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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Apple has had more product recalls and system bugs under Tim then Steve.

The recent fiasco with the MacBook Pro's power resulting in consumer reports saying it is not worth it.
The lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack on the iPhone
iPhone hardware updates every year while Mac updates are lagging
  1. MacPro has not been updated in three years now
  2. Mac Mini in over two years
  3. MacBook Air in under two years
  4. iMac in a year and a half
While the
  1. iPhone get updated every year like clockwork
  2. Apple Watch about twice a year
Do you think things would have been the same under Steve? Yea Apple is more profitable now. Does anyone but the share holders give a darn about this? The people buying Apple products care more the products themselves and Apple's rep for quality is starting to slip with Tim. That alone will have much more long term ramifications to the company then any quarterly report will.
What product recalls have happened under Tim's watch?

T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
AAPL will tank now. Glad I didn't buy any recently, but it is may be a good opportunity to get in again.

But interestingly, this means that the groundwork laid down in 2015 is really showing through now. Maybe Cook should reconsider the "if it isn't bling, then i don't care" approach he is steering Apple with now?


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2015
You can't expect awesome products from a group of people who are on multi-million pound bonuses every single year. What is the cost of failure? Unless you have an obsessive like Jobs, who lived to make great products, all you have is a recipe for complacency.


macrumors 68010
Jul 23, 2008

Apple Executive Compensation in 2016o Apple CEO Tim Cook: $8,747,719
o Apple CFO Luca Maestri: $22,803,569
o Apple retail chief Angela Ahrendts: $22,902,892
o Apple services chief Eddy Cue: $22,807,544
o Apple hardware engineering chief Dan Riccio: $22,807,544
o Apple general counsel Bruce Sewell: $22,807,544The filing did not disclose compensation for other key Apple executives such as design chief Jony Ive, operating chief Jeff Williams, software engineering chief Craig Federighi, and marketing chief Phil Schiller.

Eddy Cue? $23 million? He is just stealing money.
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macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014
I've always said that Apple has been falling behind the competition in terms of both hardware and software experiences (much more obviously on the hardware side). It's unfortunate that it requires dips in sales numbers for so many people to finally see and understand this.

Having said that, I think Apple is uniquely positioned thanks to their brand and bank. They are operating on a different time table than most other OEMs. They can literally afford to play the slow game.

All indications point to them catching up and even having a few surprises this year for the 2017 iPhone. They can have incredible growth again this year if they come through, and we'll all be better for it by having a competitive hardware/software experience on the iPhone again.


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2012
Going to need a thinner wallet Timmy. Seriously, move on and let somebody else make the decisions. Apple is headed in the wrong direction.


macrumors 68010
Jul 23, 2008
His salary is less of a concern for investors than missed performance targets (seriously, a couple million here or there is nothing to a company Apple's size). If 2017 is another lackluster year, I wouldn't be surprised if the board cleans house with the executive team.

Wouldn't that be nice.
These guys were ok when they had Jobs lording over them everyday. Now they can skate and they know it.
Maybe a almost full house cleaning is what is needed.

You want to know why iPad sales are sluggish?

You make the pro hardware we want, then you let it die on the vine by continuing to tie it to a mobile OS.


May 4, 2012
It's an obscene amount of money. I'm struggling to keep my head above water and even with a pay cut Mr Cook could get me out of debt with about 10 minutes of his day.

I'm not saying that people should or shouldn't be paid whatever they're worth. I'm just tired because I don't get to sleep at night worrying about how I'm going to feed my kids, yet in the grand scheme of things I have a roof over my head, and a safe western lifestyle. Everything's relative.
I hear you; these numbers are obscene. In the UK, we celebrate "fat cat Wednesday" which is the day of the year that the average CEO earned as much as the UK's average wage. This year it occurred around 11 AM on the 4th of January
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macrumors 6502
Mar 4, 2010
They've been incredibly profitable under his leadership, why would they fire a successful CEO who has increased profits, marketshare?

I may not be a fan of him, but using the metrics that business people use to measure success/failure. He's been an unabashed success.

John Scully increased sales from $800 million to $8 billion...
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macrumors member
Apr 16, 2011
They've been incredibly profitable under his leadership, why would they fire a successful CEO who has increased profits, marketshare?

I may not be a fan of him, but using the metrics that business people use to measure success/failure. He's been an unabashed success.

My theory is that Steve Jobs built up Apple loyalty and reputation ever since the invention of the iPod through to the IPhone 4s (possibly 5 too?) and MacBook Air/pro. This reputation/loyalty that Apple enjoyed would not suddenly decline once Jobs passed away in late 2011 and so I'm not surprised to see Apple continued to increase performance.

Since 2012 Tim Cook has gradually made decisions that I would not normally expect from Apple and has personally made me question if it is worth buying future Apple products (I Almost always buy Apple products over rival options)

Some of the things that have irked me under Tim's leadership are:

- no headphone jack on lPhone 7, but the newly released MacBooks have one.
- IPhone 7 cannot physically connect to the latest MacBooks.
- iPhone 7 is same design as IPhone 6
- MacBook range updates are rare and contain chips older than a year when finally updated.
- you need to use a load of dongles to the point where Apple even reduced the price of them.
- Quality control is poor - Battery issues with a MacBook Pro that is a grand more expensive than rival products. iPhones powering off at 30% battery life. I honestly expect these problems with Samsung, not Apple.
- lack of innovation - is the Apple Watch and a touch bar the best Apple can do?

I'll just have to wait and see if 2017 will be a better year.


macrumors 68000
Apr 10, 2015
A more signifant issue for me, in this article, are the next five salaries. Hardtime justifying the salary to the perceived performance.
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macrumors 604
Jan 7, 2014
In between a rock and a hard place
Apple has had more product recalls and system bugs under Tim then Steve.

