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macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2012
Northwest Ohio
I started with black. It looked darn cool with the black on black look. Got a lot of scratches though. Switched to white since my iPhone 4 was white. Still rockin it but now three of my friends have white too! I'm REALLY missing my black one!


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2012
Pennsylvania, USA
I got the black one because people had been saying how beautiful the buffed edges were on the black model online. I was in the preorder crowd so had I seen them in store I would have picked the white one, just because of how beautiful the edges are and how reflective it is! I also picked the black model because I have a white 3rd gen iPad and I wanted to change things up.


macrumors 603
Nov 15, 2012
i was the first one on my crew to rock white.. everyone was mocking me at first and now everyone has white iphones... go figure. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68030
Mar 25, 2013
I'm a secure guy and I really like the white. My only concern is about it is that I think I would get sick of looking at it after a while, does that make sense. I think it could be sweet for a while but then I'm afraid I'd start to wish for a black one.


macrumors 601
Aug 8, 2008
I'm a secure guy and I really like the white. My only concern is about it is that I think I would get sick of looking at it after a while, does that make sense. I think it could be sweet for a while but then I'm afraid I'd start to wish for a black one.

I thought I'd get sick of the white but didn't--I still think it looks much better than the black 7 months later. I also think iOS7 compliments the white color much better--its no accident that Apple featured iOS7 running almost exclusively on a white iPhone 5.


macrumors 65816
Jul 10, 2010
I got the black, matches my style.
Black car, black clothes (always a suit), black sunglasses, black rims, black watch, black gloves, black car interior, black shoes, black belt, black phone, black case on black phone, i could keep going…

You should go white then...white would bring all that together. Style basics 101


macrumors member
Aug 21, 2013
The white one looks more sophisticated and it's made from the same material as my MacBook Air, so I trust it.


macrumors 65816
Mar 4, 2009
I got black and have always had black. I love it. I think the white 5 is the best looking white design yet. I will be getting a white 5s as I think it complements iOS 7 much better. Plus I keep losing my black phone on my black granite counters at home. :eek:


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2013
I think the white looks gorgeous naked. But I don't like the look of it in a case, at least the cases that the majority of people choose.

However, my daughter has a white iphone, and her case is very sleek. It doesn't add an width to the phone, so I like her white phone.

Since I will use a case, the color of the phone is rather immaterial. Not much of it shows. If I felt comfortable using the phone without a case, I would purchase the new champagne color. Since I don't, it will be black. The black case I use has a black perimeter, so from the front you can't even tell it has a case on it. The black recedes into its surroundings, so it doesn't attract a lot of attention. That's a big plus for me.

A white phone in a "fat" case just looks sad to me. My opinion only.
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