The problem with that is everything, The s8 is a great phone, new this, new that, but at the end of the day it does not perform better than iPhone 7, the screen easily shatters, the battery will degrade drastically in 1 year.
So for new looks, that's what's most likely your paying for, my brothers s7 battery lasts about 2-3 hours sot normal usage and resolution on low, my iPhone 4 last all day normal usage and its a old a** phone, lol.
I rather have a reliable smartphone than a pretty one, but my point isn't about looks, its about rushing to a phone that will most likely will have problems while its 2nd gen won't.
And I don't know why people keep saying that upgrading every years is a good thing and that it saves you money, it does not, you are basically renting a phone, the phone is not yours, and if anything happens to that phone you will be paying for it while buying a new one, the best way is owning the phone instead of showing off that you got the best new thing, the only people who win with that is Apple and the carrier.