Played years ago - Lich King and Panda-land
I recall arranging my life around maximizing hours of game play. My wife is amazing to have endured me during those years.
It’s not really something you can do casually, with all the grindy aspects throughout the game.
I disagree. Sure, from Vanilla until Cataclysm'ish there were required hours-long grinds. But, aside from the initial leveling up which has changed quite a bit since you played, they've made the game quite casual friendly. You can be a Mythic (highest level raid) with like, 2 days a week dealio at 6 hours total. (Currently 11/11M with said 2 days). Add another hour to do your M+ and 30 minutes for Emissaries depending on how slow you are. I'd waste that time watching TV if I cared to. Or, you can simply do a couple Mythic+ (5 mans timed dungeon) and get some nearly equivalent gear, depending on how it procs. And can do, as Nermal said, log in click which wing in LFR you want to do and that's that. Just all in how you pace yourself tbh.
Not a perfect game but far from some difficult time commitment like it used to require, nor are there much grinds asides from daily Emissaries nowadays.
Is because of the 5K setting. The iMac 5K I had was the very first 5K machine.
Like I said, you'd need to play with your settings. Most people with 5k are just fine. Also, make sure addons if you use them are updated as that can affects things a bit.