I've been accused of being a petulant whiner for wanting a reasonably upgradeable and serviceable MBA when I said I'd pay more above an already expensive price to have what should be basic options for upgradeability beyond completely replacing my $1100 2014 MBA.
So I'm curious to see if there are at least 1999 other macrumors members who, like me, would be willing to pay a 25-30% premium for their MBA, MBP or MB if they later easily upgrade RAM, SSD, battery, etc.
For me that would have meant spending $1400 instead of $1100 for my 2014 i7 MBA with a full 8gb RAM but only 128gb SSD. I'm at the stage where I'd love to increase the RAM and SSD but...well, you know the options.
This purposefully ignores the option of Apple (gasp) doing what should be done and offer upgradeability at same or less cost, only since the incentive for this poll was in response to the below quote. So have fun here.
As I don't think I'm a petulant whiner but rather, someone who'd like to be able to simply upgrade and service my Mac while also getting out of the loop of being forced to replace it fully when my needs have grown to need a bit more "go" and function, I am very curious to see what others think. I really don't think I'm alone, so I'm curious.
Please vote. Thank you!
Remember: this is for your MB, MBA, or MBP!
(yes I realize the irony of using green font when discussing a forced-throwaway-in-order-to-upgrade expensive electronic item.)
So I'm curious to see if there are at least 1999 other macrumors members who, like me, would be willing to pay a 25-30% premium for their MBA, MBP or MB if they later easily upgrade RAM, SSD, battery, etc.
For me that would have meant spending $1400 instead of $1100 for my 2014 i7 MBA with a full 8gb RAM but only 128gb SSD. I'm at the stage where I'd love to increase the RAM and SSD but...well, you know the options.
This purposefully ignores the option of Apple (gasp) doing what should be done and offer upgradeability at same or less cost, only since the incentive for this poll was in response to the below quote. So have fun here.
As I don't think I'm a petulant whiner but rather, someone who'd like to be able to simply upgrade and service my Mac while also getting out of the loop of being forced to replace it fully when my needs have grown to need a bit more "go" and function, I am very curious to see what others think. I really don't think I'm alone, so I'm curious.
Please vote. Thank you!
Remember: this is for your MB, MBA, or MBP!
(yes I realize the irony of using green font when discussing a forced-throwaway-in-order-to-upgrade expensive electronic item.)
And Apple would sell about 2,000 extra units worldwide. Honest. And for that, they have to design a different PC Board, different CNC programs for their case-miilling machines, different logistics for the supply-chain and Contract Manufacturers, additional SKUs for a low-selling variant (you did say30% higher price, right?), etc. etc.
It's the same reason they discontinued the 17 MacBook Pro: The "numbers" just didn't make sense.
Apple isn't stupid: If they thought for one minute that the general public (not just a few petulant whiners on the interwebs) REALLY wanted Expandable RAM or SSD, they would make that product in a New York Minute. Their shareholders and Board of Directors would DEMAND it.
But they don't; so they won't.
And obviously, it isn't hurting their bottom line, eh?
BTW, there are a LOT of non-Apple laptops with Soldered-In RAM, and some even with soldered-in SSDs. Get used to it.
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