All I see here is a bunch of giant "white if's", pun definitely intended. It is likely that if they are actually following through with a larger phone they will do so with the smaller of the two first and test the waters. Then another "if", if they sell well, then the case could be made for delivering on the larger of the two. There is no denying the purchasing power of Apple and the ability to get devices on shelves.
Conversely, if they do not actually follow through, then I see glaring similarities paralleling BlackBerry to come for the iPhone. It is a no-brainer to stop the madness of the one size fits all mentality that Apple has relied on for so long. It is no surprise with the loss of market share over the last couple years that Apple would be willing to step out of the comfort zone and try again to be an 'innovative' company. This innovation is right in line with the OG innovation that the company was known for. Take others ideas and put them together in a nice package. It worked before and should pay off again. Granted they will have to do something about the flat edges as this would not be conducive to holding the device comfortably, or getting a good grip on it. After attempting to sue Samsung a multitude of times for various design (which was hit and miss) and UI patents I do not know how they pull this off without offending.
'White if' they do pull this off, this very well may be my first iPhone. I am actually excited to see this. Will either device be a Galaxy Note killer, well this is yet to be seen and another conversation all together. Having every Note since inception, and with the Note 4 on the door step this may very well be an option considered.
Long-winded post, yes, but I am on a **** ton of meds from my wrist surgery a couple hours ago.