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macrumors G3
Mar 20, 2007
I'd find it far easier and convenient just to press spacebar on my keyboard than hover my cursor over the file until a play button appears..


macrumors 6502
Feb 18, 2007
New York City
I'd find it far easier and convenient just to press spacebar on my keyboard than hover my cursor over the file until a play button appears..

I certainly agree.

The spacebar quick-look function is incredibly easy and functional as I can do keep command directly from the keyboard, as opposed to using the mouse.


macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2008
Fort Smith
same thing

I'm sure he isn't jealous of a fail, plus everyone using Leopard has this feature, but in icon view they don't.

in finder icon and coverflow mode you can see a preview by scrolling over it, it will show an intro to the movie and a status bar of the length going around the play button. or you can take 1 second and hit space and you get a little bit more comprehensive quick look at the movie in a second window.

i guess i just don't understand what all the big fuss is about, don't we all have these features?


macrumors 601
Jul 20, 2008
been mentioned but for this to be useful (and the current column preview mode) you have to be able to skim through.

Its possible to skim through videos in leopard in quick look and column view but you have to press play again. But there is no visual indication on how far into the video you are.

Theres nothing you can do with audio files.

In some ways it was a step back in removing the seek bar from the column view and get info window
It's better for a multi-touch Mac like the rumored tablet.

Sky Blue

Jan 8, 2005
I wondered why I'd never come across this in my 10.6 testing I know. The icon size has to be at least 64x64 before the play button shows.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2007
That's really cool, but Linux had had that for like 4 years now. It's so funny how new features are added to OS X, and all the fan boys jump up and down as if Apple came out with this cool new feature when the rest of the world has had it for years.

Some features they may have had, but they were hidden and not well known. Apple was the first to introduce these features plubicly and in a good graphical and physical standing. Others are very buggy, have messed up UIs (some old, some new some mixed) ***cough***microsoft***cough***

Any Linux user will crucify you for this. But then again, any Mac user would crucify a PC fanboy for saying nobody used Macs.

I hate fan boys. Its a damn computer. if you prefer one OS, then fine, don't go off being immature staring rights on the net.

I for one are for both. But may start to go mac at least half to 3/4 now.

I wonder if Apple plans on introducing any more features to Snow Leopard's Finder to make it finally more comparable to Windows Explorer.

Doubt it. Vista's explorer still is a huge mess. I've used macs finder at the apple and mac stores and I like what I see. Simple. But then again, its a bit to simple for me, at least in my opinion.



macrumors 6502
Jul 20, 2006
whats the consensus on price for this new cat?
will we have to pay full price again?
for "no new features"


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2007
That's really cool, but Linux had had that for like 4 years now. It's so funny how new features are added to OS X, and all the fan boys jump up and down as if Apple came out with this cool new feature when the rest of the world has had it for years.

Not it has; previews based on hovering over the file only appeared in GNOME 2.22.x recently. So not, it hasn't bee a matter of '4 years'.

Please, take your trollage somewhere else.


macrumors 601
Jul 20, 2008
Further optimizations to icon-level Quick Look?

When Quick Look was first seen in builds of Leopard, you had to right-click the file and select "Quick Look" from the contextual menu. I recall people saying stuff like "It's easier to just double-click to open the file!"

But Apple refined Quick Look to activate by a space bar.

Maybe something similar can happen with icon-level Quick Look?


Jan 18, 2005
I really like Apple's approach to making everything just work faster, Coverflow has been a godsend and Spotlight's smart folders work so well for me. These icon previews look set to follow this trend. Good work Apple.


macrumors 6502
May 27, 2006
That looks really good, nice easy.

Does remind me of the iTunes Wifi Store preview system too ... whereby the album art turns into the preview 'circle' which counts down. Very cool



macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2008
It's a welcome tweak, sure, but hardly new. Linux has had this for several years, an option in KDE I believe. It's just like "spaces" :rolleyes: where they take a unix feature that's been around for years and tout it like some new technological breakthrough. lame.


macrumors 65816
Mar 3, 2008
Hes not lying, it works via column view.. obviously, he doesnt understand that theyve now added it to the standard icon view but hes right, you can see something similar through column view.

Oh, no, no, no, no, NO. Specifically said:

i already have this feature in finder. previewing audio files by hovering over them untill a play button appears

That, the bit in bold, is not a misinterpretation of a feature. Because it does not coincide with column-view behavior. Particularly not with the screenshot posted in this thread.

No. That is an attention-seeking liar.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2003
That's really cool, but Linux had had that for like 4 years now. It's so funny how new features are added to OS X, and all the fan boys jump up and down as if Apple came out with this cool new feature when the rest of the world has had it for years.

It's even more amusing when Windows fanboys jump up and down as if Microsoft came out with a cool new feature. :p Microsoft steals from Apple who steals from Linux. No wonder Microsoft is years behind everyone else.
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