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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 25, 2015
Since seeing the post outlining the sighting of a early 2016 Macbook i've been holding off from purchasing the current model. Anyone else in this position?
Loads of people; read the forums. To be clear, there has been no sighting of a 2016 MacBook; only a mention of one in some server code. But There are a lot of people have been waiting for months for a skylake update. Some are waiting for the addition of a second USB-C port - they are going to be disappointed in 2016.
I'd hope so as I'm in the market for a MBP but would rather hold off if possible and get an updated one if it's going to happen.

I'm just keeping my eyes on here and trying to be patient haha
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I'm one the of the people waiting (I wasn't even originally going to buy a 2015 rmb, but picked up an amazing deal).

However at this point, I'm going to wait out until WWDC in June, even if the refreshed rmb launches in April, as I want to see if there is a redesigned Rmbp.
Do you think there will be an update in April?
May as well ask The Magic 8-Ball. I believe there are several online versions.

Reality is that there may be an update, or there may not be an update. Anyone who actually knows will be under NDA and not talking. Anyone talking isn't under NDA and thus doesn't know.

With that all said, now that the BestBuy sale is over, there's no longer as much of an incentive to pull the trigger now vs waiting until WWDC or beyond if you're just "wanting" a new computer. Obviously if you truly "need" a new computer today you'd bit the bullet and go buy one of the existing choices. (c.f. "Best time to buy a computer is when you NEED one; if waiting is a realistic option then you don't really NEED it right now")
I believe there will be a drop in CPU upgrade to skyline soon. Within a month or so probably.

But I don't expect ANY changes to the macbook itself. No second port, no TB3, etc.

One of the things a lot of people are expecting is the USB-C to become TB3, but I don't think I see it. That would require integrating the entire Alpine Ridge chipset into the macbook, and they don't have the space.

So yes, I expect a upgrade very shortly. But it will be as silent an upgrade as Apple has ever released.
I got fed up waiting for something that might only be an incremental improvement and actually might never happen so pulled the trigger last week. The 2015 model is more than capable for my needs and Im very happy with it. Not sure what the point is waiting, Macs are rarely massive step ups year on year. Buy and enjoy.
I hear you, its just that if its so close then I guess I can wait a week or two after selling my rMBP and still have my iMac at the office.
[doublepost=1459439128][/doublepost]IF being the key word!
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Would a slightly improved processor and slightly improved battery life warrant spending an extra few hundred dollars to you when/if the new one comes out? That is most likely the only improvements in store.
No, however paying the same price for those changes and waiting a extra week or two wouldn't hurt either right. If its a silent update I doubt the price will change, merely the spec.
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I believe noobinator was referencing the price differential that existed until a few days ago when BestBuy had $300 off of list price, then additional discounts for openbox units. Adding in a 10% movers coupon put the normally $1600 1.2GHz/512GB config models at about $1060 before sales tax.

At this time however, without such an incentive, there's little reason not to wait a while if you don't truly need it right away. Although it's quite true that software references to new models have not always been accurate, it also seems that both Amazon and Best Buy have diminished stocks. Possibly just unconnected occurrences, or possibly signals of production cutovers to a skylake based rMB. Time will tell.
Loads of people; read the forums. To be clear, there has been no sighting of a 2016 MacBook; only a mention of one in some server code. But There are a lot of people have been waiting for months for a skylake update. Some are waiting for the addition of a second USB-C port - they are going to be disappointed in 2016.

Apple is the one going to be disappointed out of the missing sales.
Buying is a right of the customer, not a duty to be satisfied no matter what.
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Since seeing the post outlining the sighting of a early 2016 Macbook i've been holding off from purchasing the current model. Anyone else in this position?

Let's have 5 threads talking about the same Bridge To Nowhere.

There. Is. No. Update. Coming.

It's. Okay. To. Buy. RMB. Now.

My point wasn't just about bestbuy but here in US you can find the RMB for discounted still (maybe not as high as Bestbuy but close). Not sure if any discounts are available in UK and elsewhere.
Apple is the one going to be disappointed out of the missing sales.
Buying is a right of the customer, not a duty to be satisfied no matter what.

While quite true, the reality is that there are many who build up in their minds an expectation of what Apple "should" do in future revisions of the various things they sell.

They then express their disappointment and ire across forums such as this one when Apple didn't choose to follow the path everyone but Apple had chosen for Apple to follow. Not unlike the old joke asking where an 800lb gorilla sits (*), Apple just moves along doing what Apple chooses to do.

(*) The gorilla sits wherever he wants to sit!
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How can you be so sure? There is always an update coming.
Don't mind him. He goes on this forum only to poo-poo anyone's suggestion that the Macbook can be improved in any way. He believes the 2015 Retina Macbook was made in the image of god, handed down from the heavens by god's own hand, and to say it is anything but absolutely perfect is heresy.
My point wasn't just about bestbuy but here in US you can find the RMB for discounted still (maybe not as high as Bestbuy but close). Not sure if any discounts are available in UK and elsewhere.

True, but presently of those with units in stock seem to be at $50-$100 off list. B&H is $90-100, Microcenter abour $50, and Bestbuy is full MSRP. Nothing like the $500+ triple-play of $300 off, openbox discounts, and 10% movers coupon. (referencing the 1.2/512 models) If you're seeing an opportunity to hit nearly that kind of discount somewhere do share with others.

Looking at the Amazon price history, it took a while before they did any substantive discounting, then held fairly steady at about $100 off:

When a new revision comes out, I'd expect it may not be discounted for a while, and also it would take some additional time before refurbs or openbox units became available with any regularity. Maybe it comes out in April / May or maybe Apple tossed out a red herring and whatever update occurs is at a later date.
Don't mind him. He goes on this forum only to poo-poo anyone's suggestion that the Macbook can be improved in any way. He believes the 2015 Retina Macbook was made in the image of god, handed down from the heavens by god's own hand, and to say it is anything but absolutely perfect is heresy.

Far from it.

I simply believe that the old days are over, notebooks aren't Apple's priority, and the RMB is just too new to the market and too advanced with its features to need an update this soon. Especially a faster processor which is not what the RMB is about to begin with.

How can you be so sure? There is always an update coming.

Because all the so-called experts in this forum and on interblogs were all wrong about updates in November, in January, and in March. Will they be right eventually? Sure. All signs point to August or next March. If you want to wait all Spring and all Summer for a 1-in-5 chance to get a notebook whose performance enhancements can't be felt in common usage, have at it, I'm not here to spoil the fun of waiting. And waiting. And waiting. For no reason.

Don't buy a 12" macbook now. An updated version is going to be released between tomorrow and WWDC 2016 keynote (early June).
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