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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


The Loop reports that Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster has released a report estimating first-day iPad sales in the range of 600,000-700,000, well above his pre-launch estimates of 200,000-300,000.
Piper Jaffray Senior Research Analyst, Gene Munster, on Saturday said he believes Apple sold between 600-700 thousand iPads on the first day. This includes the pre-orders that would have been coming in since March 12.
It is unclear from the report exactly what data Munster based his estimate upon beyond an observation of 730 customers in line at the company's flagship Fifth Avenue location in New York City, up from 350 for the iPhone 3GS launch and 540 for the iPhone 3G.

Some observers have claimed that the iPad is poised to outsell the original iPhone over the initial few months of sales, and given that the iPhone took 74 days to reach one million units sold, Munster's estimate places the iPad well on its way to that goal.

Today's launch was also limited to Wi-Fi models and to the United States. 3G-capable models in the U.S. and all models in a number of other countries are set for launch later this month, undoubtedly setting the stage for another burst of sales.

Article Link: Analyst Estimates 600,000-700,000 iPads Sold on Launch Day


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
This seems really unlikely. Anyone have any idea how accurate Gene Munster's sales estimates have historically been?


macrumors regular
Apr 16, 2008
Houston TX
Thats insane, very good news for Apple and its stock holders. But it is a little scary that that many people would buy a iPad without any first hand experience with the product. I'm not saying the iPad is not a very compelling device but I fell I need to use it before buying it.


macrumors 68020
Mar 11, 2009
This seems really unlikely. Anyone have any idea how accurate Gene Munster's sales estimates have historically been?

Why is it unlikely, this also includes like 2 weeks of preorders. The numbers will also get a bump when they start selling the 3g version. A lot of people are holding out for that one.


macrumors 6502
Feb 20, 2009
Why is it unlikely, this also includes like 2 weeks of preorders. The numbers will also get a bump when they start selling the 3g version. A lot of people are holding out for that one.

At the minimum they made $349,300,000:eek:
if $499* 700,000 is right in terms of what they sold!


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
Why is it unlikely, this also includes like 2 weeks of preorders. The numbers will also get a bump when they start selling the 3g version. A lot of people are holding out for that one.

Unlikely because I think it's too limited (albeit well-executed) a device to have a very broad appeal and anything nearing 700K in the first day would indicate a much broader appeal than I would ever have guessed. It really feels like another AppleTV to me--a niche thing that Apple can grow, make more appealing down the road.

Having said all that, I'll also say I'm always open to the possibility that I am wrong. :)


macrumors 6502
Aug 13, 2009
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.17405/1114; U; en) Presto/2.4.15)

Seems a bit high. But it does include all preorders.. I'm sure enjoyin mine :)

the vj

macrumors 6502a
Nov 23, 2006

The iPhone was way more anticipated and the iPad have been attacked way too much by the press paid by the frustrated competitors.

The iPad will have a better life as soon more applications exists.

I would be in line IF it had a webcam, but it does not so I will way the usual 2 years Apple take to release the actual quality product and not those senseless revitions.


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2008
Consider the Impact on UPS

I think some conclusions can be drawn from UPS data. Looking at shipping routes, listening to when people are getting them delivered, anecdotes from drivers on how many deliveries they have, etc. and many inferences can be drawn.

I personally think the UPS distribution was a stroke of genius. It's the only way to distribute such a large number of devices. Imagine trying to distribute them through the storefront choke points!


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2006
any one think APPL will Close above $10 on Monady?

actaully I could see Apple's stock buying Huge.


macrumors member
Sep 21, 2008
Judging by the line at the Pioneer Square store in Portland and what I've seen on Twitter, I believe these numbers are not that far off.


macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2010
Dallas, TX
any one think APPL will Close above $10 on Monady?

actaully I could see Apple's stock buying Huge.

Um, AAPL shares are currently trading at $236, so I am pretty sure AAPL shares will close "above $10" on Monday. If they don't, I will be a pretty pissed off investor. Do I think AAPL shares could close *up* by $10 (4.2%) on Monday, sure, maybe, but I won't be jumping out of a skyscraper window if they don't, and I only think that it is possible, but not very likely.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2008
Whatever the estimates the ipad is is a well built system and the screen is flipping awesome. I played with one at my local Apple store on south beach and I was impressed. I'm waiting for the 3g wifi unit.


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2009
Thats insane, very good news for Apple and its stock holders. But it is a little scary that that many people would buy a iPad without any first hand experience with the product. I'm not saying the iPad is not a very compelling device but I fell I need to use it before buying it.

Anyone who has used an iphone has first hand experience. It is iphone os on a grander scale. Everyone i know with an iphone is getting one when it is launched in aus.
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