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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 28, 2014
the Netherlands
using my new iPhone 7 now for about 4 hours and my screen remains yellow-ish. Tried reboot, dfu and then iOS 10.0.1 installed. Nothing really helped.

I read some people saying the glue needs to dry out, others say that is b*llshit.

more iPhone 7 (Plus) owners with a yellow(ish) screen?
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Are you in a relatively dark environment? If the iPhone is like the latest iPads then it uses an ambient light sensor to try and match screen brightness and color scheme to the surrounding light conditions. At low brightness, it might appear more yellow.

thanks for your feedback. No, its quit sunny right now. But hopefully the yellow screen will go away after a couple of days, if not...visit to the Apple Store for a replacement
If Night Shift is turned on, you'll notice that the screen has a warmer (ie, yellow) tint.

haha NightShift is ofcourse turned off ;)
I read a review that said because of the revised LCD on the iPhone 7, the LCD has a warmer tone than the 6s. Not sure if this is what you're issue is.
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Are you in a relatively dark environment? If the iPhone is like the latest iPads then it uses an ambient light sensor to try and match screen brightness and color scheme to the surrounding light conditions. At low brightness, it might appear more yellow.

This is called True Tone, and is not a feature that has carried over to the iPhone 7 or 7 Plus.
How does it not? You can tint the screen as yellow or blue as you want.

Settings -> Accessibility -> Display Accomidations -> Color Filters

If the user finds the display too warm, make it cooler.

Making it cooler doesn't just make it all look normal again. You may be able to get it to fix the whites, but that'll then throw out the blues and purples.

It also doesn't really help when the yellow fades from light to dark on your screen, so even if it did "fix" it, it would only be for half of the display lol.
There is no problem. This is just a slightly wamer colour-temperature screen than the previous models. One could also call those "too blue".

Well, an all yellow screen from earlier this morning has now turned into a half yellow screen. There's also a drastic difference in the brightness. So there's obviously something wrong with the display, other than just colour-temperature.

Pics .. or I call OCD.


Just go to an Apple Store and compare them side by side.

If they not the same, then return it.

Don't see what the big deal is.

Already tried, they have no stock lol.
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Well, an all yellow screen from earlier this morning has now turned into a half yellow screen. There's also a drastic difference in the brightness. So there's obviously something wrong with the display, other than just colour-temperature.

View attachment 653217

Assume the left side is the which case I withdraw my OCD accusation Sir.
This doesn't look like a defect to me.

I think Apple have just moved back towards a warmer white point, more around the desirable 6500K level.
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