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Feb 17, 2012
Oxford, UK

Being a bit lazy here, but i suspect the answer may be quick. My wife has a 2012 - model A1416 3rd gen iPad. She's complaining that it's getting a bit slow (on latest IOS) etc. She has a birthday coming up - is it a no brainer to say she would notice a big difference if i got her a 9.7 pro? she surfs, emails, shops on-line lots etc, nothing processor heavy.

Money isn't an issue, but i need her to notice the difference.

Yes, she would. If money is no object, you should also consider getting her the pencil and/or the keyboard cover, depending on her usage. That would further differentiate the experience from her previous iPad.
I went from an iPad 3 to the iPad Air 2. Big difference, so this would be even more noticeable.

FYI, be sure to get enough lightning cables to replace any 30 pin ones. (Of course one comes in the box).
I did that upgrade. The difference is vast. :D Web stuff, updating apps and switching from one thing to another she should definitely notice.
I went from an iPad 3 to a Pro 9.7 and it was a huge upgrade and she will definitely notice. My iPad 3 was so laggy it was unusable, but the new iPad flies.

I'll be more careful about accepting iOS updates from here on out.

Being a bit lazy here, but i suspect the answer may be quick. My wife has a 2012 - model A1416 3rd gen iPad. She's complaining that it's getting a bit slow (on latest IOS) etc. She has a birthday coming up - is it a no brainer to say she would notice a big difference if i got her a 9.7 pro? she surfs, emails, shops on-line lots etc, nothing processor heavy.

Money isn't an issue, but i need her to notice the difference.


Bas, I think you have your answer! Just make sure you gift-wrap it yourself! Gals dig that. :D
I, too, have stepped up to the 9.7" iPP from an iPad 3 - world of difference. Just finished a non-fiction book that had me constantly using the split-screen feature to reference a country map - fantastic addition to the iOS.
I just did this for my dad this morning, iPad 3 to new Pro. He was amazed at the difference right away.
Nice, tell us how she likes it!

I went from an original iPad 1 to the 12.9. With a month of Air 1 in between.
The switch from original to Air was huge, but oddly enough, the switch from air to 12.9 wasn't as huge in the sense that the performance of the Air 1 was still good. On the other side, the difference in "workability" of the 12.9 screen, the pencil and the (IMHO) superb Smart Keyboard was a huge difference between the Air 1 and the 12.9.
The 12.9 even replaces 95% my maxed out 2015 MBP 13". (Bit of a shame that I have that super laptop and it just sits on my desktop. Could have saved serious bucks by just buying a top of the line MacMini. But that is the wisdom of hindsight).
OK guys, i get the message loud and clear - Mrs. Basil gets a nice new iPad later today :)


I upgraded my mum from her iPad 3 to the new 9.7" pro and I keep stealing it off her haha. It is a HUGE difference in performance and its smaller and a lot lighter.
We have both used it for the same things you will, the speakers make it an awesome media consumption device.
I went from iPad 2 to iPad pro 9.7 and its changed everything for me.

On the iPad 2 I wanted to:
-play any video
-play anime with stylised subtitles
-use a stylus to draw notes
-quickly manage and scroll through pdfs with no lag/hiccups (something my mbp 2015 seems to lag on..)
-be able to use a keyboard effortlessly and quickly to type on the go
-to be able to easily annotate my pdfs using a stylus
-go paperless
-good sound output

I tried with the iPad 2 for a good few months but it just wasn't EASILY possible.

Now it is. The smart keyboard I REALLY enjoy typing on. The pencil is the best stylus I've ever used. The other stylus's I bought a few years ago were beyond awful. This thing is the real deal. Speed is there, the screen's true tone is so nice... the display seems way better than what I remember my old iPad... and its so thin and mobile, even with the cases on! The speakers being insane for this size and touch ID being included is just the icing on the cake for me!

I'm sure for someone going from an Air 2 to the pro might be a little less impressed but my mind is pretty much blown.
And the addition of the Silicone Case and Cover make it a real nice and tidy unit.

Yeah the silicone back case has made holding the iPad beautiful.

I have the smart keyboard cover for when it leaves the house.

My old iPad felt heavy and slightly slippery.. the silicone cover makes it feel sos secure and soft.
Makes absolutely no sense to go with old technology when the 9.7" iPP is the best tablet available on the market today.

The 9.7" iPP is so much more than "pencil support."

Absolutely, I wish others would see this too, but no they just see the price, the Pro moniker and the Pencil support and write it off for any normal use, despite it's gaming power and speakers.
Makes absolutely no sense to go with old technology when the 9.7" iPP is the best tablet available on the market today.

The 9.7" iPP is so much more than "pencil support."
This is why Apple is worth billions. What's that even supposed to mean?

It isn't 'old technology' when it can do everything the new one can do, $200 cheaper, and roughly the same (90%) performance. So yes, it does make a lot of sense. And no, the new iPad isn't much more than "pencil support" and a gimmicky screen.

Stop being a sheep.
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This is why Apple is worth billions. What's that even supposed to mean?

It isn't 'old technology' when it can do everything the new one can do, $200 cheaper, and roughly the same (90%) performance. So yes, it does make a lot of sense. And no, the new iPad isn't much more than "pencil support" and a gimmicky screen.

Stop being a sheep.

Your opinion is as good as his, don't be so patronising...
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Your opinion is as good as his, don't be so patronising...
Well it wasn't really an opinion, more along the lines of fact. It IS:
$200 cheaper
90% as powerful
Same RAM
Identical functionality minus 2 gimmicks

So yeah...
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