I wish there was a break down from Apple as to what specific system font is needed for what menu in High Sierra.
My ultimate purpose in this was removing foreign fonts from font displays in Affinity Photo. It’s such a waste of screen space having to include foreign fonts in scrolling displays.
Thank you for your posts. I agree 100 percent with you on that, blackxacto. It would be nice to know which system font is needed/used where and why, so maybe Apple can/will provide documentation about that.
Also, davidlv, yes...here's hoping that various software developers get with the program and give us Font Display options (whether from within the programs, or however else this may be well handled). I would like to not have to see/scroll through all the foreign language options that the system may use, but that I personally won't use in design programs and in MS Word menus, etc. Not sure if there would be a way to repair this issue from Apple's development side, but if there were, it would be helpful and would improve my personal efficiency, as well as improve my user experience in terms of personal preferences.
Going through a lot of the same issues in High Sierra with the Font Book app and some inconsistencies...Some fonts listed there were not in my system font or library font folders, and others that are in my library fonts did not appear in Font Book (I tried advice from another post of removing the preference file and relaunching Font Book, so will have to re-compare everything to see if that worked.)
The real issue is why do some apps include all fonts in the menus even if you turn off a font in FontBook? So deleting all of the fonts you don't really need is the only effective solution.

As someone mentioned, Microsoft is a major offender here.

Bad Bad Office

True, true, davidlv. Indeed, although many extraneous foreign language (and other) fonts may be disabled in Font Book, many other fonts that I would prefer not to have to see and scroll through in my MS Word and other design program menus still appear because they have to remain in the system fonts folder for the system usage (therefore preventing their being disabled in Font Book). So...these individual program developers need to come up with a way to let us remove their display from within the program's design/font menus. Let's go give this feedback to the Microsoft — and other individual design software developers —on their respective sites!