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macrumors 6502a
Apr 15, 2010
You say we will all get used to it, that's the thing, we shouldn't have to get used to it, or live with it or deal with it

YES,YES,YES, and it should be added to the United States Constitution.
- Thou shall not endure changes from different screen or bezel size.
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macrumors 68040
Dec 8, 2009
Sydney, Australia
If I wanted something good to look at, I'd look at Iskra's instagram account all day. Looks is one small aspect of it. User experience is more important.
You do realise its possible to have both a good looking device and a great User Experience. The X is a step in the right direction, the fact Apple even sell the 8 and 8 plus with that 5 year old design is a joke.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2014
You can dream up all the excuses in the world to console yourself that you are not getting an iPhone X, but deep down you know the iPhone X is the best smartphone Apple has ever made. Any lesser model you choose is inferior - end of story.

I suppose it's a good thing that Apple has come up with a product that people can throw their money at in order to feel superior. Apple gets more money and the people feeling inferior get a boost for a year or so. Actually, less than a year. Anyway, just don't expect me to care one bit :)

I do find it amusing that some people put on blinders and completely ignore everything else just because there's something shinier. The iPhone X is a sweet piece of hardware, I won't deny that, but it's full of compromises and questionable design decisions because apparently bezels somehow became the spawn of Satan. Depending on what's important to each individual person, this may not be a big deal or it may be a deal breaker. To me, the iPhone X is two steps forward and one step backward when compared to the regular sized iPhone 8. If you're in the market for a regular sized iPhone and don't mind waiting and paying extra for that, great - go for it! Compared to the 8+ though, it's more two steps forward and two steps backwards. That would be fine if the price and availability would be the same. Sacrifice some here to get some there. Problem is, that's not the case. You're paying a premium for the X and will most likely have a hard time getting it this year. That just sounds like a bad deal to me and because I don't get that "feeling superior' kick from owning the leatest greatest, there's not that either. Funny thing is, if Apple had slapped an OLED display in the 8+, I would have paid that premium.

Oh, and then there's the fact that just because there's an iPhone X... that doesn't detract anything whatsoever from the iPhone 8. It's still a sweet phone. It's still better than the 7. It's still waaay overkill for what most people need. There will be millions upon millions wishing they could just afford an 8 (for that feeling of superiority). Finally, for what it's worth, it's the best looking iteration of the design that the iPhone 6 introduced. To me, it finally looks like what it was supposed to look like when the 6 was revealed. Remeber those ghastly antenna lines they've been removing over the years? Yeah... pretty much gone. The gold version now looks classy rather than tacky. I have a feeling we will see something similar with the X design over the years.
I think the iPhone X looks 100 times better then the horribly dated 8 and 8 plus design.

I think the Samsung S8+ you listed in your signature line looks 100 times better than the iPhone X.


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
Shouldn't this be '10 reasons why I would regret getting the X over the 8+' and shouldn't it be in one of the many existing threads about buying preference already going? I mean sure, validate your decision all you want, that's what the forum is here for, but realise you speak only for yourself!


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
I suppose it's a good thing that Apple has come up with a product that people can throw their money at in order to feel superior. Apple gets more money and the people feeling inferior get a boost for a year or so. Actually, less than a year. Anyway, just don't expect me to care one bit :)

I do find it amusing that some people put on blinders and completely ignore everything else just because there's something shinier. The iPhone X is a sweet piece of hardware, I won't deny that, but it's full of compromises and questionable design decisions because apparently bezels somehow became the spawn of Satan. Depending on what's important to each individual person, this may not be a big deal or it may be a deal breaker. To me, the iPhone X is two steps forward and one step backward when compared to the regular sized iPhone 8. If you're in the market for a regular sized iPhone and don't mind waiting and paying extra for that, great - go for it! Compared to the 8+ though, it's more two steps forward and two steps backwards. That would be fine if the price and availability would be the same. Sacrifice some here to get some there. Problem is, that's not the case. You're paying a premium for the X and will most likely have a hard time getting it this year. That just sounds like a bad deal to me and because I don't get that "feeling superior' kick from owning the leatest greatest, there's not that either. Funny thing is, if Apple had slapped an OLED display in the 8+, I would have paid that premium.

