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BeefCake 15

macrumors 68020
May 15, 2015
I'll stay optimistic and say Cook is selling those stocks to pay off some bills...They can still innovate according to Phil's ass
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macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
I guess we could hope he cashes out and retires soon... though I suppose the next one could be just as bad. Apple desperately needs someone with some vision and a focus on UX instead of spreadsheets.

Why does the CEO need to be innovator in chief? As long as he lets the inventing to the people who can, he can do the CEO type stuff.

Steve Jobs often claimed to invent stuff he hadn't. His biography mentions how Jony Ive saw one of the team's inventions: a multitouch screen allowing for a touchscreen keyboard. He showed it to Steve. At AllThingD Steve says 'I came up with this idea, of a multitouch screen you could rest your hands and type on...'


macrumors 68000
May 28, 2010
Victoria, B.C. Canada
Why does the CEO need to be innovator in chief? As long as he lets the inventing to the people who can, he can do the CEO type stuff.

Steve Jobs often claimed to invent stuff he hadn't. His biography mentions how Jony Ive saw one of the team's inventions: a multitouch screen allowing for a touchscreen keyboard. He showed it to Steve. At AllThingD Steve says 'I came up with this idea, of a multitouch screen you could rest your hands and type on...'

The CEO doesn't, but they have to have enough vision to say 'yes' and 'no' (especially the latter) to the right stuff, and they have to keep the companies priorities in check.

Steve was able to say no to a lot of the stupid-$*#@( Apple has been doing recently, and he kept the focus primarily on user-experience. Cook has allowed the focus to shift to profit margins, marketing tactics, and fashion.... and for UX to head into the toilet.

And, for whatever reason, (is he suppressing it somehow?) innovation seems to be nearly nonexistent or in worthless areas. Yea, after Jobs died, I was also on the bandwagon of it having some impact, but Jobs wasn't the entire company. I figured enough of his vision probably existed in Apple culture. But, apparently, I was wrong.


macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
The CEO doesn't, but they have to have enough vision to say 'yes' and 'no' (especially the latter) to the right stuff, and they have to keep the companies priorities in check.

Steve was able to say no to a lot of the stupid-$*#@( Apple has been doing recently, and he kept the focus primarily on user-experience. Cook has allowed the focus to shift to profit margins, marketing tactics, and fashion.... and for UX to head into the toilet.

And, for whatever reason, (is he suppressing it somehow?) innovation seems to be nearly nonexistent or in worthless areas. Yea, after Jobs died, I was also on the bandwagon of it having some impact, but Jobs wasn't the entire company. I figured enough of his vision probably existed in Apple culture. But, apparently, I was wrong.

Times change, I still think Apple innovate, the Watch isn't a bad product, iPhone isn't a bad product, iPhone isn't a bad product and the Mac isn't a bad product. Have they added a massive new feature? No, have they changed the design and made a massive WOW factor, no. But Apple still makes great products, some features that have been added are really useful, the features of the new MacBook's sound really good from the rumours and leaks we have heard. The iPhone 7 doesn't sound bad and next years iPhone sounds brilliant, again from rumours we have heard.
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Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
Apparently the CEO of Apple doesn't think Apple stock is a good investment, so he's selling it. Why would anyone else buy it? Clearly he sees a downward trend in apple's future. Sell sell sell.

Most likely he now had the ability to exercise one set of stock options. This is how he gets paid.
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macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
Eddy Cue's Ferrari.
I have no idea if you're serious or joking, or if this is real or photoshop, but I absolutely love this car - it's unbelievably awesome! :) The world needs more whimsey and more Pop Tart Cats. Thanks for this.

I sent this pic to a friend who was very amused; she said the car's horn really needs to play the Nyan Cat song. Brilliant!
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macrumors 68040
Feb 11, 2012
Florida, USA
I don't think he's earned that bonus. Apple is stagnating. The blockbuster new products have dried up. iPhones sales are falling. He's simply not the right person for the job.
He fulfilled the terms of the bonus. It wasn't discretionary.

Also, analysts expect Apple to have average annual earnings growth of 8.7% over the next five years. That's not as high in percentage terms as the past five years, but it's not exactly stagnation.

