I always have my phone. I can't think of a time I would walk around town without my phone.
How and in what instances would being without a phone be good?
How and in what instances would being without a phone be good?
There are no instances where I'm not without my phone. However I want ss so I'm stuck buying a cellular capable watch. I don't plan on activating it though. $10 a month is a ripoff and for they very little amount of time I'm without my phone it's definitely not worth it imo.
There are times when I carry my phone just because my my S0 (and now S2) don't have cellular radios.
Walking to the Dutch market, morning walks around the neighborhood 3-mile loop, to the gym, etc. When I go to the market, the phone stays in my gym bag the entire time, and the AW serves to grab my attention if someone really needs to get a hold of me.
The main reason any of us carry phones is to maintain contact with friends, family, and coworkers. It's been like that since car phones that were so big, they doubled as armrests. Think of the watch as the new version of the basic cell phone -- a convenient communication device.
If you already have an AW, try the first step: put your phone in your bag, or an inconvenient pocket, or someplace difficult to reach (I've begun putting my phone in my wife's purse when we're out together). Make it so you can't easily waste your time on Snapchat or Candy Crush. Let the watch do its job of notifying you.
When you've weaned yourself off of always having the phone in hand all the time, you'll understand when an untethered AW will be useful.
I'm thinking of buying my first AW, partly because it has cellular now and is now so much more than an iphone extension. I'm often on call for work, and I have to take my phone everywhere. I've found myself wishing I didn't have to, quite a few times. The most evident is either when I'm in the gym, or when I go for a run. No need for a belt+pouch, or an armband. Just your AW, earbuds and shoes, and you're good to go, without losing any functionality. Freedom!
Other examples are when I go out for a quick run to the grocery store. No phone means I just have to take my keys. No purse. I can totally imagine going to the beach with just my towel, a book, and the watch. Again, no phone to protect or lug around.
I remember how I wished the ipod nano had GPS, bluetooth, apps, and a means to get help in an emergency. Now it does, and they called it Watch