Oh, and then there's the fact that just because there's an iPhone X... that doesn't detract anything whatsoever from the iPhone 8. It's still a sweet phone. It's still better than the 7. It's still waaay overkill for what most people need. There will be millions upon millions wishing they could just afford an 8 (for that feeling of superiority). Finally, for what it's worth, it's the best looking iteration of the design that the iPhone 6 introduced. To me, it finally looks like what it was supposed to look like when the 6 was revealed. Remeber those ghastly antenna lines they've been removing over the years? Yeah... pretty much gone. The gold version now looks classy rather than tacky. I have a feeling we will see something similar with the X design over the years.

I think the Samsung S8+ you listed in your signature line looks 100 times better than the iPhone X.

Had the X not been announced, everyone who is now criticising the bezels, the "minor spec bump over the 7" etc etc, would be clamouring for this device, like they did for the 7, and the 6s, and the 6.


macrumors 68040
Jul 3, 2012
Had the X not been announced, everyone who is now criticising the bezels, the "minor spec bump over the 7" etc etc, would be clamouring for this device, like they did for the 7, and the 6s, and the 6.

people have been complaining about the bezels for years. but what are you gonna do if you prefer iOS over android..
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Here's my thoughts

1 Screen size
The X has the size of the non-plus phone, but the screen area of a plus (virtually, I undestand the plus is slightly larger). My point is you get the benefits of the plus for the size of the non-plus

2 The notch.
As someone on youtube stated its a turd, yes, but I'm not bothered by it. I'm more bothered that apple known for moving a pixel over one place rolled out something that looks the way it does. Like I said I think from my own usage I'd not be bothered, but I do agree from a design perspective it is a misstep.

3 It is not edge to edge display
Its not edge to edge like the samsung and that's kind of bummer.

4 No home button
We'll have to wait and see how this shakes itself out. I think Androids implementation of a button-less phone is a better then what Apple chose to do. There is no longer any simplicity in getting the task list, getting home, etc etc. I now need to remember a myriad of swipes.

5 Face ID
The only thing I feel, is a knock on apple, is the lack of multiple faces, you can only register a single face. My phone has my kid's thumb prints on it. It would be nice to have more then one, since many people share access

6 Two handed use
I've had a plus and its a two handed phone, so this is no different. Yes, I do enjoy that aspect from my SE, and from the SE and on, the iPhone is more of a two handed phone. The 6, 7, 8 and X are larger the SE and in some form needs two hands.

7 Specs
The screen and front facing cameras are different in the X, so the specs are not the same.

8 Colours
I get space gray anyways, so I'm not worked up

9 Price.
This is the major factor, if Apple rolled out the X instead of the 8, we'd not have as much complaining. This priced as a premium product above the 8 and since the 8 is so expensive, it was going to be near 1,000 anyways. I'm not justifying Apple's move, just explaining it, at least as how I think it is. I do believe this is a dangerous precedent that could introduce 1,000 phones as the new normal. Will I be willing to spend 1,000 + tax every 2 years? Clearly Apple wants consumers to upgrade annually, never mind Biennially.

10 First Gen
yes, this can be a risky proposition, but with apple care, the risk are largely mitigated.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 15, 2010
I suppose it's a good thing that Apple has come up with a product that people can throw their money at in order to feel superior.

long boring story...

I suppose it is a bit sad that when a lot of people realized they can't afford the X and have to buy the 8, and to make them feel superior they bad talk the X if it is a terrible phone, and keep on repeating non flaws, and pointing to the non flawed FaceID on stage.
and keep on going, and keep on going, to convince themselves the 8 is the better phone.

