Hello all.
I'm a 5s owner. I've had it since December when I upgraded from my 4s. Now my upgrade is coming in a few weeks; I've decided to wait until the 6s is released to decide what I'll do. And I'm wondering, fellow 5s users, are you planning on keeping your 5s, or switching to the 6s when it comes out? Are you planning on keeping the 5s until Apple makes another 4 inch?
I'm a 5s owner. I've had it since December when I upgraded from my 4s. Now my upgrade is coming in a few weeks; I've decided to wait until the 6s is released to decide what I'll do. And I'm wondering, fellow 5s users, are you planning on keeping your 5s, or switching to the 6s when it comes out? Are you planning on keeping the 5s until Apple makes another 4 inch?