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Would you pay 25-30% more for your MBA, MBP, or MB if you could upgrade RAM, SSD, Battery, etc?

  • Yes I would in a New York Minute pay up for the option to improve my Mac's performance and lifespan.

  • No I'm perfectly happy paying what I did and for soldered-in RAM & storage.

  • I think MBA/MBP/MB’s should already be expandable, at the same or lower prince!

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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 12, 2014
I've been accused of being a petulant whiner for wanting a reasonably upgradeable and serviceable MBA when I said I'd pay more above an already expensive price to have what should be basic options for upgradeability beyond completely replacing my $1100 2014 MBA.

So I'm curious to see if there are at least 1999 other macrumors members who, like me, would be willing to pay a 25-30% premium for their MBA, MBP or MB if they later easily upgrade RAM, SSD, battery, etc.

For me that would have meant spending $1400 instead of $1100 for my 2014 i7 MBA with a full 8gb RAM but only 128gb SSD. I'm at the stage where I'd love to increase the RAM and SSD but...well, you know the options.

This purposefully ignores the option of Apple (gasp) doing what should be done and offer upgradeability at same or less cost, only since the incentive for this poll was in response to the below quote. So have fun here. :)

As I don't think I'm a petulant whiner but rather, someone who'd like to be able to simply upgrade and service my Mac while also getting out of the loop of being forced to replace it fully when my needs have grown to need a bit more "go" and function, I am very curious to see what others think. I really don't think I'm alone, so I'm curious.

Please vote. Thank you!

Remember: this is for your MB, MBA, or MBP!

(yes I realize the irony of using green font when discussing a forced-throwaway-in-order-to-upgrade expensive electronic item.)

And Apple would sell about 2,000 extra units worldwide. Honest. And for that, they have to design a different PC Board, different CNC programs for their case-miilling machines, different logistics for the supply-chain and Contract Manufacturers, additional SKUs for a low-selling variant (you did say30% higher price, right?), etc. etc.

It's the same reason they discontinued the 17 MacBook Pro: The "numbers" just didn't make sense.

Apple isn't stupid: If they thought for one minute that the general public (not just a few petulant whiners on the interwebs) REALLY wanted Expandable RAM or SSD, they would make that product in a New York Minute. Their shareholders and Board of Directors would DEMAND it.

But they don't; so they won't.

And obviously, it isn't hurting their bottom line, eh?

BTW, there are a LOT of non-Apple laptops with Soldered-In RAM, and some even with soldered-in SSDs. Get used to it.
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I'm not perfectly happy, but I'm not willing to spend even more money for a MBP. I think they're over-priced as it is, and there's no way I'm willing to incur a 25% increase just for the ability to upgrade the laptop

Think: MBP, MBA, or MB. Any Mac.
Based on the 30% we already overpay for this version of the MBP's? NO
Based on similar spec'd machines on other platforms. Yes I would pay that much extra to not deal with Windows and have a faster machine.
How about the option:
Do you think you should be able to upgrade a MBP for the extra 30% Apple charges for it?

Ha! I know. But given what (some of us think it's unfortunate with what we're) stuck with, assuming there will never be non-soldered options at current price points, then this poll is for satisfying my curiosity as to whether there are more than 2000 out there (or at least, a sizable bunch willing to respond to this poll) that would pay even more Apple tax to have what should be base, serviceability & upgradeability options (acknowledging this is only seen by members here).
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This is misleading. YOu should have a third option. Would you like an upgradable MBP for the same price...?
I want upgradable MBP but I do not think we should pay 30% more...
MBP are already way overpriced for what they are offering.

