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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today promoted the durability of the iPhone 15's Ceramic Shield front glass in a new "Swoop" ad shared on its YouTube channel in Australia.

In the video, a magpie attempts to attack a woman riding a bicycle, causing her to fall over. In the process, the iPhone she was using for cycling directions also drops to the ground, but it does not suffer damage due in part to the Ceramic Shield.

Apple says the Ceramic Shield is "tougher than any smartphone glass." Introduced on iPhone 12 models in 2020, Apple advertised the ceramic-infused glass as increasing drop performance by 4x compared to the iPhone 11.

Article Link: Swoop: Apple Promotes iPhone 15's Durability in Frantic New Ad
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I'm taking it that according to Apple the majority of bike riders use paths covered with mulch and not on road, asphalt or rocks and that people use lousy bike mounts and no cases. Right? :rolleyes:
I can attest to the strength and durability of the iPhone 13 mini. I carelessly held my naked mini in the same hand I used to pull a spring-loaded van seat handle while trying to help someone exit the van we were being driven in. Suddenly the spring-loaded handle did what it did every other time I pulled it to slide the seat forward: spring forward with considerable force. This time however, I had my naked mini in the same hand and it was flung through the air 5 feet and landed on a concrete sidewalk. Damage? One corner clearly dented if you look closely, and scuffs on another corner and a side. No cracked, chipped or scratched glass. I still use my mini naked (but now with a screen protector just to be extra safe) and am reminded just how durable it is whenever I look at the dent and those scuffs. If the 15 is as durable as the 13 mini, this commercial is spot-on -- it definitely resonated with me as credible based on my experience.
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I'm taking it that according to Apple the majority of bike riders use paths covered with mulch and not on road, asphalt or rocks and that people use lousy bike mounts and no cases. Right? :rolleyes:
I don't think Apple is making any claims about "the majority of bike riders." It's an ad, showing an actor portraying one bike rider for pretty obviously humorous intent.
Their next ad should show an iPhone blown out of an airplane at 16,000ft surviving the fall to the ground with no damage. That might be closer to reality than a woman riding a bike randomly attacked by a bird...did she steal some eggs or something?
I take it Apple didn’t consult with the Australian Tourism Board before making that ad. I’m now terrified of going on a cycling holiday down under - and they can’t even sideload 😫
Some birds are very territorial, especially during nesting season, and will attack other birds, animals, and humans. Corvids (crows, ravens, blue jays, and magpies being the best known) will even remember specific humans and even how those humans treated them. Some corvids can even pass the mirror test that tests whether they know it's their own reflection they're seeing. And in the US, many birds are protected by law and their eggs and nests cannot be disturbed.
Can someone explain to me how there seem to be improvements to glass every year and not just have the best strongest glass already years ago while battery technology seems to be stuck in limbo for a decade

OT: is anyone else having issues with the MR comment box eating part of your sentence once you hit post but when u go back to edit, the part missing is actually shown?
Their next ad should show an iPhone blown out of an airplane at 16,000ft surviving the fall to the ground with no damage. That might be closer to reality than a woman riding a bike randomly attacked by a bird...did she steal some eggs or something?
Lol this is extremely common in Australia. Swooping season is a thing. And they really hate bike riders
Explain how the border of the lens on my brand new iPhone 15PM1TB in Black tits is scratched on day one? Did Apple cheap out on the borders? Sapphire scratches at a level 8? Apple lying about using Sapphire again what a shocker! And when I first open the box I saw fingerprints, those ‘workers’ are getting sloppy not using gloves anymore. /whip
Anybody who has seen the countless Youtube drop tests that compare iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 can see with their own eyes that the 15's design is actually a step backwards in terms of strength, durability, etc. Both sides of the iPhone 15 and 15 pro shatter more easily than the 14 or 14 pro. It will not take much effort either to shatter / snap the 15 pro max when flexed compared to the 14 pro max. If you don't believe me, check out the drop / durability / flex comparison tests on YouTube for yourself.
Their next ad should show an iPhone blown out of an airplane at 16,000ft surviving the fall to the ground with no damage. That might be closer to reality than a woman riding a bike randomly attacked by a bird...did she steal some eggs or something?

It's an Australian ad, and in Australia, this is our reality every year. Magpie's attack cyclist and pedestrians when they have eggs in their nest. You don't have the "steal some eggs" to be attacked, walking/running/riding by is enough to provoke them. Extremely common. Injuries are also very common, and I recall recently a baby died when the mother was attacked.

But when it comes to micro scratches……interesting that the S24 Gorilla Armor talks about being 4x more scratch resistant.
I find these ads rather silly.

I still dont trust my £1,200 iPhone without a screen protector at the very least. When the glass is scratched it's scratched..... and there have been many online tests for its resilience and im pretty sure a drop like this would certainly leave a mark or two.
There was a similar video of Apple's when ceramic shield was first released of a phone flying around inside a handbag.

I mean, honestly... can anyone genuinely say their unprotected ceramic shield screen is flawless after a few months use? Id be very interested to hear.
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