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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2003
Humpty Dumpty repair

Gizmodo, June 24, 2010: ... I painfully watched as it tumbled over the curb in a sudden whirl of annihilation. The back glass panel shattered, and so did my heart.
Gizmodo has today conveniently posted video instructions from for replacing iPhone glass.
  • Removal of the back piece is accomplished by extracting 2 screws in 4 simple steps. Finding a replacement part may be the biggest the challenge.

  • By the time most amateurs follow, by my count, 22 steps to remove 26 screws to get to the front glass, they will have not only voided their warranty but the video bread crumbs will seem useless so they might as well eat the gingerbread house. They will not be able get it back together, even with "all the king's horses and all the king's men."

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