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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 23, 2010
There are endless threads about the IPP being a laptop replacement or NOT... Someone (or many people) should categorically define what they use a laptop for and then see which of the criteria the IPP is able to do.

I think many people will be surprised as to what the IPP can do and what it can replace.

Just saying. Real world test would be great.. For example: give 2 people the same raw footage and one person edits on a laptop and one on an iPad pro... The results will speak for themselves.
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As you say endless threads. Do people even care about this anymore? Buy it, if it does what you need keep it if not return it. If it makes you look cool at the coffee shop keep it even if it doesn't do what you need. One can't put a price on cool factor.
Yeah, I think this (the replacement idea) needs to go away. People (usually detractors) take it FAR too seriously and defensively.
  1. Yes, Tim Cook said the iPad Pro could replace your laptop.
  2. No, Tim Cook wasn't saying "everybody" and no, he was not necessarily referring to YOU.
  3. Yes, there are people for whom an iPad Pro could COMPLETELY replace their laptop/desktop.
  4. Yes, for far MORE people the iPad can replace MUCH (but not all) of what they do with their laptop/desktop.
  5. Yes, the iPad IS a content creation tool and not just a consumption tool.
  6. No, the iPad can't do EVERYTHING (and may not be able to do your specific task).
  7. Yes, the iPad CAN be used to do Professional Work.
  8. No, just using the iPad Pro doesn't make you a "Pro".
  9. No, just because YOU can't use the iPad Pro to do professional work doesn't mean it shouldn't be called Pro.
  10. The iPad is just a tool - a computer that helps you do what you want to do. Just like any other computer, there are things you CAN do with it and things you CAN'T.
  11. Some people will like it, others will not.
  12. Apple can call it what ever it wants and can add whatever features it wants - they don't HAVE to do anything. They can add a feature because of Market/Consumer Research, because it's the direction THEY want to take the device, or because they said "because we can".
  13. You, individual, are free to buy or not buy this device or any future devices. You are also free to keep or sell the device you currently own.
There are endless threads about the IPP being a laptop replacement or NOT... Someone (or many people) should categorically define what they use a laptop for and then see which of the criteria the IPP is able to do.

I think many people will be surprised as to what the IPP can do and what it can replace.

Just saying. Real world test would be great.. For example: give 2 people the same raw footage and one person edits on a laptop and one on an iPad pro... The results will speak for themselves.

It is most certainly a laptop replacement, for the right industry. I work for a tech company, and I work from home about 90% of the time. My main apps consist of Slack, skype, and a web browser. All of which the ipad pro does really really well, and with slack split screen, things made my life even easier. The IOS system is capable of setting up a global proxy / VPN, so i can connect securely to my network at work. Additionally, I can take notes while in a skype meeting with side view using split screen. Then of course, I can use my keyboard to accomplish all that pretty easy with typing, and hot keys. If you work at mcdonalds, then no, this won't be replacing a laptop. It ALL depends on what you do with your laptop. Most people don't use it for " work ", they use it for pleasure, you should be asking can it replace a WORK laptop, as it's really geared for people who are professionals, and work with them. In my case, this HAS replaced my laptop. That's about as real world as you can get imo.
why cant a mcdonalds employee use the ipad pro as a laptop replacement?

Mostly because they don't have a laptop to replace? I was meaning in the sense of WORK, like when you use a laptop / computer for work, mcdonalds employee's do not, so they don't have anything to replace. I spose in the " i like to watch netflix, and use the webs " then sure, it can replace a laptop. People who simply use a laptop for basic online stuff can replace it with ANY tablet, that's what a tablet does. However, I presumed because we were talking about replacing it, we had to have a discussion on why it could be replaced.
In my case, this HAS replaced my laptop. That's about as real world as you can get imo.
The point is that we've had this discussion almost endlessly since the iPP was first released, or at least since Tim Cook made the off-hand comment that for "a lot of people" the iPad could serve as a PC replacement. The inevitable conclusion every time is that whether or not it can serve as a PC/laptop replacement is entirely subjective and that, aside from the joy one gets from pointless bickering, there's no one right answer for everyone and thus the comparisons become useless.
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The point is that we've had this discussion almost endlessly since the iPP was first released, or at least since Tim Cook made the off-hand comment that for "a lot of people" the iPad could serve as a PC replacement. The inevitable conclusion every time is that whether or not it can serve as a PC/laptop replacement is entirely subjective and that, aside from the joy one gets from pointless bickering, there's no one right answer for everyone and thus the comparisons become useless.

Agreed! However, tim said "a lot of people" , and i know "a lot of people" that have replaced laptops with IPP, so i guess their is nothing less to discuss.
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how do you know a mcdonald's employee does not have a laptop to replace? just because they work at a fast food joint they can't afford such a luxury item?

keeping my post simple, an hourly employee at mcdonald's may be taking night school. on their break, they VPN into the school's servers to upload their paper or to read the next assignment or take an online course.

my point is, why does their profession dictate if the ipad pro can replace a laptop or not?

