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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Anything genuinely informative on there arouses little interest, unlike posts such as this...

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Reddit is a weird one. I've been using forums since the Internet came out and Reddit has been the most unwelcoming place I've been. Given the nature of 'subs' it says something when it is a sitewide phenomena. Perhaps I've had bad luck, but even when I mention my distaste for Reddit off the site, users of it are noticeably offended. I'm not being crass, but it still happens. Oh well, I still get enough enjoyment from traditional forum sites that Reddit is largely irrelevant from a posting perspective.
Anything genuinely informative on there arouses little interest, unlike posts such as this...

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I comb through that one, and LegacyJailbreak, from time to time, but very rarely do I post, and it's only if I'm replying to someone specific to help or give info. Reddit is one of the worst cesspools on the net, and it's getting worse, and largely irrelevant, as time goes by.
Some stuff pops up that is informative. Mostly people trying to solve some issue with their vintage Apple product. Sometimes a prototype pops up. It's mostly just crapposts of people showing off their collection.

There's recently been some interesting posts about the Pomona Design Series. A bunch of really neat Mac prototypes which never made it to market. I think the only thing to come out of it was the 20th Anniversary Mac. Although it might have influenced Powerbook design.
Anything genuinely informative on there arouses little interest, unlike posts such as this...

View attachment 2199176
I stopped going over there a few months back.

One poster had mentioned his Mac Pro. I simply mentioned that they might want to look at VintageIntelApple and posted a link.

I got downvoted to heck and pointedly told that the VintageApple subreddit was inclusive and that newer Intel stuff should be allowed.

This was a short time after the mods of the place came down on someone posting Intel Mac stuff.


I've figured the place out and it's not someplace I care to be anyway. Basically, it's turned into a site for 'newbie collectors' who are excited to show everyone their brand new PowerPC and early Intel Macs and related hardware. If you aren't sufficiently wowed or approving of the 'distraction free experience' then they don't want you.

EDIT: What I find funny is that I've posted more than once about my Macs, showing my Cinema Displays, related Macs, etc. Very little comment. But someone else posts a SINGLE 30" Cinema Display connected to a Mac Pro and the users are falling all over themselves with questions, upvotes and applause.

I mention this, not out of jealousy but to bring up a point I think that subreddit ignores. Many of use here on this section of MacRumors have spend a lot of time, effort and money over a great many years establishing our systems and building them up. So we show them off. Not because we're arrogant or showoffs, but to show what's possible and what we've managed to accomplish with little resources and often little money.

This often gets lost or ignored over there in favor of the guy who got 'lucky' or dropped a bunch of change or 'knew' someone. You either have to be the guy that has a warehouse full of old Macs and hardware or the person who 'lucked' into a new 30" Cinema Display. They don't want to see our stuff because all the hard work and effort we've put into it is not what they are interested in. Just the quick hit of the rando 'lucky' guy.

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I've had the odd success helping people out but largely it seems people want cool, positive advice - even if it's wrong. Folk on there are pretty generous with personal insults I think @eyoungren once called it, "the wild west" - indeed :D
Yeah, they just want to hear how great they are and don't want to tell you how great YOU are.

Not that I'm looking for that, but if nothing you post is appreciated and is instead either ignored or trashed - why bother posting. It's almost as if it's the Apple forums over there.
But someone else posts a SINGLE 30" Cinema Display connected to a Mac Pro and the users are falling all over themselves with questions, upvotes and applause.
I think it's more a case of, if someone posts a bland, photo of any Mac it's an open invite for people to comment as the entry requirements are so low, "gee I used to have an iBook, " "me too!"

Post something specific, something involved and they're lost - it's beyond their attention threshold, probably because despite being a sub for Vintage Apple, they're not really that interested.
I think it's more a case of, if someone posts a bland, photo of any Mac it's an open invite for people to comment as the entry requirements are so low, "gee I used to have an iBook, " "me too!"

Post something specific, something involved and they're lost - it's beyond their attention threshold, probably because despite being a sub for Vintage Apple, they're not really that interested.
That may be it.