I hear you, but no, the very point of this thread is in response to being called a petulant whiner for wanting what should be the norm: a reasonably upgradeable expensive computer. Of course some would jump for upgradeability & serviceability at the same cost, but that's overlooking that those features are so important to some (and the lack of those features will make it so hard for me to ever go Apple again after my 2014 MBA becomes useless or broken) that some of us would pay more on top of an already-expensive laptop for what should be a basic option.
Ha! I know. But given what (some of us think it's unfortunate with what we're) stuck with, assuming there will never be non-soldered options at current price points, then this poll is for satisfying my curiosity as to whether there are more than 2000 out there (or at least, a sizable bunch willing to respond to this poll) that would pay even more Apple tax to have what should be base, serviceability & upgradeability options (acknowledging this is only seen by members here).
First off, Good for you thinking you're going to get 2000 votes!
Secondly... the problem is Apple is making it much more difficult to be "stuck" with them if they keep continuing down this road. I want nothing more than a fast computer that keeps up with windows and I'm fine paying the Apple Tax to not deal with Windows anymore. But it's getting to the point of ridiculousness when we are already paying $500+ dollars more than a freaking Dell that has a 4k touchscreen with similar specs. And that Dell outperforms the MacBook in Cinebench by like 200 points.
Absolutely not. Apple’s pricing is already massively inflated compared to similar products on the market. In some cases already by in excess of the 25-30% you suggest.

They need to be looking for ways to make their products more competitive, not even more expensive.
I think this simplistic survey glosses over some of the effects of the design (replaceable v. non-replaceable). Certainly all MBAs have replaceable batteries. I haven't done the latest models (and no reason to) but the others are easy and inexpensive. I have upgraded the SSD on MBAs, too. No problem.

My 2013 MBP has an essentially non-replaceable battery, so perhaps more on the mark there. I don't find the soldered RAM to be a big deal. I bought the most RAM supported, and it wouldn't have been upgradeable beyond that without other tradeoffs, like battery life.

For an SSD, I bought the most storage I could afford (1TB) so in that sense I did pay 20% than I otherwise would have.

But I think you're probably talking more about the future, rather than the past. It seems, at least to me, that the current team of execs has made it clear about product design directions, and they have their compelling reasons for that.
I hear you, but no, the very point of this thread is in response to being called a petulant whiner for wanting what should be the norm: a reasonably upgradeable expensive computer. Of course some would jump for upgradeability & serviceability at the same cost, but that's overlooking that those features are so important to some (and the lack of those features will make it so hard for me to ever go Apple again after my 2014 MBA becomes useless or broken) that some of us would pay more on top of an already-expensive laptop for what should be a basic option.

So why exactly would you pay extra for something that should be standard? Makes no sense at all, same as this thread.
Why should we pay extra for something that should be "Standard"??!
All the Apple stuff is very expensive as it is, no?
Oh, and BTW, the removable RAM, SSD, USB A and SD slots will never come back, so...

How much you want to bet they’d come back if Apple went that route? All the lemmings follow Apple, and then that would be the new norm. Apple makes the iPhone, and guess what smart phones look like nowadays? Apple goes to unibody and soldered in hardware, and suddenly toshbas and Dells look like MacBooks. Apple makes their software all light blue, gray, white, and Flat and next thing you know, the majority of websites and Windows programs are are light blue, grey, white, and Flat. Apple barks and everyone then barks.
So why exactly would you pay extra for something that should be standard? Makes no sense at all, same as this thread.

Thank you sir for proving my point, that serviceable and replaceable innards are highly desired and should really be the norm.
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Apple is not a monopolist, and there are infinite options of upgreadeable laptops you can buy.

If people were not willing to buy non-upgradeable hardware, they would not buy from Apple. But they do. So end of.
Apple is not a monopolist, and there are infinite options of upgreadeable laptops you can buy.

If people were not willing to buy non-upgradeable hardware, they would not buy from Apple. But they do. So end of.

Thanks for posting. But the point of this thread is to see how many others feel like I do, and would value replaceable, serviceable hardware. I’ve been too often told that nobody wants that, so let’s see how many do. Completely unscientific, but fun to play along. Suspend your belief that this needs to be a honest product justification discussion.
It's an interesting question, I guess my answer would be no, not for a 30% increase. In part because while upgrading RAM or such can extend the life of the machine, you can only do that so far, and I'd rather pay less per machine and buy a new laptop more frequently, than pay more and do so less frequently. (I see some irony there since I buy Apple laptops! :))

I think the primary reason so little is upgradable now is because the designs are so tight (curious if people agree with that). So a more interesting question might be, would you sacrifice size/weight for upgradability?

