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macrumors 6502a
Dec 29, 2008
I want to post this picture because I wanted to show that the same thing happened on my 5s..... this was a pic i took with my 5s, look at alex turner's hand.... it looks really really bad. I dont get what the issue is, and i still see this behavior on my 6 plus


Added the link for full size^


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2012
I want to post this picture because I wanted to show that the same thing happened on my 5s..... this was a pic i took with my 5s, look at alex turner's hand.... it looks really really bad. I dont get what the issue is, and i still see this behavior on my 6 plus


Added the link for full size^

I've also noticed it on some of my 5S photos. I'm assuming it's has to do with either 2 things.

1. It's easier to notice on the 6 plus due to the screen size.


2. Apple really has increased the NR for the iPhone 6/6 plus, causing the smearing to happen on well lit photos, which I've experienced.


macrumors 68000
Sep 25, 2014
Interesting article at Ars comparing the iPhone 6 Plus camera to a DSLR, but I think they completely flubbed the execution. The examples were pretty terrible and someone who didn't know much about photography would come away thinking that the iPhone was more or less as good as an expensive DSLR.

I do think it's odd that I've not read more about this whole noise reduction issue elsewhere. It seems that a lot of people are not looking very closely at their photos. I don't know -- maybe that's the healthier thing to do. A lot of these photos do look pretty good when you don't blow them up.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 15, 2012
Why is it so impossible for me to take consistently good photos with my 6?

No. 645 Pro Mk III does not take any better pictures than the native app. They look almost identical and they only increase the file size. I have shot numerous pictures with 645 set to output tiff untouched. When compared to the native Camera app, they are almost identical. Here is an example. This is a crop of an image of a video card. Left is 645 tiff output, right is native camera app.

Scam app.

No way for us to know without metadata of each photo.

There's already been image comparisons that show otherwise.


macrumors member
Sep 19, 2014
Thanks to whoever mentioned the Cortex app! Price wasn't too bad so I bought it just now to try it out. I took a picture of my computer monitor in a dark room, and the Cortex photo looks awesome compared to the one taken with the regular Camera:

Apple's Camera app:

Cortex camera:

The text in the cortex photo looks so much sharper, it almost looks like a took a screenshot from the computer itself.. I think I read that the cortex photos are a bigger file size?

For now it'll be a good alternative to use when I want a sharper photo, but I'll keep using the camera app when I want to snap a quick picture.


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2014
Hi to everybody! ...just registered only to say yes, I also have this problem and arrived at this thread searching the web for that. I have to admit that I was disappointed for the 6 plus camera especially video. I use to make lots of videos since the 4s and was always a step up from that to the 5, then to the 5s.... But now quite disappointed. To be honest some things have improved for example the speed of the autofocus is waaay better, the image stabilisation sometimes makes reals miracles (just tested in a 737 landing and in a motorboat and can't believe my eyes!) but other are disappointing like the problem of this thread and the White balance. Far concrete/asphalt and grass/trees became a single grey/green blob. Also compression artefacts are much more noticeable than my previous iPhone. The video is noticeably "less beautiful"...
Any one experienced this issue in video?


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
I want to post this picture because I wanted to show that the same thing happened on my 5s..... this was a pic i took with my 5s, look at alex turner's hand.... it looks really really bad. I dont get what the issue is, and i still see this behavior on my 6 plus


Added the link for full size^

The effect is to be expected in low light, especially from the 5s. The problem is that the 6 is exhibiting this behavior in bright light with low ISO's.


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Attached is a picture of my car from our decently lit work garage in the middle of the afternoon... Pic looks great when not at full size.. Also attached is a fullsize crop of muddiness.

It's an 8 MP photo....blowing it up will obviously make it look worse. Thats really the only part where MP count comes into play.


macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2014
I'm having the same issues with my 6 plus. I've tried taking pictures of my 7 month old baby and unless she's sitting absolutely still (not going to happen) and in very bright sunlight they come out grainy/smeared. I'm so disappointed with this camera that I've started using my 4s to take pictures, which in my opinion are 100% better than the 6 plus's..... Absolutely ridiculous!