It's just a different phone, that's all :p


macrumors member
Sep 10, 2017
Do you guys think if Android didn't break out a few bezelless displays that the iPhone x would look completely different? I think apple missed the mark. Imagine the current 8 with oled and smaller chins.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 7, 2010
Disagree with all your reasons. Would never buy an 8 or 8 plus now, especially since I have a 7 plus. They all will look like and act like old phones once the X is released.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2010
Here's my thoughts

1 Screen size
The X has the size of the non-plus phone, but the screen area of a plus (virtually, I undestand the plus is slightly larger). My point is you get the benefits of the plus for the size of the non-plus
I dont agree with that one. You can see the comparisions. The X's stretched screen doesn't make for the +'s advantages. I bet X's safari browsing will never be as good in landscape then on a plus.
Pretty much everything in landscape will be less good. I also dont like all video content will be cropped to the middle part of the screen or partily cut out to display everything on screen. I'd rather have a stretch option.

I'm also worried about resell ability after 1-2 years if the X is degrading in blue color or has burn-in issueses with static apps like navigation apps etc.
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macrumors 68000
May 18, 2010
The Moon
OP, from your post its obvious you can't afford yourself the new and shiny iP-X, so you created this list of 'problems-issues-disedvantage' to convince yourself the 8 Plus is better... :D

About the Face ID that everyone concern, its new tech that most of the ppl dont have experience with - we will have to wait till the public (aka paying beta users) can put their hand on it (or in that case their faces :p) to know how good or bad its working.
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macrumors regular
Dec 22, 2011
I suppose it is a bit sad that when a lot of people realized they can't afford the X and have to buy the 8, and to make them feel superior they bad talk the X if it is a terrible phone, and keep on repeating non flaws, and pointing to the non flawed FaceID on stage.
and keep on going, and keep on going, to convince themselves the 8 is the better phone.

It's just a different phone, that's all :p

I think with the widespread introduction of the monthly plans by carriers and Apple itself, the whole “you can’t afford this phone” argument goes out the window. The couple hundred dollars difference over 2 years makes that argument silly.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2014
I suppose it is a bit sad that when a lot of people realized they can't afford the X and have to buy the 8, and to make them feel superior they bad talk the X if it is a terrible phone, and keep on repeating non flaws, and pointing to the non flawed FaceID on stage.
and keep on going, and keep on going, to convince themselves the 8 is the better phone.

It's just a different phone, that's all :p

Or perhaps some X fanatics are afraid that 8 owners won't view them as being superior because they paid that premium for the latest greatest?


I have over $2K sitting in the bank collecting dust and no debt of any kind. Zip zero. I have a steady income. It's by no means a huge amount of money in the grand scheme of things. Doesn't make me rich. Doesn't make me important and it's certainly no worth bragging about. Especially not to some random person on the Internet. But it's there for me to spend without worrying about bills or paying off anything and my monthly income is greater than my monthly expenses. I could order the damn thing right now if Apple would allow me. I don't have to convince myself of anything because I can't afford it. That's why I'm even bringing it up.

I've been living with a 6+ for 3 years. It's big and chubby compared to the X. Sure. But during those 3 years, I've never said to myself "OMG those bezels!?!?! Argh.. I hate hate hate them! It's TOOOO big ZOMG!". No, I've just adapted and the slight inconvenience of it being a big phone is vastly outweighed by the size of the screen. My first smartphone was a Galaxy Note 2 and I had it slapped in an Otterbox. Dumping it on the table next to a naked iPhone 5 was just hilarious and triggered nearby earthquake detectors. I got the "compensating much?" look from people more than once. You could kill people with that thing, but it didn't bother me. I just wanted the biggest screen I could get because that's what matters to me. In short, I'm used to big phones and using both hands. When I look at the 8+ I see something familiar that is blazing fast with 3 times the RAM and just outright better in every way compared to what I have. Prettier too. How is that not a worthy upgrade? If I could get that kind of performance gain by upgrading my gaming PC every 3rd year, I would be in heaven! When I look at the X, I see design compromises made in this bizarre quest to rid the world of bezels. The bezels that never really bothered me to begin with. That unibrow and home button bar perma-turd combo will bother me though. I'm sure I could get used to it, but why should I when I can just get the 8+ and get more screen real estate out of the deal? Same performance. And to pay extra for that? Why? While lack of money isn't the issue here, I see no reason to throw money away just because I can. Just because some person might think I'm that bit more awesome because I got a shiny phone? Nah.

