But the "console wars" as you want to put it is part of the conversation. For the longest time, the side that has done it the most has been Sony. And anyone who wasn't a playstation player got to hear, "too bad, so sad".
Xbox players would use the same, "Gamers as a whole lose when multiplatform IP‘s suddenly become constrained to one system." argument, and would get nothing but "sucks to be you, it's not happening to me, perhaps you should buy a PS#" in response.
Now that the shoe is dropping on the other foot, it's sweet schadenfreude.
Here's an example. I don't look at upcoming games lists, or trailers, but do see a lot here. When Ghost of Tsurnima (Sp?) was dropping, I watched the videos posted here and got excited, so I went to see more information on it. And then saw it was PS only when I was looking at reddit threads on it. And there was nothing but, "Haha, sucks to be an xbox fanboi."
Now, I am not an xbox fanboi, but I am a father of two with not a ton of extra cash to throw around, so the thought of buying both systems isn't in my realm of thinking. I've been an xbox gamer since the OG brickhouse Xbox. I'm not going to change now simply because of all my back compat catalog I have. It wouldn't be feasible.