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
I agree, turn off the hdr. The iPhone 6+, despite this particular processing issue, should take far better shots of your baby due to its much faster auto-focus, image stabilization and much improved low light sensitivity.


macrumors regular
Oct 6, 2014
It's an 8 MP photo....blowing it up will obviously make it look worse. Thats really the only part where MP count comes into play.

It's not just the mp that are causing this. It's the jpeg compression and noise reduction. Use a Canon 8mp point and shoot and do the same. Much better image processing.


macrumors 68030
Aug 8, 2009
Yes, as has been said over and over from the beginning of this thread, this is a specific artifact that won't affect every or even most of your photographs. That doesn't mean it's not an issue however.
I never stated it wasn't. I only pointed out that quite a lot here are exaggerating the problem because they fail to understand the technology.

Do you think there are no other serious photographers here??
Nowadays everybody thinks he/she is a photographer. If there were really photographers here the discussion would be more technical and more to the points made. The only replies I'm seeing are from people desperately trying to convince everybody here there is a problem. People who don't shy away from trolling.

We're not discussing "technical differences", we're discussing a specific image artifact.
A specific image artifact that is quite normal for cameras with a small sensor. Very easy to mix up.

As for that review, it directly contradicts your earlier contention that "all smartphone cameras are bad and so what's the difference."
It can't because it doesn't discuss that part. What it does is tell you how good the 6/6+ cameras are. The review contradicts what a lot of people here think they are experiencing. Be sure to read what they list as pros and cons.

More importantly, there are few images and all are resized and compressed so we can't see if the contrast/nr problem is there.
It is far more scientific than anything in this thread. What we see here are randomly posted pictures with very different lighting situations and absolutely nothing about settings, environment, etc. Looking for any EXIF info results in "no meta data".

Their camera rankings differ strikingly from all other review sites so it raises questions about their testing methodology and thouroughness. Actually the opaqueness of the review is rather suspicious in my view.
They are into photography and have a lot of tooling for the professional photographer. Nearly all of the iPhone reviews are done by enthusiasts and journalists. Most of them are able to take snapshots but are by no means a professional photographer. Also, they have absolutely no testing methodology at all, let alone they share it with the rest of the world. I haven't read a review that points at the problem discussed in this thread, nor any review that is different from the DxO review which draws the conclusion the 6/6+ cameras are fine.

It almost seems like you know the exact problem and are determined to disrupt and distract any constructive criticism of it.
Actually that is the problem with a few people here. It's even worse than with bendgate. People are really obsessed with the camera quality.

Anyways, if you're 6+ camera images don't have the problem we're investigating, why aren't you posting them here to show us exactly why "we don't understand what's going on?"
I don't have a 6+ but a 6 and posting pictures won't help with obsessed people nor with any sane person. Like you've already said so yourself: this requires a testing methodology so we can actually test it without having huge differences (which is what we have in this thread since people randomly post pictures without any protocol or information). If you really know you stuff than why haven't you started building such testing methodology? Or in other words, here's your chance to show you really understand the issue and know how to gather the information for it. For starters: include any details about environment, shoot similar pictures, use similar settings (and post them!), include EXIF info in the picture, what app are they using, have they tried a different app and so on.

Winona Northdakota

macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2010
Why is it so impossible for me to take consistently good photos with my 6?

It's not just the mp that are causing this. It's the jpeg compression and noise reduction. Use a Canon 8mp point and shoot and do the same. Much better image processing.

You know that all JPEGs are compressed, right? A Canon point and shoot has a much bigger image sensor, also, so of course, a Canon 8 MP point and shoot is going to look better. Duh!!!


macrumors member
Aug 7, 2010
The problem is real. If any human being with the ability to see can't notice how weird some of the shots look in this thread, I have no solution for you save that your objectivity is filtered through your loyalty to Apple.

But here's the rub - most on this site are and have been very pleased with the photos from prior iPhones.
Count me among them. The 6 is my fifth version of the phone. So, I'm loyal.

Loyal enough to tell the truth about a device that I really like and which I'd want to be the best possible.
Go through the thread. Look at the dog I photographed.
The woman in the restaurant. The recent one of the guitar player. (look at the drummer in the background!)

OK indoor light in them all.
Now look at this one. Outdoors. Zoom on the two humans in the top left. Their faces like a painting.

