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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


RazorianFly has outed a screenshot of the Mac App Store which shows an official Mac twitter client.
We’re pleased to announce we have an exclusive look at the next version of Tweetie (Twitter) for Mac, version 2.0. While we can’t go into too much detail, just know that Twitter for Mac version 2.0 will launch with the Mac App Store, tomorrow.
The release should look familiar to fans of Atebits's Tweetie for Mac. The future of Tweetie had been in question after Twitter acquired the developer back in May. The primary reason for the acquisition had been for Tweetie for iPhone, but it seems they have now rebranded Tweetie as the official Twitter client for Mac.

The Mac App Store is expected to launch at noon eastern on Thursday, Jan 6th.

Article Link: Twitter for Mac (formerly Tweetie) to Launch with Mac App Store


macrumors member
Feb 5, 2007
Looking forward to this. Have been waiting for an update for a *long* time!


macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2006
Orlando, FL
pricing for apps we already own?

does anyone know how they will handle pricing for apps we already have purchased directly from the developers? I can see myself re-buying upgrades to apps I've already purchased on the same platform.


Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
Finally. And "tomorrow?"
Dang. :)

IMHO, Tweetie was hands down the best Twitter client for iOS/Mac OS X. Seemed a smart acquisition for Twitter.

The App Store apps will use full screen because of the sand box. That means that while using the app you can do nothing else at the same time.

For example, you can't watch EyeTV and Tweet simultaneously with Mac Store Apps. Sure you can switch between them and I understand that it has to be this way to lock the apps down, but I think it is a step backwards.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
The App Store apps will use full screen because of the sand box. That means that while using the app you can do nothing else at the same time.

For example, you can't watch EyeTV and Tweet simultaneously with Mac Store Apps. Sure you can switch between them and I understand that it has to be this way to lock the apps down, but I think it is a step backwards.

Are you visiting here from an alternate universe?


macrumors 68020
Jul 27, 2003
does anyone know how they will handle pricing for apps we already have purchased directly from the developers? I can see myself re-buying upgrades to apps I've already purchased on the same platform.

Here's one example:

They're cutting the price of RapidWeaver 5 to $39.99 for the Mac App Store "for a limited time," to let 4.0 owners have an upgrade price. I imagine that will be the most popular way. Previous owners get a reduced upgrade price + it's a launch sale.


macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
YES! i was hoping for this. i love the ipad and iphone version so much. they are put together amazingly. plus the beta for the web version is really cool too.

Hum, I hope it syncs with iOS version

unfortunately the current ios version dont sync with each other (ipad to iphone and visa versa.) i agree it would be very cool and hope it comes soon!
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macrumors 68020
Jan 10, 2005
The App Store apps will use full screen because of the sand box. That means that while using the app you can do nothing else at the same time.

For example, you can't watch EyeTV and Tweet simultaneously with Mac Store Apps. Sure you can switch between them and I understand that it has to be this way to lock the apps down, but I think it is a step backwards.

ummmm... you have no idea what you are talking about. the mac app store is not iOS app running sandboxed, nor is it mac apps running standboxed... it is REGULAR, HONEST TO GOD, Mac OS X Apps, just like the ones you buy today from Best Buy or online from a software website. The differences?

1. Central location to buy the apps from.
2. Apps must have a new way to install so the App Store can handle the install process, no more .dmg files sitting in your download folder on the desktop.
3. Apps must be allowed to install on any number of machines as long as they share the same iTunes user id.
4. Apps must be approved by Apple for content and various other concerns.

That's it, these are the same apps as you bought before just in a new way. For example, RealMac's RapidWeaver, a full up Mac OS X HTML builder will be on the store tomorrow. Twitter for Mac (formely Tweetie for Mac) will be on the store tomorrow, it too is and was a full Mac OS X app.


macrumors 68030
May 31, 2007
Norman, OK
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

I'm still ticked at Loren and MacHeist. Many of us purchased last year's bundle because we were promised a free early beta upgrade to Tweetie for Mac 2. I understand there was the acquisition, but not one word of following through with the agreement. Now with the update going live tomorrow, it would seem we were swindled.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2009
even thou i found a few bugs on the iPhone app Tweetdeck syncs both on your iPhone app and Mac client..

they're both free btw, and tweetdeck has a VERY impressive interface, if i wasn't so used to using Twitbird tweetdeck would be my app of choice..

worth trying out


macrumors 68020
Jul 27, 2003
The App Store apps will use full screen because of the sand box. That means that while using the app you can do nothing else at the same time.

For example, you can't watch EyeTV and Tweet simultaneously with Mac Store Apps. Sure you can switch between them and I understand that it has to be this way to lock the apps down, but I think it is a step backwards.

I think you're getting confused with the full screen feature in Lion. In Lion, the green Zoom button is being re-purposed to provide one-click access to an optional Full Screen interface that developers can choose to implement for their apps (a la iPhoto '11).
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