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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The Talk Show Live From WWDC 2023 is now available to watch on YouTube. Daring Fireball's John Gruber discussed the Vision Pro and other WWDC announcements with Apple's software engineering chief Craig Federighi, hardware engineering chief John Ternus, AR/VR chief Mike Rockwell, and marketing chief Greg Joswiak.

The on-stage interview took place on Wednesday at the California Theatre in San Jose, California, and runs for approximately two hours.

Check out our WWDC 2023 recap for more details about Apple's announcements, and be sure to listen to our special edition of The MacRumors Show podcast recorded at Apple Park. We were also able to test the Vision Pro and shared our first impressions.

Article Link: The Talk Show Live From WWDC 2023 Now Available on YouTube
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Apr 24, 2023
Gruber is getting less and less likeable every year unfortunately.

Constantly calling out Mark Gurman even though he turns out be completely wrong, dumb Twitter takes, etc...
I’ll buy this front-facing display rumor if there’s a Cylon mode.

Otherwise I’ll stick with my previous understanding that this is an internal joke that has been taken as real; that it would look goofy, not humane; and that even if it didn’t look goofy, it would make no sense to add the financial cost of an outward-facing display to an already-expensive device, and even less sense to incur the battery-life drain of powering that external display on an already-battery-life-constrained device.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Gruber is getting less and less likeable every year unfortunately.

It’s all gone to his head … honestly thinks his opinions for some reason should have any/more weight to them vs anyone else.

Had to unsub to everything involving him a few years ago now.

He is a wonderful tool for Apple PR to use however … and boy oh boy do they use it.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
"We wanted to add to your world, not take you into some strange other world." Greg Joswiak

This point is a big part of what has caught my attention. So many naysayers continue to complain about how this is so isolating. I don't want to escape the world. That's a large part of what I do not like about Meta's vision. And I think this core philosophy is what separates AVP.

I’d be pretty skeptical about believing Apple’s public narrative about their intentions.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2007
Really eye opening that it seems they rushed the Reality Pro to the show when it's not even a finalized product. I wonder if they were worried about leaks, copycats? ARP just seems like it's a couple of generations away (and according to Kuo they are already working on consumer versions) away.


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2012
"Really eye opening that it seems they rushed the Reality Pro"

Selling to end users not the point right now. Its developers, potential business use cases, and uber power users who will buy any thing new and Apple (bigger market than you might think).

Oh and one more thing. I think, and have said before, that this launch is to throw down a marker to say that Apple's tech is so much better and more robust than the latest HoloLens iteration Microsoft is supplying to the Army for development into a battlefield augmented vision system. Microsoft is failing and the Army has promised Congress they will seek another supplier if Microsoft can't fix the problems pronto. The problems include user nausea that make soldiers refuse to wear the head sets.

The contract is $22billion, an Apple sized number. Apple just bought Mira, a small AR company that has several (very small) contracts to supply headsets to the military.

I think Apple wants that contract.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 6, 2008
Gruber is getting less and less likeable every year unfortunately.

Constantly calling out Mark Gurman even though he turns out be completely wrong, dumb Twitter takes, etc...
Funny thing is he wasn’t technically wrong. Having a screen outside with eyes does look goofy and it costs extra and has a hit on battery life like he said, but he can’t make Apple look wrong so he will probably change his take about the whole thing.


macrumors regular
May 22, 2020
While this seems like a completely random reply to put to this thread I can't help but think perhaps there should be more interaction with the Apple community rather than just the same people over and over regurgitating the same questions, predictions, reviews and over the top reactions (we all think the same person at that last one)

Get proper Apple end users and developers who've been in the ecosystem for years and send them review units, invite them to Cupertino to talk to the executives.

In the end these people are what bring in the monies and sales figures, plus what an amazing way to put ideas forward from other users aswell as bugs that have plagued the platforms for some time.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Get proper Apple end users and developers who've been in the ecosystem for years and send them review units, invite them to Cupertino to talk to the executives.

You’re operating under an assumption that Apple wants objective truth being disseminated

They do not

Apple much prefers fluffy puff and praise from an ecosystem of folks who are totally in the bag for all things Apple.
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