Which says a lot of good about the people in the subforums here.
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Damn, I feel bad right now, lol. I made a post there earlier today about a Sonnet upgraded G4 that I recently got, though in my defense, I asked a question about the two GPUs that it came with. One is the stock Rage 128 Pro (AGP), the other is an ATI Radeon 9250 (PCI). I know that the Radeon is much faster, but since it runs on PCI, and doesn't natively support Quartz Extreme, I'm not sure if it's best to use it instead of another card, like a GeForce 2 MX (AGP) that I have installed in my Gigabit Ethernet at the moment. I'm planning to run a triple boot setup, with Mac OS 9.2.2, Mac OS X Tiger and Mac OS X Leopard.
@Pedro Passamani don't feel bad - I didn't say everyone on there makes pointless posts!

But note, no one answered your question and gave various advice you never asked for ;)

I'm no GPU expert but generally higher specced cards give better gaming results and more VRAM is good for the GUI.
It's fine, I was just kidding 😂.

Exactly, no one said a thing about the question. And I agree with your previous comments.

Yeah, the Radeon is going to perform much better, no doubt about it. What I'm really interested in is to see (and measure) how much of a performance penalty using PCI over AGP yields. I've been reading lately about flashing PC GPUs for usage with PowerPC Macs, so I'll probably buy the AGP version of the 9250 to compare it.

The Radeon stays in the G4 for now. But I have to say, it would make for a sweet upgrade to my B&W. :p
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Reddit is a weird one. I've been using forums since the Internet came out and Reddit has been the most unwelcoming place I've been. Given the nature of 'subs' it says something when it is a sitewide phenomena. Perhaps I've had bad luck, but even when I mention my distaste for Reddit off the site, users of it are noticeably offended. I'm not being crass, but it still happens. Oh well, I still get enough enjoyment from traditional forum sites that Reddit is largely irrelevant from a posting perspective.
What other forums do u use , which you like more than reddit? Genuine question , idk many forums besides this one and reddit hahaha
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I stopped going over there a few months back.

One poster had mentioned his Mac Pro. I simply mentioned that they might want to look at VintageIntelApple and posted a link.

I got downvoted to heck and pointedly told that the VintageApple subreddit was inclusive and that newer Intel stuff should be allowed.

This was a short time after the mods of the place came down on someone posting Intel Mac stuff.


I've figured the place out and it's not someplace I care to be anyway. Basically, it's turned into a site for 'newbie collectors' who are excited to show everyone their brand new PowerPC and early Intel Macs and related hardware. If you aren't sufficiently wowed or approving of the 'distraction free experience' then they don't want you.

EDIT: What I find funny is that I've posted more than once about my Macs, showing my Cinema Displays, related Macs, etc. Very little comment. But someone else posts a SINGLE 30" Cinema Display connected to a Mac Pro and the users are falling all over themselves with questions, upvotes and applause.

I mention this, not out of jealousy but to bring up a point I think that subreddit ignores. Many of use here on this section of MacRumors have spend a lot of time, effort and money over a great many years establishing our systems and building them up. So we show them off. Not because we're arrogant or showoffs, but to show what's possible and what we've managed to accomplish with little resources and often little money.

This often gets lost or ignored over there in favor of the guy who got 'lucky' or dropped a bunch of change or 'knew' someone. You either have to be the guy that has a warehouse full of old Macs and hardware or the person who 'lucked' into a new 30" Cinema Display. They don't want so see our stuff because all the hard work and effort we've put into it is not what they are interest in. Just the quick hit of the rando 'lucky' guy.


Summarized, that subreddit venerates the fetish of acquisition and possession. The subtext of that remit is “We have disposable income, a bit too much pent-up nostalgia, and this is how we show all that off. Please to liek and sbubbyscribe…”

I mean, if it wasn’t going to be Apple hardware, then it would be Rolex time pieces; still-in-box childhood toys which never got used; vintage handbags with the genuine tags still on them; or other, ahem, display royalty sporting high brand cachet. (I think, as it relates to automobiles, they call these “display queens” — as vexatious as the use of “queen” for this is.)


What folks on here and the EIM forums; on places like TinkerDifferent; and on a few, noteworthy YT channels, is we use our gear; improve upon what we have/find; teach one another about the things we learn from those; find ways to keep that gear running far and beyond what Apple intended; and so on. That’s why I find it generally a pleasure to open this tab to see and read about what kind of neat stuff folks are doing and trying out with what’s on hand nearby them.