Look at the bright side though. The more people who ditch the X in favor of the 8, the easier it'll be to get the X. We're doing you X lovers a huge favor and Apple has already said that the X is the future of smartphones, so that 6,7,8 design you hate so much won't be coming back. It's dead Jim. Meanwhile, us 8 users can just relax, enjoy our phones and wait for Apple to refine the X design.


macrumors G3
Sep 22, 2012
Andover, UK
The people who claim that others aren't purchasing the X because they can't afford it, are the same people that justify the market for phone cases with holes in them to show the Apple logo....
Or perhaps some X fanatics are afraid that 8 owners won't view them as being superior because they paid that premium for the latest greatest?


I have over $2K sitting in the bank collecting dust and no debt of any kind. Zip zero. I have a steady income. It's by no means a huge amount of money in the grand scheme of things. Doesn't make me rich. Doesn't make me important and it's certainly no worth bragging about. Especially not to some random person on the Internet. But it's there for me to spend without worrying about bills or paying off anything and my monthly income is greater than my monthly expenses. I could order the damn thing right now if Apple would allow me. I don't have to convince myself of anything because I can't afford it. That's why I'm even bringing it up.

I've been living with a 6+ for 3 years. It's big and chubby compared to the X. Sure. But during those 3 years, I've never said to myself "OMG those bezels!?!?! Argh.. I hate hate hate them! It's TOOOO big ZOMG!". No, I've just adapted and the slight inconvenience of it being a big phone is vastly outweighed by the size of the screen. My first smartphone was a Galaxy Note 2 and I had it slapped in an Otterbox. Dumping it on the table next to a naked iPhone 5 was just hilarious and triggered nearby earthquake detectors. I got the "compensating much?" look from people more than once. You could kill people with that thing, but it didn't bother me. I just wanted the biggest screen I could get because that's what matters to me. In short, I'm used to big phones and using both hands. When I look at the 8+ I see something familiar that is blazing fast with 3 times the RAM and just outright better in every way compared to what I have. Prettier too. How is that not a worthy upgrade? If I could get that kind of performance gain by upgrading my gaming PC every 3rd year, I would be in heaven! When I look at the X, I see design compromises made in this bizarre quest to rid the world of bezels. The bezels that never really bothered me to begin with. That unibrow and home button bar perma-turd combo will bother me though. I'm sure I could get used to it, but why should I when I can just get the 8+ and get more screen real estate out of the deal? Same performance. And to pay extra for that? Why? While lack of money isn't the issue here, I see no reason to throw money away just because I can. Just because some person might think I'm that bit more awesome because I got a shiny phone? Nah.

Look at the bright side though. The more people who ditch the X in favor of the 8, the easier it'll be to get the X. We're doing you X lovers a huge favor and Apple has already said that the X is the future of smartphones, so that 6,7,8 design you hate so much won't be coming back. It's dead Jim. Meanwhile, us 8 users can just relax, enjoy our phones and wait for Apple to refine the X design.

* Doffs cap *


macrumors regular
Dec 22, 2011
From what I’ve gathered over the past couple of days, looks mean a lot to people....not actually what the phone can do. Some people act as if the bezels and design of the 8 somehow stop the phone from working. At the end of the day, both phones will work and do what you need it to do. They’re all just shiny black screens.

I feel like these phones are directly linked to the self esteem of some posters (on both sides). That’s sad. It’s a phone. No one should be feeling inferior or superior. One is $700/$800 and the other is $1000. Neither one is a lot of money in the grand scheme of things. If you can afford one, you can most likely afford the other. And if you can’t, you probably shouldn’t be worried about either one.


macrumors 68000
Sep 8, 2013
Eh, folks can come up with whatever random reason they can to down the X. I'm still getting it and can't wait to have it. Folks wanna talk about the X's design being so bad but man the iPhone Plus looks absolutely dated, especially when compared to the likes of the X. You guys can have fun with iPhone 8 and its almost 4yr old design. Do you but I'm still getting my X. November can't get here quick enough :D
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