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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

As rumored, Swisscom announced today that they would be delivering the iPhone to Switzerland later this year:
The iPhone will be available later this year. We will inform you personally as soon as we have more news.
As typical for these announcements, no details are provided.

Meanwhile, GeekSugar cites their "reliable inside source" and says that the 3G iPhone will indeed be launched on June 9th at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference keynote. This is in line with most evidence, though the recent disappearance of iPhone stock drove speculation that the 3G iPhone announcement could come even sooner.

Article Link
Finally! A product that actually ships the day its announced! This is excellent news!

This also confirms to an extent the whole Video conferencing, GPS, Mobile TV report from yesterday, although I still believe Mobile TV is simply Video Capability, which is what it has now.
This is in line with most evidence, though the recent disappearance of iPhone stock drove speculation that the 3G iPhone announcement could come even sooner.

Talk about over confidence if they think they can afford to not have iPhone's sold for the next few weeks because they need to launch the phone at a bigger event than they can organise this month...
Talk about over confidence if they think they can afford to not have iPhone's sold for the next few weeks because they need to launch the phone at a bigger event than they can organise this month...

I think they have to ramp up production of the iPhone before they can start selling it to meet initial demand. I bet their current supply faded quicker than expected.

Better for me... People looking for an iPhone on eBay on June 8th will be quicker to bid ;)
I think with all the contract signings to distribute the Iphone globally has given Apple an arrogant attitude towards releasing the 3g Iphone. They know they will have no problem meeting their goal of 10mil by years end, they already have 5.4 million now. I am getting burned out on these rumors yet I still look at them every 5 minutes hoping for some nugget of info. I wish I could still believe in the May release but now I am definitely putting money on a June 9th announcement at the very least.

Well then Apple will not have a big iPhone profit for the month of May...

hopefully it's true..I plan to replace my aging Palm Treo with something new. Either the iPhone 3G or a Blackberry 9000. I still have to wait a bit, look which features the both have, at which prices they come and so on. And I think I stick to my Palm for the next time until it really gets screwed (besides the battery, mostly anything is still pretty good working, but I have the feeling I *need* something new and cool.)

Mobile TV..I don't know about America, but they are pushing it over here, they have been expanding the 3G network for some time and you see some ads for mobile TV (though I don't know anybody who really uses it, I wouldn't myself)

EDIT: I just realised that it's now knows, that Swisscom will be the carrier. I didn't know that it was confirmed until now. But my bet was on them anyway.
I think with all the contract signings to distribute the Iphone globally has given Apple an arrogant attitude towards releasing the 3g Iphone. They know they will have no problem meeting their goal of 10mil by years end, they already have 5.4 million now. I am getting burned out on these rumors yet I still look at them every 5 minutes hoping for some nugget of info. I wish I could still believe in the May release but now I am definitely putting money on a June 9th announcement at the very least.

"arrogant attitude"?
You must be kidding. Apple will do what they have planned to do and will not be influenced by a bunch of speculation (most of it wrong).
They "GeekSugar" were right about the iMac refresh but that doesnt really count for that much.

9th also doesnt tie in well with the AT&T holiday announcement. I wonder how they are getting the info?? You are probably thinking what I am thinking lol...

Also on other related news in the article: How To Look Like Steve Jobs Aside: would be funny to have a Macrumors dress like Jobs contest, see who can look most like him lol.

Yea, 3G iPhone, what.... TV (though I don't know anybody who really uses it, I wouldn't myself)

True, same here. Most likely a selling point/novelty. Pretty similar to isight on current computers. I'll generalize and speculate that most people probably don't use video conferencing on a daily basis, but were very eager to play with it and photobooth when his or her computer was new (such as myself). Likely the same factor with video conferencing on the phone. Although, I'll be very interested to be proven wrong, and have apple pave the way a mass increase in use of video conferencing.

Truth is, is that I really use Skype for video conferencing because I have better luck with cross platform and video quality.

I still get that weird ((error code-8)) message every once in a while when I try to video chat with iChat....
You've gotta love their article picture, a lot of effort went in there!! lol:


You are probably right, I am merely speculating. I don't think Apple is an arrogant company at all but I am just trying to analyze what's going on. They could be following the Wii's example of creating demand but I hardly think they will not follow up with a good supply of them once they come out.
I think they have to ramp up production of the iPhone before they can start selling it to meet initial demand. I bet their current supply faded quicker than expected.

