Can someone post a video of their UI "lag"? It's difficult to imagine the extent of it from the descriptions.
Also plz post your processor speed with the video!
Also plz post your processor speed with the video!
this is a video I made, base 1.1/256/8
That looks pretty bad. Do you if others had similar experiences?
That was my experience with 2 of them! A few others have posted similar results.
I'm surprised I haven't seen more people talking about issues like this.
Then you have some people saying that is not bad haha.
I guess I'll have to wait and see when mine arrives. I think I would be pretty annoyed if it lagged like it did in your video. Does it always happen or just a few times a day?
It didn't happen all of the time, but the UI lag was pretty bad. I use spaces all day long, so I noticed it to the point it needed to be returned. I actually ended up just getting an 11" air b.c it is buttery smooth. Yes, the screen is nowhere near as good, but I usually am docked to an external monitor.
I usually stick to one space and don't use Mission Control so much since I'm used to using control + tab or clicking on dock icons. Do you think I would notice this elsewhere?
Even if I don't, I don't know if I'd keep a laptop that lags that much from just switching between spaces.
you wouldn't notice it doing what you said above, but just knowing it happens drove me crazy.
Yeah I feel like that might drive me crazy too. I've been waiting since the 10th for my pre-order and it still hasn't shipped. I really do hope I don't experience this on my 1.3 GHz but this seems like a GPU issue. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Thanks for the feedback.
The MacBook airs screen drove me crazy. I can deal with minimal ui lag for a better screen.
Mine does that, and I think I mentioned that it didn't because I wasn't sure what someone was talking about.
This is a bug with Yosemite that was introduced with 10.10.2. It happens on my 2012 MacBook Air 13" 2.0 GHz Core i7 and my 2012 27" iMac 3.4 GHz Core i7.
I don't think this is specific to the Retina MacBook.
I'm surprised I haven't seen more people talking about issues like this.
Yeah, that was probably me; I asked about UI lag. However, that is an interesting observation you mention- that this could be an issue with Yosemite as opposed to the hardware. You say this was introduced in 10.10.2 but does it still surface in 10.10.3?(which is what I assume you and mattopotamus are using)
Trying to put "lag-gate" into perspective here.
How much time do you really spend doing things that *may* demonstrate a bit of UI lag, compared to actually interacting with your applications, or just reading stuff on the screen?
I would be surprised if anyone spent more than 1% of their total usage switching between apps, brower tabs, running mission control, launhpad, swiping between desktops etc.
I might typically open an app, such as MS Word or Safari, interact with it for 5 mintues, then switch to another app, e.g. Mail or Calendar to check something. I normally do this with Ctrl-Tab. Even assuming I switch apps by swiping between desktops, I doubt I do this more than once every 5 minutes, if that. Even if you are doing a massive amount of cut & paste between desktops, you're unlikely to do this more than once every 30 seconds.
How long does the UI change take compared to the usage time? 4% max?
So if you would rather look at an inferior (MBA) screen for 96% of the time, instead of having a marginally less fluid UI transistion for the remaining 4% of the time, then I respectfully suggest you have your priorities wrong.
If your switching frequency is greater than 4% of the total time, then you need to improve your focus & concentration on the task at hand, because you're wasting a lot of time with context switching!
Yes, all of my computers were updated to 10.10.3. It may have started in 10.10.1, but I think it was .2.
It's very annoying when it does it. The fact that it does it on multiple computers points to a software bug.
Seriously? I think anytime when software or hardware doesn't operate as it should, knocking the person who points out the flaw and telling them their priorities are out of whack is in poor form. To some it might be a trivial nuisance, whereas it might be more disruptive to others. Its like someone telling another what they should eat (and like it).
Yeah, if the behavior is being exhibited on multiple models since 10.10.2, if would certainly qualify as a software bug. I don't use Spaces myself, but a professional reviewer noted last week that anything "transition based" animation on the MacBook caused some occasional lags (Mission control stuff).