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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 19, 2013
My new Macbook Pro 14" just arrived and have been testing it out. With 'Tap to click' function enabled on the Trackpad settings, holding Cmd+Tap (not a deep press) on a link in Safari or any other browser (I first discovered in Brave browser) to open link in a new tab will not work and be unresponsive around 50% of the time on the first interaction.

Since this is reproducible in Safari for me, I think it is a Monterey related issue and not the computer. But I could be wrong.

How to reproduce:

  • Go into System Preferences > Trackpad > enable Tap to click (Tap with one finger)
  • Open Safari
  • Search "cats" in the URL bar, and press return
  • Move cursor over an image or link, and hold 'command' and tap on trackpad (without deep press)
  • No link should open
  • If not reproducible the first time, deep click (with haptic feedback) on an empty area on the webpage (like the margins) to set focus on the webpage, and then try Cmd+Tap on a link. Again, it should fail to open a link in new tab (no links open at all).
  • Cmd+Tap is also unresponsive in general in the browser for even things like clicking to gain focus on the URL bar (during the unresponsive instances)
If you Cmd+Tap on a link repeatedly, sometimes it will work and open link in new tab on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th tap.

Can anyone reproduce this on their Monterey machines? Thanks.


macrumors newbie
Apr 28, 2017
YES! So frustrating. I don't know how people browse the web without Command + Tap to click -> Open Tab in Background.


macrumors newbie
Apr 28, 2017
Unfortunately I think it’s still broken. Had to tap three times to open some links yesterday.


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2008
Unfortunately I think it’s still broken. Had to tap three times to open some links yesterday.
definitely fixed for me .. tried everything to make it NOT work, and it works as any Mac I've used in the last 15 years now .. I don't know if my exact model (MBP 14inch base model + upgrade to 1TB) has to do with anything,

but I'm 100% it works perfectly now ..


macrumors newbie
Apr 28, 2017
definitely fixed for me .. tried everything to make it NOT work, and it works as any Mac I've used in the last 15 years now .. I don't know if my exact model (MBP 14inch base model + upgrade to 1TB) has to do with anything,

but I'm 100% it works perfectly now ..
I have Reddit thread going as well and someone swore it was fixed on there also. They just came back after a few days.. broken!
reddit thread
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