I think I would still say no though. I switched from a 13" to a 15" in 2016 because the 15-inchers became portable enough for me. My 512GB drive is almost full -- I would upgrade it if I could, but I also would be more inclined to invest the money in a 2018 anyway...
How much you want to bet they’d come back if Apple went that route? All the lemmings follow Apple, and then that would be the new norm. Apple makes the iPhone, and guess what smart phones look like nowadays? Apple goes to unibody and soldered in hardware, and suddenly toshbas and Dells look like MacBooks. Apple makes their software all light blue, gray, white, and Flat and next thing you know, the majority of websites and Windows programs are are light blue, grey, white, and Flat. Apple barks and everyone then barks.

Thank you sir for proving my point, that serviceable and replaceable innards are highly desired and should really be the norm.

Yes, the upgradable hardware should be standard, but its not anymore with Apple, end of story.
From what i see, you suggesting to pay more to Apple just to bring back the upgradable hardware, which honestly is ridiculous considering the Macs are already way way too overpriced for what they offer.
If money is not an issue for you, just buy the top maxed out version of whatever Mac you want to buy and then you won't care anymore about upgradable hardware or not.
But really, paying extra to Apple on top of the already ridiculously expensive Macs is completely insane :))
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I know I got many more years out of my 2008 MacBook Pro because I was able to upgrade RAM, SSD, and change the battery. Would I pay an Apple tax tax to do it again given the price that I paid for my new one? No. I'd buy the base, sell it, and take the 30% tax tax money that I had banked to upgrade when I was ready.
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Apple should make a bareboned MacBook and imac for less money.
Then an all glass iphone and apple tv that translates everything in Dothraki
I've been accused of being a petulant whiner for wanting a reasonably upgradeable and serviceable MBA when I said I'd pay more above an already expensive price to have what should be basic options for upgradeability beyond completely replacing my $1100 2014 MBA.

So I'm curious to see if there are at least 1999 other macrumors members who, like me, would be willing to pay a 25-30% premium for their MBA, MBP or MB if they later easily upgrade RAM, SSD, battery, etc.

For me that would have meant spending $1400 instead of $1100 for my 2014 i7 MBA with a full 8gb RAM but only 128gb SSD. I'm at the stage where I'd love to increase the RAM and SSD but...well, you know the options.

As I don't think I'm a petulant whiner but rather, someone who'd like to be able to simply upgrade and service my Mac while also getting out of the loop of being forced to replace it fully when my needs have grown to need a bit more "go" and function, I am very curious to see what others think. I really don't think I'm alone, so I'm curious.

Please vote. Thank you!

Remember: this is for your MB, MBA, or MBP!

(yes I realize the irony of using green font when discussing a forced-throwaway-in-order-to-upgrade expensive electronic item.)

I am not willing to pay 25-30% more. I expect Apple to make upgradeable models for the current price. Alas that option is not available to vote for.
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I am not willing to pay 25-30% more. I expect Apple to make upgradeable models for the current price. Alas that option is not available to vote for.
And there’s a reason for that. See my original edited post. The point of this is not to discuss which three options is preferred but more to see how many want the basics so bad that they would theoretically be willing to pay up for it. Thanks for responding.
Yes, the upgradable hardware should be standard, but its not anymore with Apple, end of story.
From what i see, you suggesting to pay more to Apple just to bring back the upgradable hardware, which honestly is ridiculous considering the Macs are already way way too overpriced for what they offer.
If money is not an issue for you, just buy the top maxed out version of whatever Mac you want to buy and then you won't care anymore about upgradable hardware or not.
But really, paying extra to Apple on top of the already ridiculously expensive Macs is completely insane :))
Sigh. I’m not sure this thread is going to work out. This poll is somewhat tongue-in-cheek and looking to see how many feel upgradable hardware should be offered, As standard or extra cost, after being told that nobody wants upgradable hardware.
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