Mostly because they don't have a laptop to replace? I was meaning in the sense of WORK, like when you use a laptop / computer for work, mcdonald's employees do not, so they don't have anything to replace. I spose in the " i like to watch netflix, and use the webs " then sure, it can replace a laptop. People who simply use a laptop for basic online stuff can replace it with ANY tablet, that's what a tablet does. However, I presumed because we were talking about replacing it, we had to have a discussion on why it could be replaced.
how do you know a mcdonald's employee does not have a laptop to replace? just because they work at a fast food joint they can't afford such a luxury item?

keeping my post simple, an hourly employee at mcdonald's may be taking night school. on their break, they VPN into the school's servers to upload their paper or to read the next assignment or take an online course.

my point is, why does their profession dictate if the ipad pro can replace a laptop or not?

Lol, i've already explained this, but i'll do it again. The average person working at Mcdonalds is likely using a laptop for browsing the web, or viewing youtube videos. The ipad pro in that case CAN replace it, as their is no significant reason to need anything more. Even connecting to a school VPN, the IPP can do, i do it daily, proxies too. so if you had read my reply, you would have known this. you were more interested in how i dare assume they can't afford it, awe, shucks!
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You'll notice that they only reach for the laptop replacement conversation when a tablet reaches a certain price. i.e. "Should you spend money on this if you already have another mobile productivity device." When tablet computers and later the iPad came on the scene, we had to figure out where it fit.

The internal conversation probably went something like this: "Wait if the iPad is for mobile computing, then why do I still have this laptop" "Hmm, the iPad doesn't do everything my laptop does, but it also does somethings my iPad doesn't" "Is YouTube, Netflix, comic reading, and browsing enough to justify an at minimum $500 device and I still need a laptop for somethings?"

When really it should be about how much you enjoy the device. If you get it and love it, keep it. If you're plagued with thoughts of trying to justify the purchase, take it back, pay some bills, and buy it again.

Above all though, don't feel pressure to replace or get rid of something else because you bought something new.
What would the point really be, though? Either people are interested in using the iPP as a laptop replacement or they're not; pitting the devices against each other just perpetuates an argument that no one really wanted to have in the first place, IMO.
I think the point would be to help raise awareness about the capabilities of an iPad. They are capable of a fair bit, but many people are either not aware of that specific app which would fit into their workflow or aren't willing to relearn a new way of doing things when the old one works just fine.

I don't expect an iPad pro to beat a laptop in pure horsepower, but I feel that with the right combination of apps, it can allow the user to complete a task far more conveniently or easily than if they used a laptop and under the right conditions, those strengths can be worth a fair bit.
I don't even understand why this is still worth debating. The iPad pro is what it is, and every person has different needs which are not always directly tied to what their profession is. We can definitively prove that it's a viable laptop replacement for Person A, and then prove that it's not for Person B... And both of these people could be in the same profession!

All anyone can do is educate themselves with regards to the capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of the device, and decide on an individual basis if and how it fits their needs or not.
There are endless threads about the IPP being a laptop replacement or NOT... Someone (or many people) should categorically define what they use a laptop for and then see which of the criteria the IPP is able to do.

I think many people will be surprised as to what the IPP can do and what it can replace.

Just saying. Real world test would be great.. For example: give 2 people the same raw footage and one person edits on a laptop and one on an iPad pro... The results will speak for themselves.

Comparing a laptop to a pro isnt really relevant. Defining a rigid set of conditions or criteria is irrelevant. There is no categorical conclusion.

Can an ipp replace a laptop? Thats up to me and you as individuals. There is no definate yes or no that answers it.
For me the answer is a certain 'yes'.
I dont care what you think i do on it or what software i use, but i can tell you in my case the answer is 'yes', ipp replaces a laptop. End of.

The abswer to all these 'can a replace b' is simple and always the same - thats up to the end user and his needs. Simple as.
Comparing a laptop to a pro isnt really relevant. Defining a rigid set of conditions or criteria is irrelevant. There is no categorical conclusion.

Can an ipp replace a laptop? Thats up to me and you as individuals. There is no definate yes or no that answers it.
For me the answer is a certain 'yes'. In dont care what you think i do on it or what software i use, but i can tell you in my case the answer is 'yes', ipp replaces a laptop. End of.

The abswer to all these 'can a replace b' is simple and always the same - thats up to the end user and his needs. Simple as.
i think they just want validation. The purpose of their validation is to validate the amount of money that was spent. The IPP can replace a laptop for the average consumer, unless you're using app specific apps for work, the IPP CAN replace a laptop, but that doesn't mean people will want to.
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What is average consumption? Email, videos, music, diary, social media, notes, sketching, games, general pissing about? Etc etc etc? Then yes. Ipp does all this. Not necessarily better or worse than a laptop, but differently, but it does it all the same.

