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macrumors 6502
Jun 15, 2010
Knoxville, TN
"I will never visit Japan again", what a pathetic over-reaction, who the hell does he think he is? He is maybe a captain of industry but as far as I am aware that does not give someone immunity from the laws of a foreign country.

Along with driving a car with no licence plates, this is the most petty, pathetic thing I have ever heard of.

Steve Jobs = Fail, once again.

Sent from my crappy iPhone 4

If the iphone 4 fails why dont you go back to a 3gs? YOU FAIL for wanting something soo bad your to blind to see past it.


macrumors 68000
Jul 4, 2004
Actually we knew he was not a pirate because he hates piracy so. This explains that a ninja the pirate is his sworn enemy.

But in the early days of Apple they used to fly a pirate flag over HQ. SJ may have a been a pirate at one point.


macrumors member
Jun 30, 2010


macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2010
No. As it's been said - the airport in question only has one general security area. So security was doing THEIR JOB. And if you were at the airport and knew someone was carrying contraband - you'd care. You'd care a lot. It's easy to sit in your chair from a distance with your total love for Apple and Jobs and point the finger elsewhere though, isn't it?

Unrelated (mostly) but I had a woman at a supermarket profusely apologize to me because she asked to see my driver's license when I used my credit card. She examined it closely and then said that she was very sorry to have to do that. I smiled at her and told her she should never apologize for doing her job and making sure someone is who they say they are. Apparently there are jerks who give her a hard time about this. Makes NO sense.

And as for the first comment I quoted above. No. YOU might know what you're buying. Don't project what you know on the millions of people who just buy iPhones because it's the newest gadget who have NO idea what they are getting themselves into. Who don't know how to sync to their computer. Who don't use 1/100th of what the iPhone can do. Who have never bought an app, and so on. And it's naive to think that there aren't people like this. There are. Thousands of them.

Security Theatre isn't about safety. If you really think some terrorist is going to takeover a commercial plane with a couple of throwing stars, maybe you should watch less TV. :rolleyes:


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
Ninja throwing stars: great for those unruly board meetings.
Good way to get your point across. Board member makes a mistake and he/she get's a Shuriken in the chest. :D

Good job! Would be nice to add to the collection. :)

Life doesn't have to be so serious, folks...
All this talk about throwing stars (Shuriken) reminds me of this commercial
Tsubasa Security Commercial

Mark Booth

macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
Security Theatre isn't about safety. If you really think some terrorist is going to takeover a commercial plane with a couple of throwing stars, maybe you should watch less TV. :rolleyes:

Terrorists took over several commercial planes with box cutters.



macrumors regular
May 27, 2008
Sacramento CA
Haha. It wouldn't make sense to hijack your own plane would it Jobs. Shoulda checked em' bra. He probably didn't want to pay the 25$ per bag check fee his plane charges him.

Um it was his own private jet.... mid-flight id imagine he could ask the pilot to make a pit stop in Hawaii just to get some shave ice.

Pilot calls air control and gets permission and steve gets the kids some shave ice on the way home.


macrumors regular
Jul 15, 2008
Same thing happened to me just a few months back - same airport. Ever since I've been flagged by TSA and having to check in for international flights by showing an id. No idea if these events are related, but there were not too happy about me having those souvenirs in my suitcase (in my defense, I didnt realize I had put them in my carry on).

They confiscated them and I got on my flight. Nobody spoke english, so I have no idea what they were saying expect that they were "weapons".


macrumors 6502a
Feb 22, 2007
No wonder he was so mad at that case press conference.
Steve: "if I had my stars right now you bloggers would pay."


macrumors newbie
Feb 9, 2008
"Jobs said it wouldn't make sense for a person to try to hijack his own plane,"

I actually laughed SO hard when I read that.

Master Chief

macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2009
Actually we knew he was not a pirate because he hates piracy so. This explains that a ninja the pirate is his sworn enemy.
Ah. So that's why Steve loves to make free phone calls, because of his phone phreaking with blue boxes back in the old days.


macrumors member
Jul 12, 2003
And this is why reading the entire article is important.

Kansai Airport does not have separate boarding arrangements for private jet owners. Which means that anyone flying a private jet has to board via the same terminal that commercial passengers do. So private jet passengers must go through security and are subject from the same security rules. What's going to stop a terrorist who rented a private jet from bringing a gun or knife past security (after all, it's his private jet) but then giving it to another terrorist buddy flying commercial past the security check?

Finally someone brings some logic to the discussion. Excellent point.

Hopefully they explained this to Steve Jobs and I'm sure at that point he would have understood.


macrumors regular
May 27, 2008
Sacramento CA
Have been at that very airport many times myself and have to say that I agree with Jobs. The management of that airport is totally chaotic and very often its staff don't know what the heck they are doing.

I took an nonsensical 2 hours to clear customs the last time I was there.

Hate to fly direct into KIX.

Pretty much every airport is like that though.
Security at the airport is a complete joke....
I recently took a trip from Sacramento to Vegas, on the way back from vegas security found my larger pocket knife (its blade about 5" or so).
kicker is the last time I had seen that knife was when I was in mexico almost a year and a half earlier (it had slid between two panels in my cary-on)
I figure it had been on a total of 8 flights before it was found.

I have a friend who is a flight attendant, whenever we go on a trip using one of their buddy passes, we walk up to security and they can basically just walk right through, one time I had forgot about the stupid 2 oz fluid rule and brought a bottle of vodka in my cary-on, just before the gate I handed it to my friend and he took it right through no questions asked.

If someone really wants to take down a plane it could be done easily despite the feel good "security" that is in place


macrumors newbie
Jul 18, 2010
Kent, Ohio
bull crap

he owns the jet he can bring anything he wants on it (legal of course). bad move on japan, i guess they wont be seeing any new apple products anytime soon... and yes unruly board meetings need Ninja stars!


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
Looks like Steve has gotten a bit spoiled with the private airlines. He should have put it in his check-in luggage and he wouldn't have had a problem.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2006
And this is why reading the entire article is important.

Kansai Airport does not have separate boarding arrangements for private jet owners. Which means that anyone flying a private jet has to board via the same terminal that commercial passengers do. So private jet passengers must go through security and are subject from the same security rules. What's going to stop a terrorist who rented a private jet from bringing a gun or knife past security (after all, it's his private jet) but then giving it to another terrorist buddy flying commercial past the security check?

Now I understand. I thought this was the private jet wing of the airport and they had security screening there. If private and commercial were mixed together, then I understand.
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