It's possible that Tim Cook will retire someday, or even soon. He could then be replaced by someone who will take Apple in a radical, innovative direction. Current product lines might be cut or left to wither, while Apple spends it's money developing amazing new products in all kinds of markets. Billions of new Apple customers would flock to enjoy the latest Apple frozen treat, while the old timers grumble about how they STILL wish Apple would update the Mac Pro. But it's innovation we want, right? Not steady improvement.
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Steve J0bs

macrumors 6502
Jul 30, 2008
You guys realize that when a CEO, or any other insider, sells stock they can't just hit sell button, right? its illegal for CEOs to sell based on non-public information. So sales are typically done according to a trading plan filed well in advance with the SEC.

Yep, most people in this thread don't understand this.
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macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
But it's innovation we want, right? Not steady improvement.

Yep, they want new shiny right now or else Apple is DOOOOMED!!!1!™ And Tim Cook had better deliver it to their house this afternoon, personally, driving up in the Nyan Cat sports car. And then they'll complain that Eddy Cue was riding shotgun and they wanted it to be Jony Ive.

(And yes, the Mac lines are old, and yes, Apple really should have chosen to provide more substantial updates last year even if they couldn't get the chipsets they really wanted, but whining incessantly about it now, weeks before the various fall Apple event(s), is a little like a spoiled child whining, in mid December, that "dammit, that stupid Santa guy hasn't brought me anything ALL YEAR!")
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macrumors newbie
May 15, 2014
Good for him after five hard working years of being compared to Steve and every armchair ref critiquing how they'd do it better. Well deserved.
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macrumors member
Mar 28, 2015
LOL @ everyone claiming this is because he's trying to get a higher stock price before the iPhone 7 announcement.

You've clearly never heard of the SEC or insider trading. When someone at the level of Time Cook sells stock, they typically have to pick a random day, sometimes determined by the SEC to avoid the CEO or senior leadership from trying to profit off of insider news that only they would have had access to.

With a company that big and his "high status", that's also a word called "bribary".
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macrumors member
Mar 28, 2015
Zuckerberg from Facebook is about to sell 99% of his FB stocks. Did this say anything about the company or the trust of the person in that company?

See the word "about" in your comment? Yeap, that's the difference there.


macrumors 68000
May 28, 2010
Victoria, B.C. Canada
Times change, I still think Apple innovate, the Watch isn't a bad product, iPhone isn't a bad product, iPhone isn't a bad product and the Mac isn't a bad product. Have they added a massive new feature? No, have they changed the design and made a massive WOW factor, no. But Apple still makes great products, some features that have been added are really useful, the features of the new MacBook's sound really good from the rumours and leaks we have heard. The iPhone 7 doesn't sound bad and next years iPhone sounds brilliant, again from rumours we have heard.

I've seen a bit of hardware improvement, here and there. And note, I'm NOT one of those thinking we need 'The Next Big Thing™' immediately, or they are doomed. I've written quite a bit against that attitude over the last several years. But, I do at least expect *advancement* until the next big thing, not decline. Hardware-wise, Apple has been doing OK, though missing opportunities. The software though, is quickly becoming pretty bad. Their saving grace is that it's still better... but not by so much anymore. That pattern won't last forever.

The Watch? Meh! It's interesting in terms of stuffing a lot in a tiny package, but not very useful. It's possibly the first Apple hardware I have no interest in. I'd not use one if it were given to me for free... just no use for it.

The iPhone... well, it's a good product, but has been since Jobs. They've improved it some. But, it took outcry from the users to *finally* get the SE. And, even then, Apple did it in a kind of face-saving way, instead of a full-blown 4" iPhone peer.

Mac hardware is doing OK, except for the pro users. But, Apple is so rapidly killing pro apps and the OS itself, that it's unlikely we're going to keep buying Macs to run Windows or Unix some day.

Even the flagship iOS has taken blows. It's a UX/UI nightmare now in many ways.

I wouldn't have said this just 3 or 4 years ago. I've been a huge Apple evangelist now for nearly 30 years.

Also, analysts expect Apple to have average annual earnings growth of 8.7% over the next five years. That's not as high in percentage terms as the past five years, but it's not exactly stagnation.

I wonder if any of these are the same analysts that thought Apple was done in the mid-90s or maybe predicted the iPhone wouldn't be a success?

Here's the thing. Apple's success is largely due to their focus on user-experience and building the best products. They aren't doing that anymore. Game over (it will just take a while when you have $billions in the bank and brand recognition).

Yep, they want new shiny right now or else Apple is DOOOOMED!!!1!™

Nope, it isn't about that at all. I'd be quite happy going back a few years and trying again. It's not the new I need... I need it to be a good product. And, yes, I *at least* expect Apple to try and keep with the times in terms of incremental product releases and enhancements. I don't think that's an Oompa Loompa now, daddy.
Good for him after five hard working years of being compared to Steve and every armchair ref critiquing how they'd do it better. Well deserved.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do better... and I'm not sure I've seen anyone make that argument yet here.

