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Oct 23, 2014
You can’t imagine use cases with AR could help with staff induction, safety training, etc.

We’re only seeing entertainment uses at this stage. If replacing your 65inch TV With a virtual cinema isn’t getting you horny then I don’t know what will.
Nope, not turning me on. I like to share my cinema experience with other people and not strain my neck.

It’s like practicing guitar with headphones vs a 100-watt tube amp stack. When the room moves, that’s a huge part of the experience.


macrumors newbie
Jan 16, 2024
I’m still getting it, but only for the use case of having a 4K display I can put in a bag and travel with. I’ve already put 4K monitors at the home of family and friends that I spend a lot of time at, but when I travel elsewhere it’s hard to get much done on my laptop screen. I’ve tried portable displays but they haven’t been great - my iPad Pro is somewhat workable as a solution but not the same as being at home with my 32” 4K monitor. I wish there was a solution that could just be a portable display for half the price, but none of the other headsets on the market have the needed resolution. I will make back the cost in a reasonable amount of time being able to do work for my side gig on flights, trains, hotel rooms, etc.

All the rest of the technology is cool but isn’t something I could drop that kind of money on. If it sucks I’ll sell it, but its worth giving it a shot based on what it potentially provide.

Personally I watch very little TV and don’t play many games. When I’m not working my day job or side gig I prefer to get out into the world and do things beyond screens and with the people I care about. But I will absolutely spend the money to get a sizable portable monitor. People like me are probably not a large demographic, though.
What you mean there aren’t many people who put 4K monitors in other people’s homes on the off chance you’ll be there? I hate to break it to you but, beyond a certain distance, 4K is indistinguishable from 1080p.


macrumors newbie
Jan 16, 2024
Not sure how much value I would place on anything Joanna Stern writes. I remember her video review of the original Apple Watch as being one of the more stupid things I've watched.
Do you remember how stupid the original Apple Watch was? It was more of a fashion accessory than smartwatch and don’t get me started on the gold edition. Yes, it might follow the Apple Watch and turn into an incredible product but they can only base their views on what they have in front of them.
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macrumors regular
Jun 20, 2017
Interesting observation on the economics of VR for those that doubt use cases for the price

Personally I find it hard to imagine that anything one does immersively on a computer would not be better with a headset. For that very reason I'll be holding off until the health consequences become more apparent!


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2007
The idea of a simple set of goggles that you wear is nice, but until they get really light then Apple missed a trick bynot going with a PlayStation VR-type system whereby the weight of the headset is taken by a band around your head, distributing the weight evenly, and the screen 'suspended' in front of you face. It's by far the best VR system for comfort that I've encountered.


macrumors member
Sep 26, 2022
This is a monumental flop. It's too heavy. I work with aluminium studio headphones while recording in a booth, and I know heavy. And one should sum up heat in the next summer and moist for wearing that mascara over your face. Unless they work harder on the weight factor, I see no point in wasting top dollar for enhanced vision, when you will sweat bullets to keep it over your nose without a hint of misty. Look, for the same reason I don't want the watch, because I cannot see it without wearing my reading glasses. Besides, I'm not a gamer, and don't freak out with dizzy video experiences. For editing sound waves in Logic Pro, I have three 27" 4K screens, the better way to distribute plugins and effects.


macrumors regular
Oct 25, 2021
"Immersive video was part of the demonstration, which Low said showed impressive levels of texture. Wollman felt immersed in the scene, but "also excluded" because it's lifelike, but no one in the immersive videos "sees you or interacts with you."

That was the most on brand absurd thing I have read from Engadget. Oh my goodness the amazing perspective to feel excluded from an immersive video. These reviewers are special.
It’s actually a good point. VR pretends to fully immerse you in a different world, but no matter how realistic it looks, if you still feel like a passive bystander and nothing interacts with you, it breaks the immersion.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 17, 2020
The Verge's Victoria Song didn't comment in detail on the weight, but said that you can feel it sitting on your head "wrecking your hairdo,"

Immersive video was part of the demonstration, which Low said showed impressive levels of texture. Wollman felt immersed in the scene, but "also excluded" because it's lifelike, but no one in the immersive videos "sees you or interacts with you."

Why were these people given the opportunity to test the Vision Pro? It messes up your hair, it makes you feel immersed yet also excluded? lol


macrumors 601
Nov 11, 2020
Mexico City living in Berlin
Interesting observation on the economics of VR for those that doubt use cases for the price

Personally I find it hard to imagine that anything one does immersively on a computer would not be better with a headset. For that very reason I'll be holding off until the health consequences become more apparent!

I have been joking about this a few weeks ago that Apple should have tried to get T Swift on board for an Exclusive Eras Tour experience in VR.

