Businessweek profiles "Metro" -- a prototype laptop designed by Intel and Ziba Design. The 0.7 inch thick laptop is the world's thinnest notebook and weighs only 2.25 pounds.

Unlike other prototype designs, this design is to go intro production later this year with an unspecified manufacturer, according to Businessweek.
The motivation for the design was to attempt to boost notebook sales by improving visual design to appeal to a larger market.
Other design-oriented features include different color choices, one side featuring an E Ink screen, and the addition of a shoulder strap (image)."Intel wants to stimulate the conversation," says Roger Kay, president of consultancy Endpoint Technologies Associates. Besides making the machine thin, they're also using materials aimed to communicate high quality and coolness. Made of champagne-colored magnesium, the laptop is decorated with subtle gold accents.
To achieve its small size, the laptop uses flash memory in place of a standard hard drive. This addition also improves battery life up to 14 hours. Also included is wireless connectivity with options for cellular, Wi-Fi or WiMax networks, fingerprint reader, noise canceling technology, and more. "Price was not a concern" for the design.
Apple has been rumored to be entering the market with a flash-based laptop in the near future. Rumors have touched on the possibilities of an ultra thin model. Apple's recent patent applications have revealed that they are actively working on thinner/stronger enclosures for future laptop designs.