The recent fiasco with the MacBook Pro's power resulting in consumer reports saying it is not worth it.
The lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack on the iPhone
iPhone hardware updates every year while Mac updates are lagging
  1. MacPro has not been updated in three years now
  2. Mac Mini in over two years
  3. MacBook Air in under two years
  4. iMac in a year and a half
While the
  1. iPhone get updated every year like clockwork
  2. Apple Watch about twice a year
Do you think things would have been the same under Steve? Yea Apple is more profitable now. Does anyone but the share holders give a darn about this? The people buying Apple products care more the products themselves and Apple's rep for quality is starting to slip with Tim. That alone will have much more long term ramifications to the company then any quarterly report will.
US Apple Recalls:
  • 2001 - Apple recalls 570,000 adapters with fire hazard sold 1998-2000.
  • 2004 - Apple recalls 28,000 laptop batteries with internal short.
  • 2005 - Apple recalls 128,000 laptop batteries with internal short.
  • 2006 - Apple recalls 1.1 million (1.8M worldwide) battery packs w/ fire hazard, injuries, property damage.
US Apple Class Action Settlements:
  • 2008 - 2.3 million adapters w/fire hazard sold since 2001, took two years to settle.
  • 2011 - 10 million power connectors, fire hazard since 2006, took two years to settle.
Revising history doesn't make it true. CEO's of public companies have to give a darn about share holders. None of what you wrote answers my question. What is it you think CEO's responsibilities are?

Paul Dawkins

Dec 15, 2016
I've always said that Apple has been falling behind the competition in terms of both hardware and software experiences (much more obviously on the hardware side). It's unfortunate that it requires dips in sales numbers for so many people to finally see and understand this.

Having said that, I think Apple is uniquely positioned thanks to their brand and bank. They are operating on a different time table than most other OEMs. They can literally afford to play the slow game.

All indications point to them catching up and even having a few surprises this year for the 2017 iPhone. They can have incredible growth again this year if they come through, and we'll all be better for it by having a competitive hardware/software experience on the iPhone again.
iPhone, iPhone, iPhone .... What about Mac?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 30, 2010
Terrible CEO based on what exactly? What is it you think a CEO is supposed to do? No snark, genuine question. Not saying you are, but a lot of people on this forum seem to be confused about what the function of CEO encompasses.
the sole purpose of a CEO is to drive stock price higher. Not to provide jobs, make people feel good etc. They work for their shareholders. After the split this stock has remained the same.

He has put all of his eggs into one basket the iOS devices and they are 75% of the business. Kinda scary if you ask me.


macrumors 68030
Jun 2, 2010
Why can they disclose the compensation of some executives and not others?

As an aside, I wish I could get paid a nearly 23M salary in exchange for creating a poor retail experience as Angela Ahrendts has done. But hey, at least she was generous enough to give the retail employees a copy of the credo and a t-shirt for the 2016 holidays, right? :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 30, 2010
They've been incredibly profitable under his leadership, why would they fire a successful CEO who has increased profits, marketshare?

I may not be a fan of him, but using the metrics that business people use to measure success/failure. He's been an unabashed success.
Yes they're insanely profitable but not for their market cap. There is a reason people aren't buying this stock based on P/E ratio. All of the profit are coming from one product.


macrumors newbie
Apr 24, 2014
Toronto, Canada
IMHO I"m not sure why any executive can make this kind of money. Yes, I know they have experience and education, but not anymore than doctors, lawyers etc. But if they do a crappy job as Apples executives are doing, the worst that happens is that they get fired with a massive compensation package (that most of us would take 10 years to make).
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Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
As we learned from the reemergence of Microsoft is that the only fix for stagnation is to replace old thinking. The Ballmer crew was replaced and now Microsoft has surpassed Apple. For Apple to be competitive again Cook, Schiller, Cue, etc. need to be replaced. If not, another company will eventually occupy the space ship building.

True, but it could be said that Tim is actively trying to destroy the Apple we all fell in love with and replace it with one that depends more on services and guaranteed iPhone replacement sales. Microsoft was already broken when Ballmer took over, he just made it worse. Apple was the envy of the industry when Cook took it over. IF he followed Job's lead Apple would have been fine. Instead he tried to reengineer it into a media sales company -- ironic seeing as how online TV plans seem to be popping up everywhere now and Apple still can't manage that task.

Tim Cook has just about destroyed everything that was great about Apple. Ive has no one to tell him his designs need more tweaking. Schiller is on Apple Happy Pills. Ahrendts thinks selling high priced suits and computers are one in the same. That is Apple 2.0 -- very different from what TC inherited.


macrumors 68020
Feb 1, 2014
He might not be the best CEO for Apple and he's definitelynot Steve, but his strong stance on protecting our privacy is what I like about him.

Tim's "strong stance" on protecting privacy is marketing BS. Behind closed doors he made a deal with Google that earns Apple $1B/year for doing all the things that Apple says it would never do itself. So Apple is fine making billions invading its users' privacy.

"The revenue-sharing agreement reveals the lengths Google must go to keep people using its search tool on mobile devices. It also shows how Apple benefits financially from Google’s advertising-based business model that Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook has criticized as an intrusion of privacy."

That's quite a bit different than Tim's public proclamations about protecting privacy:

“I’m speaking to you from Silicon Valley, where some of the most prominent and successful companies have built their businesses by lulling their customers into complacency about their personal information,” said Cook. “They’re gobbling up everything they can learn about you and trying to monetize it. We think that’s wrong. And it’s not the kind of company that Apple wants to be.”
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