPad Air's component set at the time. While there is was strong demand for the original iPad Mini and iPhone 5C, it is not the same kind of strong demand Apple sees in other devices. Apple focuses on the best products it can make, and I don't think those products matched the company standards the company envisioned for them.

Some features, such as battery life, storage capacity, etc., could understandbly be inferior on a smaller device, and I'd be okay with that, but as far as new recognizable features, I think it'd need to be the same. While the 6+ offers a superior camera stabilization system (can't remember the name off the top of my head), I wouldn't consider that a groundbreaking difference or feature over my 6. But that's about as far as I think Apple should go in addressing the same features for a smaller iPhone.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2013
I can believe it. The 4" is still a highly popular size. I can see a 4" iPhone size sticking around for a while. At least until it proves to be unpopular or unprofitable.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
You don't know what you're talking about.

iOS UI's are device agnostic since iOS 8.

Bitmaps also can be rendered from vector graphics when compiling app's.

And 4" was a previous size.

No it's fragmentation.

Apple just handles it better.

That's not sarcasm, I really do think Apple handles the various screen sizes better. While Jobs took jabs at Google for the screen size issue, it became moot as Android advanced.

Now, fragmentation on the Google side deals more with OS versions.

Either way, Apple does give different UX with different devices, and things are slightly different going from a 4" iPhone to the 6 plus to the iPad mini to the iPad Air but all in all it's still much more solid than Android.

Not bashing Android either . . . . .

Man, I'm walking on eggshells here.


macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2010
Think this will happen. I am on board, I prefer a smaller form factor for my phone. Nice :apple:
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macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2010
I would think that a smaller phone would also appeal to male users, since we generally carry the things in our pockets. If I had a purse to carry my iPhone in, I probably would have gone up to the iPhone 6+. I might consider going back to a 4" version of my iPhone 6, if this rumor is true.
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