And I'll hasten to add, some shots are much better.
But I've scrutinized the photos I've taken for six years now with iPhones. Looked at them when they were taken with as much discernment as the current ones. And I've looked at old photos on my roll.

An adjustment needs to be made. That's all.
Not calling for the resignation of Tim Cook…so relax.
Just make the photos look like they have for all these very good years.
Constructive critique is a sign of true loyalty.


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macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
Nowadays everybody thinks he/she is a photographer. If there were really photographers here the discussion would be more technical and more to the points made. The only replies I'm seeing are from people desperately trying to convince everybody here there is a problem. People who don't shy away from trolling.

I grew up in a family of photographers. I was developing film in our darkroom by the time I was in middle school. However I've always been a very middling photographer.

Still, I can tell you without a doubt that the vast majority of great photographers care little for the technical aspects beyond what is necessary to get their desired results. Technical jargon is the forte of camera gear-heads, not photographers.

It doesn't take a gear-head to see the issue here, just someone who knows what a decent photograph is supposed to look like, and has used these phones in the past to see what has changed.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 12, 2011
The problem is real. If any human being with the ability to see can't notice how weird some of the shots look in this thread, I have no solution for you save that your objectivity is filtered through your loyalty to Apple.

But here's the rub - most on this site are and have been very pleased with the photos from prior iPhones.
Count me among them. The 6 is my fifth version of the phone. So, I'm loyal.

Loyal enough to tell the truth about a device that I really like and which I'd want to be the best possible.
Go through the thread. Look at the dog I photographed.
The woman in the restaurant. The recent one of the guitar player. (look at the drummer in the background!)

OK indoor light in them all.
Now look at this one. Outdoors. Zoom on the two humans in the top left. Their faces like a painting.

And I'll hasten to add, some shots are much better.
But I've scrutinized the photos I've taken for six years now with iPhones. Looked at them when they were taken with as much discernment as the current ones. And I've looked at old photos on my roll.

An adjustment needs to be made. That's all.
Not calling for the resignation of Tim Cook…so relax.
Just make the photos look like they have for all these very good years.
Constructive critique is a sign of true loyalty.

Your right the faces look like a painting. This is just awful.


macrumors member
Aug 7, 2010
Ok ready for this?
I'm in an Apple store in SF.

I'm about to upload two photos from a display model of the 6+
I emailed them to myself.
Let's be clear - These are stock shots that Apple loaded on the device to show off the quality of the camera. They represent Apple's "best foot forward" so to speak.
To impress customers.

Look at the one with two people in a desert or canyon.
Enlarge their faces, the objects in background, the canyon walls.
Can you believe this?
Totally painted.

Enlarge the other faces in the second shot.
Even their show off photos have the painted look!
Side note - I always have problems with uploads to these threads. Any advice?


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macrumors member
Aug 7, 2010
Here is the other one. Did these come across?
Go into an Apple store and see for yourself.


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macrumors member
Aug 7, 2010
In the interest of accuracy.
These uploads look even worse than the ones I saw on the ip6+.
An issue with the Mac rumors upload?

Anyway, next time you're at an Apple store take a look.


macrumors 68000
Sep 25, 2014
Do you think the demo pics on the phones were actually taken with the phone? I recall thinking that they looked way too good, even considering that they use ideal lighting conditions.


macrumors 604
Mar 11, 2013
I'm really sad about this and there is mixed feedback in this thread as whether another camera app could fix it.

Anyway, look at this picture taken with my iPhone 6 (cropped to fit the upload limit, but the effect is still there).

This is my rescued rabbit (my buddy :D), well I have all kinds of pictures of him with my 4S and yes, there is some grain, but you could make out his hair. This was taken with my 6 in decent light. He was not moving and I was resting the phone for stability. When views on my 15" Retina Macbook or my 23" 1080p monitor I can notice a drop in clarity. His fur is smudged.

Like others have said, this smudging may not matter on certain solid objects, but on objects that are characterized by their detail (like cement or fur) it ruins the image. What happened to that squirrel they showed off in the keynotes? The one with detailed fur! They only used scales and rocks this keynote.

Can another camera app help?


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