That’s the joy. :)
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Reddit is a weird one. I've been using forums since the Internet came out and Reddit has been the most unwelcoming place I've been. Given the nature of 'subs' it says something when it is a sitewide phenomena. Perhaps I've had bad luck, but even when I mention my distaste for Reddit off the site, users of it are noticeably offended. I'm not being crass, but it still happens. Oh well, I still get enough enjoyment from traditional forum sites that Reddit is largely irrelevant from a posting perspective.
I was hesitant at first because your experience is what I was afraid of, but surprisingly, its been very welcoming. I am always getting large number of upvotes and karma.
Anything genuinely informative on there arouses little interest, unlike posts such as this...

View attachment 2199176

In my childhood, I was a Douglas Adams fan - in particular the BBC TV adaptation of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the end of the Universe. That Reddit post and the fact that it garners greater interest than anything substantively illuminating, reminds me of the gloomy realisation by the lead characters during the final episode about the future of humanity given the sheer tomfoolery that surrounds them.
In my childhood, I was a Douglas Adams fan - in particular the BBC TV adaptation of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the end of the Universe. That Reddit post and the fact that it garners greater interest than anything substantively illuminating, reminds me of the gloomy realisation by the lead characters during the final episode about the future of humanity given the sheer tomfoolery that surrounds them.

You mean, like, “we’re already mid-apocalypse-in-slow-motion, so here’s computer-dress-up, literally, because it’s a nice distraction from that ’mid’ bit”?
If you've not read those novels or seen/listened to the adaptations, I wouldn't want to spoil it for you but you're on the right track.

I haven’t (yet), but I had a hunch…

(Fun fact: it’s in my to-read stack, but it ends up being near the bottom out of both other things commanding my attention asap, and also out of a lack of urgency. A few years ago, on an overcast early summer evening, I found a hardcover copy of A Trilogy in Five Parts resting on a city park bench. There was no one around. I stayed in the park, just taking a break from things, and no one showed to pick it up. It began to drizzle, so I put it in my messenger bag and brought it home. So now it’s in said stack, along with at least a couple of other random novels I’ve found being tossed which looked interesting.)
What other forums do u use , which you like more than reddit? Genuine question , idk many forums besides this one and reddit hahaha
DSLReports, VOGONS, Steve Hoffman Forums, Civfanatics, CNCZone, Bladeforums, Neoseeker, GameFAQs (not in years) and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head. I've been on probably a hundred sites but many have closed or I lost interest. I like that with forums I can stay within a site tailored to my interests, I feel like Reddit in a way enables non-interest posts due to the non-existent barrier of entry to other subs.
It's fine, I was just kidding 😂.

Exactly, no one said a thing about the question. And I agree with your previous comments.

Yeah, the Radeon is going to perform much better, no doubt about it. What I'm really interested in is to see (and measure) how much of a performance penalty using PCI over AGP yields. I've been reading lately about flashing PC GPUs for usage with PowerPC Macs, so I'll probably buy the AGP version of the 9250 to compare it.

The Radeon stays in the G4 for now. But I have to say, it would make for a sweet upgrade to my B&W. :p
Flashing really isn't hard, so definitely go for it when you get the chance! Really wakes up an old G4 too, especially since you've already got the CPU upgrade. For some reason many of the people who splurged on CPU upgrades seemed to never consider GPU upgrades back in the day. I inherited a pre-ordered "500mhz" (of course shipped as 450 instead) Sawtooth with 1.4Ghz upgrade but stock GPUs (The standard rage 128 and an extra Rage LT Pro PCI card). Flashing a Radeon 9800Pro for it was a game changer, it's a "1999" machine that performs like it's from 2005 or so (also has 2GB RAM, USB2, FW800, and a SATA card, so it really does feel like it's from 2005!). Paired with a 23" Cinema HD display, it's a great experience!

Main thing to look out for is if you have an ADC capable G4 be sure to tape or otherwise disable the correct pins on your PC gpu. I honestly found trying to figure that out harder than the flashing itself when I tried to upgrade a Quicksilver G4.
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