Is it worth the money? Whatever. How rich/poor are you? ;)

Work apps? Well for me, anything other than a high end desktop 'puter is as useless as an ash trey on a motor bike :)

As we've all told the op, forget it, it doesnt matter. You choose. Its a personal choice based on personal use. There is no definitive answers.
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What is average consumption? Email, videos, music, diary, social media, notes, sketching, games, general pissing about? Etc etc etc? Then yes. Ipp does all this. Not necessarily better or worse than a laptop, but differently, but it does it all the same.

Is it worth the money? Whatever. How rich/poor are you? ;)

Work apps? Well for me, anything other than a high end desktop 'puter is as useless as an ash trey on a motor bike :)

I agree with most of this. However, many people associate work with things they do on the sdie to make money. My Career involves working straight from a macbook pro, 60 hours a week, thats' what I do. my IPP replaces it to where my laptop is my desktop, and my IPP is my laptop. Very, very few professionals should have a problem replacing a laptop with an IPP, as I have. Unless you're using windows, or mac specific apps for work, which very few people do these days, then i see no problem.
This is a funny conversation and as a tech outsider, I don't see why people even have it. It's like people are stuck in that idea Steve jobs put out there with the first iPad keynote. You have your laptop and then your phone and then something in between. The iPad. But what happened? iPad functionality has grown so much over the years that a "laptop" is redundant for a lot of people. So now it's just pure preference for whichever the person wants.

Especially everyday consumers. There's not any sacrifice for a lot of people.. Need to edit hd video? iPad can do it. Browse the web and type comfortably? iPad does it the best. Edit photos? Listen to music? Store your pics and videos? Even get some work done? iPad can do it. The iPad pro pushed the idea of a tablet replacing a "laptop" to a whole ' other level as the only thing I would go back to my back for was bigger screen size. Now my iPad screen is as big as my old MacBook pro's screen.

iPad pro changed things for me. Now I've sold my laptop, gotten a Mac mini for home and am totally happy with my setup. If it wasn't for programming work/web dev, I wouldn't have a Mac at all. As a consumer, the iPad can do EVERYTHING I want without issue
There are endless threads about the IPP being a laptop replacement or NOT... Someone (or many people) should categorically define what they use a laptop for and then see which of the criteria the IPP is able to do.

I think many people will be surprised as to what the IPP can do and what it can replace.

Just saying. Real world test would be great.. For example: give 2 people the same raw footage and one person edits on a laptop and one on an iPad pro... The results will speak for themselves.
I've been doing this since the iPad Pro came out as have a few others on here I believe ?
If it wasn't for programming work/web dev, I wouldn't have a Mac at all. As a consumer, the iPad can do EVERYTHING I want without issue

But that is the problem, if you want to do some development of even some light stuff then you need a mac(or PC) and then you have to connect or use the Mac separately. I really want to get the IPP but realise that I would still end up using the Mac more for those things I wish the pro could do, quick copies and pastes systemwide through the different apps, smart export and import. How about some Perl scripting, can't see how to do this or running a simple web server ? I get that the pro can do many things but the missing bits are a frustration that only updates to the iOS will bring at some point in the future, hopefully.

Also not every one can or always wants use wireless connectivity (yes, it can drop out) and I don't see how to connect a USB or other DAC for example so that music could be streamed to a hifi. Trivial example perhaps but to get it to work for me I have to use my Mac so in this case I can't relegate it to a server upstairs and just use my pro, which I would prefer.
There are endless threads about the IPP being a laptop replacement or NOT... Someone (or many people) should categorically define what they use a laptop for and then see which of the criteria the IPP is able to do.

I think many people will be surprised as to what the IPP can do and what it can replace.

Just saying. Real world test would be great.. For example: give 2 people the same raw footage and one person edits on a laptop and one on an iPad pro... The results will speak for themselves.

But for many people the lack of a real keyboard coupled the fact the device has iOS with no filesystem makes it a total none starter. Also it just doesn't feel the same when you try to use it. A laptop can be used comfortably on your lap, or on the train for example...
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Not sure about this filing system argument. Many ways to organise your files and access to them e.g. Dropbox, iCloud, google drive, readdle's documents. There are also apps to bring all these systems together. People need to start thinking differently to the way traditional systems operate as that is not the only way to meet a requirement and in many ways are very limiting.
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Not sure about this filing system argument. Many ways to organise your files and access to them e.g. Dropbox, iCloud, google drive, readdle's documents. There are also apps to bring all these systems together. People need to start thinking differently to the way traditional systems operate as that is not the only way to meet a requirement and in many ways are very limiting.

I actually think that my IPP could replace my laptop/desktop with a few small changes or additions.

Give me a way to connect it to my monitor at my desk attach a mouse and keyboard and I'm set. Heck, even let me use the IPP itself as the mouse touchpad and I'd work with that!

I've tried with my video out adapter and a keyboard and without the mouse it just doesn't feel natural.
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