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macrumors 65816
May 2, 2006
Simi Valley, CA

Now we'll have to suffer through thousands of posts in the future like:

* My iGoggles don't run Flash...
(response: It's 2018, Flash was outlawed 3 years ago by President Jobs.)

* I won't buy iEyes unless they come with a stylus!
(response: Stylus!?! You'll poke your eye out kid!)

etc etc etc

2018? Will Jobs even be alive? **oooh, poor taste***


macrumors 603
Further evidence that Apple has turned from useful professional computers to gadgetry.

Where the hell is the MacPro update???

They don't "need" to update the MacPro because it is the best selling desktop computer over $1000, by profit.

WHEN they update the MacPro it will be because they can do something "insanely great" to justify the same high price point of the existing devices in a world where computers have largely been commoditized in the Wintel and *nix worlds.

I suspect when they do come out with the update, plenty of folks will whine about price, features, specific hardware inclusions and omissions, starting with Blu-Ray, but you know what? They will STILL be the only desktops on the planet that can run EVERY major PC OS simultaneously or in pairs or alone. They will STILL have whatever they have that makes them #1 in profit among all desktops above $1000 in price.

Then I will say two things:

1. I told you so.

2. Your message was off-topic for this thread.

3. I told you so, again.


Give that man a cigar, and instructions on how to use it. :D


macrumors member
Jun 10, 2009
Last year contact lenses were developed capable of displaying holograms in front of your eyes. Combined with something that could transmit into the contact lenses I could really see the applications.


macrumors regular
Dec 16, 2008
Yer Mom's basement.

Ugh, I don't want to wear glasses that are constantly feeding my information.

Oh yes...iWould.

Imagine walking through a mall, and an arrow in your HUD directs you to the item you're after... Gesture or Touch to purchase. Look at a sku to get more information, etc.

Compass/GPS in a HUD while out and about.

Speech to and from text for messaging, twitter, etc.

Blink/Gesture to convert to sunglasses, or autodetect for preference for shading.

Or, a security team in an airport. Suspicious person tagged via facial recognition by one agent, now glows when looked at by any other agent. And arrow with directions to potential problem areas in huge airports. Facial movement detection software lets the agent know if someone is possibly lying while talking to them.

Walk through a car lot, instant CarFax after you look at a VIN.

Opaque the glasses and read while listening to music....Oh wait! Drivers on cell phones are bad enough!


macrumors 68030
Jan 19, 2006
Attention iPad fanboys: THIS would be a paradigm shift in computing.

Will it though?
It's ten years off maybe like the iPhone/iPad combo there will be training products before then to get the market use to it. Like them there where attempts before the market and tech was ready. It's going to start appearing in Books, Movies, Television shows,....

When it does arrive we will all be so well aware of the idea what we think it'll do for us that we won't see it as a Paradigm shift. We'll Just wonder why it wasn't here years ago.

Plus the Next Next Big thing will be being talked about.

Let's face it Apple's sweet spot for a product release is when the tech is workable with board appeal.


macrumors P6
Moreover i think we can safely say that microsoft, google, sony and HP arent doing this neither. I'd say that those guys are where the competition is :D

Wearable computers have been around for many years.

For example, visit Microsoft Research . Search on "wearable", you'll get tons of hits. Just a first few:

1) Wearable Trauma Care System, which dates back to 1990.

2) SenseCam Memory Aid - takes pictures all day around you, to help you remember what you saw, etc

3) Smart body cameras: "Small body-mounted video cameras enable a different style of computing interface. As processing power increases, a computer can spend more time observing its user and modeling his or her context to provide serendipitous information, manage interruptions and tasks, and predict future needs without being directly commanded by the user. "

And there are many more papers on the topic.


Sep 4, 2009
ehh its stupid prototype r&d. Pay a guy a million a year, and hope something comes of it, but most likely it never will

Nice work if you can get it. My guess is that he will be in the mix with the other wild ducks in the Bomb Shelter and something will come out of it. Be fun to spot him around Cupertino for lunches!


macrumors 68020
Jun 25, 2009
What - A - Geek! :d :d :d :d :d

He looks like a happier, chubby Eddie Vedder.



macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2007
I don't want anybody else

... when I think about you I multi-touch myself

So, this guy is an expert in a field that doesn't even exist?


macrumors member
Mar 4, 2009
Finally we will have the Apple iStrain, a revolutionary new product that gives you an instant Lasic surgery whenever your vision blurs from straining to see the images projected to the lens of the glasses.

Don Kosak

macrumors 6502a
Mar 12, 2010
Hilo, Hawaii
In the future...

Imagine, you're fitted with a pair of brand new in-organic iEyes, replacing those fleshy eyeball things you used to have.

The iEyes are magical and revolutionary, you can experience the HD world around you in beautiful 3D.

Of course, of you look at a display, movie, or book that you haven't purchased, the DRM kicks in, and your eyes just see a color bar pattern.

Publishers: WIN


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2002
In the future, I won't be surprised if the USS STARSHIP ENTERPRISE, will have an Apple :apple: logo on it. Kirk to Spock, "how's your iPad Monocle?"


macrumors 6502a
Dec 21, 2008
thats great and all, but who do they have to hire to put out an updated MBP with current specs like BD, HDMI, more than 2 USB ports, docking station, updated graphics card, SSD standard? i guess its applicable because at this point its a rumor, but cmon, how about some news about Apple computers?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 21, 2008
i am a little taken back by the amount of folks throwing this fabricated market space out there as some sort of triumph. How the heck does that benefit me what so ever as a consumer? People fail to realize that apple has no competitor, not because of better products, but because no one else has hardware that supports Mac OS X. To me thats a bad thing because that has forced the top 4 (apple is still a distant 5th in hardware) to provide better value for dollar. Apple may move a lot of apple boxes, but they have no competitor to force them to be more competitive, thus high profit margins. Apples profit margins does jack squat for me as a consumer

They will STILL have whatever they have that makes them #1 in profit among all desktops above $1000 in price.
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