However, the tech simply does not seem to be there yet. The concert would need to be 8K, better yet 12K for a good experience in 360 VR. Everything else looks just like a blown up, low res, pixel and eye sight nightmare (I am talking from experience attempting to watch YouTube VR on my Quest 3)

Harvey Zoltan

macrumors 6502
May 14, 2018
Do you remember how stupid the original Apple Watch was? It was more of a fashion accessory than smartwatch and don’t get me started on the gold edition. Yes, it might follow the Apple Watch and turn into an incredible product but they can only base their views on what they have in front of them.
Agree the original Apple Watch really wasn't ready for public release, Apple almost killed the product by putting it out there too soon. However I still think her review was moronic. Maybe however that's what people go to the WSJ for.
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macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
A lot of people here seemed to be concerned about being separated from their Friends and Family. What do you do with your Friends and Family when you want to spend an hour or so reading?
Well now that is hardly the burn you think it is, isn't it?

To compare it to reading a book is really not understanding how reading a book works.

When I read I pick up a book and start… reading. Immersed but still able to be aware of my husband's intermittent conversation with me, stretch my eyes by looking out the window, that little pause to think over something you've just read, stroke the cat, hear the doorbell and answer it — pick up the book again — put down the book, go have a pee, answer my phone — listen to music…

What I don't have to do is strap a humungous self isolating device on to my face and then sit there, apparently immersed in my own little universe.

This AVP device is first and foremost a device that will further isolate people.

Or do you self isolate in a sound proof room when you go and *read a book*?

But, then again, YMMV and you do. In which case the AVP is probably perfect for you.


macrumors regular
Oct 3, 2019

Getting a bit of a bith vibe from several of the Vision Pro wearers.


Oct 20, 2007
Immersed but still able to be aware of my husband's intermittent conversation with me, stretch my eyes by looking out the window, that little pause to think over something you've just read, stroke the cat, hear the doorbell and answer it <snip to remove comment about what you're doing with the physical book> go have a pee, answer my phone — listen to music…

You do realise you can do all of that (ok, with the exception of "stretching" your eyes, if you mean it in the muscular sense) with the AVP strapped to your head, yes? And if you were reading the book on your AVP, you wouldn't have to put it down and pick it up again.

I'm not implying *you* would *want* to do that, but the irony is you have just described almost the perfect use case scenario for the AVP. Except you can replace "reading a book" with a whole bunch of different activities.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2009
A lot of people thought the touch bar was clever.
Including Dell, who are still trying to copy it.
I thought it was clever.
Then I actually used one and found out that it very much was not…

Actually, it would be clever if they re-introduced it, but kept the function keys as well, which was definitely the biggest complaint.
The fact that the touch bar *replaced* the function keys, instead of *augmenting* the function keys.
The Touch Bar was obviously a terrible idea. It is difficult to fit useful info and controls into a narrow bar.
It would have made way more sense to replace the touchpad with an iPhone style screen that could run iOS apps.


macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
You do realise you can do all of that (ok, with the exception of "stretching" your eyes, if you mean it in the muscular sense) with the AVP strapped to your head, yes? And if you were reading the book on your AVP, you wouldn't have to put it down and pick it up again.

I'm not implying *you* would *want* to do that, but the irony is you have just described almost the perfect use case scenario for the AVP. Except you can replace "reading a book" with a whole bunch of different activities.

Huge difference between picking up a paper book and… strapping an AVP to your head.

I mean, I'm not being facetious, but if you cannot see that then… 🤷🏻‍♂️

And why would I want to read a book on the AVP?

If you read the post I replied to my answer might be a bit clearer to you.


Oct 20, 2007

Huge difference between picking up a paper book and… strapping an AVP to your head.

I mean, I'm not being facetious, but if you cannot see that then… 🤷🏻‍♂️

And why would I want to read a book on the AVP?

If you read the post I replied to my answer might be a bit clearer to you.
As I emphasised, I was not implying that *you* would want to do that.

I was merely stating that everything you highlighted you could do with a book in your hands (or not, as in your scenario), you could do with the AVP strapped to your head.

I can fully appreciate, and totally understand, that many people love the tactile experience of reading a physical book. There are countless people who still prefer a physical book to reading on a screen. I'm not judging them.

But equally, there are many people who enjoy the experience of reading a book on a screen, and I rather suspect that a percentage of those people will actually enjoy reading on the AVP (FWIW, I can think of many ways that a reading experience could be enhanced in a headset).

I get it. You can't envisage such a scenario. And that is perfectly ok.


macrumors 601
Mar 23, 2012
As I emphasised, I was not implying that *you* would want to do that.

I was merely stating that everything you highlighted you could do with a book in your hands (or not, as in your scenario), you could do with the AVP strapped to your head.

I can fully appreciate, and totally understand, that many people love the tactile experience of reading a physical book. There are countless people who still prefer a physical book to reading on a screen. I'm not judging them.

But equally, there are many people who enjoy the experience of reading a book on a screen, and I rather suspect that a percentage of those people will actually enjoy reading on the AVP (FWIW, I can think of many ways that a reading experience could be enhanced in a headset).

I get it. You can't envisage such a scenario. And that is perfectly ok.

Sounds nice if you can put up with the headache these goggles will cause after 20-30 mins.
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