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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Businessweek profiles "Metro" -- a prototype laptop designed by Intel and Ziba Design. The 0.7 inch thick laptop is the world's thinnest notebook and weighs only 2.25 pounds.


Unlike other prototype designs, this design is to go intro production later this year with an unspecified manufacturer, according to Businessweek.

The motivation for the design was to attempt to boost notebook sales by improving visual design to appeal to a larger market.
"Intel wants to stimulate the conversation," says Roger Kay, president of consultancy Endpoint Technologies Associates. Besides making the machine thin, they're also using materials aimed to communicate high quality and coolness. Made of champagne-colored magnesium, the laptop is decorated with subtle gold accents.
Other design-oriented features include different color choices, one side featuring an E Ink screen, and the addition of a shoulder strap (image).

To achieve its small size, the laptop uses flash memory in place of a standard hard drive. This addition also improves battery life up to 14 hours. Also included is wireless connectivity with options for cellular, Wi-Fi or WiMax networks, fingerprint reader, noise canceling technology, and more. "Price was not a concern" for the design.

Apple has been rumored to be entering the market with a flash-based laptop in the near future. Rumors have touched on the possibilities of an ultra thin model. Apple's recent patent applications have revealed that they are actively working on thinner/stronger enclosures for future laptop designs.
Damn, that thing is thin. Apple, please do something about this!

"People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware."

HHmmmm, could Intel ever..?... Nah?
Anyone notice that the power connection looks just like that on the Apple?

Or is it a USB slot?
Kind of Femy?

Ok please do not take this wrong, but I first though when i read this, ok MacBook Pro rip off, and then I looked at the pic with the straps and different colors and I'm sorry but I don't think many men would buy one of these lol. I'm not being descriminative but it's just like cars... in general how many straight guys own a Mazda Miada??? Really? Just my prediction... Time will tell!
Apple rubbing off on Intel?

So here is a ultra-sleek notebook created with looks in mind and price was not a factor? Has Intel learned a bit from Apple or did Apple pick Intel because they saw where Intel was headed?
Wow. That is simply incredible. 14 hours of battery life?? Yes please!! Something like this although without the external screen or the handbag handles would be perfect if it came from Apple. It would sell like hotcakes. Incidentally, what exactly are 'hotcakes'??

Edit: Also, doesn't that webcam in there look awefully iSight like?
Ok please do not take this wrong, but I first though when i read this, ok MacBook Pro rip off, and then I looked at the pic with the straps and different colors and I'm sorry but I don't think many men would buy one of these lol. I'm not being descriminative but it's just like cars... in general how many straight guys own a Mazda Miada??? Really? Just my prediction... Time will tell!

It does look an awful lot like a woman's purse in that one picture, and the close-ups resemble a jewelry case.
Ok please do not take this wrong, but I first though when i read this, ok MacBook Pro rip off, and then I looked at the pic with the straps and different colors and I'm sorry but I don't think many men would buy one of these lol. I'm not being descriminative but it's just like cars... in general how many straight guys own a Mazda Miada??? Really? Just my prediction... Time will tell!
I'm a girl and I think those straps/colors are hideous. An aluminum version would be nice, though.

It's not all that much thinner than the MBP now, though.. unless in person .3 inches is more than it looks on paper. A TON lighter, though.

*shrug* I know I'm on the losing side, but although portability and battery life is important to me, I'm not really interested in giving up too much power in exchange.
The external screen feature is a great battery eating device that seems unnecessary. I don't think I am carrying a super thin laptop around with a shoulder strap. And the champagne colored trim to convey luxury is tacky. "It's jewelry," and I completely agree. This is just another silly showcase product for Intel's technology. Intel does this like everyone else in hopes people spark conversation and some manufacturer makes a new device using these concepts. The iPod is jewelery, not a laptop.
Not bad. Noooooot baaaaaad at all. The hinge design seems borrowed directly from Apple, for sure. And I'm not a big fan of "champagne"-colored metal at all -- looks tacky IMO, and the ostentatious gold trim really doesn't help. The little screen on the outside looks like a pretty dumb/useless redundancy, too.

I would really love to see Apple do something in this space. They could do waaaaaay better.

Intel has pumped out quite a few different prototypes like this over the years in an attempt to light a fire under its hardware partners to produce something innovative, but it never seemed to work too well. I think that's the main reason why Intel was excited to work with Apple: they have the vision and the guts to try out different ranges of products that Gateway and Dell are more reluctant to try, which will hopefully result in more sales of Intel processors for more devices and applications.
The external screen feature is a great battery eating device that seems unnecessary.
E-Ink uses VERY little battery...and it would be nice to have a quick calendar+clock/to-do list/icon with how many e-mails I have :)
and then I looked at the pic with the straps and different colors and I'm sorry but I don't think many men would buy one of these lol.

I would buy it no problem provided there is no gold trim and the strap can be easily detached. The color for me should be black or grey, but you never know - my iPod Nano, for example, is blue.
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