However, it doesn't take a world-class CEO to recognize several amateur-hour mistakes he's been making.


macrumors member
Mar 28, 2015
That is an interesting word...some sort of new innovation?

Hello? it's Apple we are talking about. Where a pressured sensitivity touchscreen is called 3D touch for no reasons and the new iPhone's dual camera might be called as "unicorn rainbow Super twin cams". So why not the innovative word?
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macrumors 6502
Mar 19, 2014
Why does the CEO need to be innovator in chief? As long as he lets the inventing to the people who can, he can do the CEO type stuff.

Steve Jobs often claimed to invent stuff he hadn't. His biography mentions how Jony Ive saw one of the team's inventions: a multitouch screen allowing for a touchscreen keyboard. He showed it to Steve. At AllThingD Steve says 'I came up with this idea, of a multitouch screen you could rest your hands and type on...'
if you would've said that Steve Jobs was not inventor in 2011 I would've believed you, but today I don't! if Ive and Tony Fadell were so smart why aren't they teaming up to create another major product like the iPhone or Macintosh? want to know why? because they are not that bright! Fadel - why pay $200 for a smart learning thermometer when you can pay for an Apple TV and have more obtions?
Jony Ive - don't make me start on him

You probably also think that Steve Jobs was not an engineer? Steve at keynote have never ever read from a teleprompter..which clearly explains that he knew what he was talking about! just because Steve hired other people that doesn't mean he had no clue about how hardware and software

Do you think Bill Gates helped in developing Windows 10 or let others do it?
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macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
if you would've said that Steve Jobs was not inventor in 2011 I would've believed you, but today I don't! if Ive and Tony Fadell were so smart why aren't they teaming up to create another major product like the iPhone or Macintosh? want to know why? because they are not that bright! Fadel - why pay $200 for a smart learning thermometer when you can pay for an Apple TV and have more obtions?
Jony Ive - don't make me start on him

You probably also think that Steve Jobs was not an engineer? Steve at keynote have never ever read from a teleprompter..which clearly explains that he knew what he was talking about! just because Steve hired other people that doesn't mean he had no clue about how hardware and software

Do you think Bill Gates helped in developing Windows 10 or let others do it?

It was Johnny Ive who created the iMac, johnny Ive also helped with the design of the iPad and the iPhone. Steve jobs was a great manager and knew how to get the most out of people, but he wasn't responsible for every Apple product that was ever created. It is well known that Johnny Ive and Steve jobs worked together, it's also well known that Ive and jobs use to disagree, with Ive often being able to change Jobs mind.

Also Steve jobs did use powerpoints in his presentations, it was well rehearsed what he was going to say!


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
if you would've said that Steve Jobs was not inventor in 2011 I would've believed you, but today I don't! if Ive and Tony Fadell were so smart why aren't they teaming up to create another major product like the iPhone or Macintosh? want to know why? because they are not that bright! Fadel - why pay $200 for a smart learning thermometer when you can pay for an Apple TV and have more obtions?
Jony Ive - don't make me start on him

You probably also think that Steve Jobs was not an engineer? Steve at keynote have never ever read from a teleprompter..which clearly explains that he knew what he was talking about! just because Steve hired other people that doesn't mean he had no clue about how hardware and software

Do you think Bill Gates helped in developing Windows 10 or let others do it?
Not reading from a teleprompter and just memorizing a presentation says something about someone's engineering skills? That's some "logic" there.
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Apr 23, 2009
if you would've said that Steve Jobs was not inventor in 2011 I would've believed you, but today I don't! if Ive and Tony Fadell were so smart why aren't they teaming up to create another major product like the iPhone or Macintosh? want to know why? because they are not that bright! Fadel - why pay $200 for a smart learning thermometer when you can pay for an Apple TV and have more obtions?
Jony Ive - don't make me start on him

Or maybe.. maybe it's because those kinds of technologies only happen once every thirty years or so. You want a major new technology shift when we just experienced one this past decade.
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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Or maybe.. maybe it's because those kinds of technologies only happen once every thirty years or so. You want a major new technology shift when we just experienced one this past decade.
You mean Apple can't do that every year, or at least every couple of years? That's just unacceptable based on my imaginary unrealistic standards! Apple is clearly doomed!
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