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macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
If they really did not focus on making the keyboard more reliable and immune to keys sticking or not registering, then they completely missed the elephant in the room.

While reducing noise is good, having a keyboard that does not require sending the unit in for 1-2 week repair is key (pun intended;)).
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 3, 2004
A "quieter" keyboard?


Yup, that's what we all hated about it, Tim. It was too *loud*. Not that it had a flawed design that allowed it to fail due to common amounts of dust found in most homes or offices, not that the lack of key travel is actually painful for some who were brought up as a touch typists and perform a lot of data input. Nope, we thought it was just too damn *loud*.


I guess we're all just typing on it wrong?

So, now the new maxed out price for the 15" is $2400 higher, the 2TB option w/ max processor/ram went up $400 (now $4699), the new full-tilt maxed out price is $6699, and it still comes with the crappiest keyboard Apple's ever made.


Guess I'm hanging on to my 2012-non-retina another year... The original KB still works BTW...


macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
I opted for a silicone keyboard cover to help quiet the keys. Definitely made a difference, but it's still consierabley louder then the previous generation keyboard.

Doesn't that make the keys touch your screen even more than they already do.


macrumors 6502
Nov 27, 2012
4 years of warranty by Apple, Inc.
Of course they are fighting it. Like they do on the TouchBar. Like they do on FaceID. Like they did for a while on TouchID. Like they always do when Apple comes with something that's protected by patents.

Let's face it, the general feeling around here is that the TB is a waste of space, time and money.


Jun 20, 2018
I'm sick of Apple apologists. An Apple computer should not have any keyboard issues. You didn't hear people hating the keyboards years ago because the pre-butterfly keyboards were good, they did not fail. The new keyboards fail, and this is the reason why people are concerned. This is a legitimate issue that costs money and time to Apple clients.

Being this a legitimate issue is concerning that Apple does not settle the matter. They expect you to buy a several thousand Macbook Pro without having the certain that the new keyboard will not fail. This is a joke. They do not recognize the issue, so, how you can expect that the issue is solved?

Also, they are hella expensive. Today using macOS is really a very expensive thing.

You expect wrong.

It's millions of us buying MacBook Pro's, every month.
Let's face it, the general feeling around here is that the TB is a waste of space, time and money.

Then don't buy it.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2009
I went from a 2016 TouchBar MBP with HORRIBLE keyboard issues to a 2017 Model with 0 issues so far. I think the "fix" they made for the keyboards breaking was implemented in the 2017 model with the "nub" added under the keys.

There's no difference between the 2016 and 2017 MBP keyboard design. They're both 2nd gen butterfly. The MacBook was the only Apple laptop with the 1st gen butterfly.


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2012
Lima, Perú
Until Apple comes out and says "here is what the problem was and here is how we fixed it" I'm not buying it.

This is it, this is the way to go. Apple just need to be direct and plain simple when communicating things like this. Do the Apple apologists think they are well treated by Apple? I do not, certainly. Apple lost my trust and they have to work to gain it again.
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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
So nobody knows, it’s all speculation. And speculation based on using the new keyboard for a few minutes. A lot of people are making assumptions that the butterfly design is the problem when they don’t have anything to back it up. FWIW on John Gruber’s latest podcast he said he heard the issue was with a metal part not being up to spec. Of course if there was a specific design issue Apple would fix it and not say anything.


macrumors member
Feb 11, 2009
Don't be a slob around your $2000 device and it shouldn't be an issue.

It's absolutely gross how people treat their digital devices. "I'm gonna take this phone in the bathroom, touch it after touching the toilet seat or lid which gets toilet water splashed on it every time it's flushed then sits in a humid environment where germs multiply, play on this phone then put it in my pocket when I'm done, where it's also warm and the germs multiply further, then stick that phone against my face and mouth when it rings."

Damn, here the world was thinking portable devices were meant to be used in everyday life when in reality we were supposed to use them in a cleanroom environment fully masked and gowned. Sorry Apple, our bad.


Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Don't be a slob around your $2000 device and it shouldn't be an issue.

It's absolutely gross how people treat their digital devices. "I'm gonna take this phone in the bathroom, touch it after touching the toilet seat or lid which gets toilet water splashed on it every time it's flushed then sits in a humid environment where germs multiply, play on this phone then put it in my pocket when I'm done, where it's also warm and the germs multiply further, then stick that phone against my face and mouth when it rings."

Did you already forget that Apple launched a program for these keyboards? Did they do this for any other previous notebook keyboards? If not, did people coincidentally start smearing cheetoh dust onto their laptops with the launch of the 2016 MBPs? I think you can tone down the Apple can never ever do anything wrong attitude, when it’s clear that everyone screws up now and then, even Apple. They’re even admitting as such with this program and new keyboard design.


macrumors regular
Sep 21, 2012
I wonder how many people would ACTUALLY be buying this computer if there wasn’t a keyboard issue.

People are using the keyboard excuse issue not to buy it... i’m sure a lot of them had no real intention of buying one in the first place.
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
This is what's giving me pause. I'm spending almost 3k, I do not want to deal with keyboard problems.
How is it in Apple’s interests to sell keyboards that will fail? One we don’t know the cause of the failure or how widespread it is. Two, Apple admitting a failure just opens them up to more lawsuits or possible complete recall. Assuming the failure rate is low (which is what Apple claims) they’ll fix the issue and not say anything about it.
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