At least apple can't be accused of not warning people a new model is coming.
Maybe they don't want a repeat of the critisism they had when they reduced the iphone price and had to give out credit vouchers.
The business press can't understand how apple would simply give up on a months worth of iphone sales but it seems apple aren't that hard nosed and callous after all. Its quite refreshing in this age of grabbing the quick buck no matter where it comes from.
Look at this stupid comment below, they are almost trying to gode apple into making a comment
But to remove supplies nearly a month out from that even seems counterproductive to Apple's heavily hyped goal of selling 10 million iPhones by the end of the year. Losing a month's worth of sales with 5.4 million units sold as of the end of March is sure going to make that goal hard to reach...
But there is no sign of an impending 3g iPhone release any time soon. Apple has refused all comment on the iPhone shortage and its plans for the upgrade.
However, I think the
press have got it wrong as there is so much speculation and pent up demand that iphone sales will go into melt down once its released. The sales will EASILY match and in all probability eclipse them many times over, those of what is obviously an obsolete 2.5 G (yes to think of it, tish, 2.5G product).
AND the whole world will be getting it so hold onto those apple shares.
I have finsihed my contract on Three, my phone is on its last legs, its speaker is intermitant but I am waiting for iphone. No HTC, or LG, Samsung for me.
Iv'e waited this long so a few more weeks isn't goiung to hurt