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macrumors 604
Original poster
Oct 23, 2010
I'm not ditching my 8 Plus per se. But...

I have had two lines of service since 2009: a company provided line on AT&T and a personal line with Verizon on a grandfathered UDP. My work line is my primary line; the Verizon phone I mostly use for tethering. Both were iPhone 7 Pluses.

When the iPhone X was announced, I had already decided I would buy it. Then, rumors of severely constrained supply prompted me to go ahead and get an 8 Plus. My thought was that it would hold me over until I got an X. But I was fortunate to get an 11/3 pickup date so...I will have an 8 Plus AND an iPhone X.

I'm hoping next year I can go back to my annual upgrade cycle: work line gets upgraded to the newest (iPhone X Plus?) and last year's model is moved to my personal line.
I could understand. Basically choosing the phone of Apple's future over what might as well be last year's phone (8/8 Plus).
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Polls can say whatever they want. But ultimately comes down to what somebody wants in an iPhone. Some are completely fine with the iPhone 8 knowingly what they are receiving, and then there are some who want change with the iPhone X and it's latest hardware and capabilities.
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I will be selling my iPhone 8+ on Swappa come Friday. While I like the phone, my hands are cramping due to its size and I have the itch to try the newer technology and get the large screen with smaller form factor. I have an 11/3 pickup date.
Not me. I refuse to downgrade in screensize /ratio from the plus to the X. What I think will be interesting is the number of X units returned once people get one in their actual hands and finally realize how deceiving that 5.8” number truly is.
Pretty confident that won’t be the case. People will be very happy with a screen that is very nearly the same size as the 8 Plus, while having the smaller form factor of the standard 8. Not to mention the far superior OLED display...

I am very happy to (soon) have to phone of today and beyond, rather than the bezeled version of yesterday.
Pretty confident that won’t be the case. People will be very happy with a screen that is very nearly the same size as the 8 Plus, while having the smaller form factor of the standard 8. Not to mention the far superior OLED display...

I am very happy to (soon) have to phone of today and beyond, rather than the bezeled version of yesterday.
After looking at the screen size comparison on Phone Arena, I’m sticking with my 8 plus.
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It’s not the “same size” in the same way. It’s longer. But much narrower.

Usually it’s the width of the screen in portrait that you want wider not the length.
Much narrower. Bahahahahahhahahahahahahha. Oh my. Thank you. I needed a good laugh to start my day!
I’m on Jump On Demand. Wasn’t planning on getting the X, but a zero down trial run was too good to pass up.

Given the X’s flaws, I’ll probsbly keep it until Christmas time so I can show my family, then it’s back to the 8. I love me some home button.
So nearly the same size on a device with a superior OLED screen wasn’t good enough. Fair enough.
To say OLED is superior is subjective. There are people who will prefer color accuracy of the LCD screen. Some will prefer not to have video letter boxed. Some will prefer not having content hidden behind a notch. And some will prefer the width of the plus as demonstrated below. Most will agree bezels are outdated, but, an elongated 4.7” phone has its own drawbacks.


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To say OLED is superior is subjective.

No. No it is not. It’s science. It’s numbers. It’s factual. OLED > LCD. In both mobile displays and TV displays. Perfect black levels with the complete absense of light. Extremely high contrast ratios. Color accuracy equal to other display technologies. In the evolution of display technology, OLED is what has come after LCD.
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