Is that it, or is Apple creating pent-up demand so they can have a first-day sales event similar to the introduction of iPhone 1? I'm not criticizing Apple, it's a good strategy. But Apple does like the drama! Which makes it a fun company to watch. ;-)

Eh, pwned by Pwned!
True, same here. Most likely a selling point/novelty. Pretty similar to isight on current computers. I'll generalize and speculate that most people probably don't use video conferencing on a daily basis, but were very eager to play with it and photobooth when his or her computer was new (such as myself). Likely the same factor with video conferencing on the phone. Although, I'll be very interested to be proven wrong, and have apple pave the way a mass increase in use of video conferencing.

Truth is, is that I really use Skype for video conferencing because I have better luck with cross platform and video quality.

I still get that weird ((error code-8)) message every once in a while when I try to video chat with iChat....

I am at a boarding school, and for students who are off to college, iChat is amazing. Why? Because it lets you talk with your family as if they're right in front of you. I definitely use it on a daily basis.
Is that it, or is Apple creating pent-up demand so they can have a first-day sales event similar to the introduction of iPhone 1? I'm not criticizing Apple, it's a good strategy. But Apple does like the drama! Which makes it a fun company to watch. ;-)

That's why we have MacRumors and no DellRumors
At least apple can't be accused of not warning people a new model is coming.

Maybe they don't want a repeat of the critisism they had when they reduced the iphone price and had to give out credit vouchers.

The business press can't understand how apple would simply give up on a months worth of iphone sales but it seems apple aren't that hard nosed and callous after all. Its quite refreshing in this age of grabbing the quick buck no matter where it comes from.

Look at this stupid comment below, they are almost trying to gode apple into making a comment

But to remove supplies nearly a month out from that even seems counterproductive to Apple's heavily hyped goal of selling 10 million iPhones by the end of the year. Losing a month's worth of sales with 5.4 million units sold as of the end of March is sure going to make that goal hard to reach...

But there is no sign of an impending 3g iPhone release any time soon. Apple has refused all comment on the iPhone shortage and its plans for the upgrade.

However, I think the press have got it wrong as there is so much speculation and pent up demand that iphone sales will go into melt down once its released. The sales will EASILY match and in all probability eclipse them many times over, those of what is obviously an obsolete 2.5 G (yes to think of it, tish, 2.5G product).

AND the whole world will be getting it so hold onto those apple shares.

I have finsihed my contract on Three, my phone is on its last legs, its speaker is intermitant but I am waiting for iphone. No HTC, or LG, Samsung for me.

Iv'e waited this long so a few more weeks isn't goiung to hurt
Well, if it is announced on the 9th, GeekSugar says it would be available online through Apple, so that may mean ATT wouldn't get it until the period mentioned in that vacation memo.
So apple is going to let the channel run dry for Just about 30 Days!?

Thats insane for them to do this.. They are losing a ton of money in those 30 days I would assume.

Guess it's time to put my iPhone on EBAY.
Seems like June 9th is too long to wait with no iPhones currently available.

Considering the huge run of sales they've already got lined up from people drooling over the update, I don't think AAPL will be hurting for income because they don't sell any copies of an old product for a month or two.
I still have a hard time believing they'll announce it and have it available for purchase that same day. Logistically thats a nightmare. Maybe online pre-orders but Apple tends to shy away from that (they could have done it last time with the iPhone and didn't), and no doubt their site would be crushed under the extremely heavy load of people trying to pre-order the phones. I dont care how much BW or servers they have, it wont be enough.

I still the the annoucement is likely at the keynote (which I thought was the 10th, not the 9th), and it goes on sale June 27th. There is a small chance it could be the 20th, and an even smaller chance of it being the 13th.
I wonder what GeekSugar's source is...MacRumors? Engadget? A Ball of Yarn?

I don't think a site that asks you to catalog all of the gadgets used on an episode of "The Hills" should be recognized on MacRumors.

iPhones? I have a feeling we might see the iPhone update after June 9th. We do this to ourselves EVERY TIME when Apple teases us with low to non-existant stock and we say "it must be coming! it must be coming!" and then, nothing. After June 9th. iPhones. 3G.
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