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macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002

I wonder how many of the 562 people giving the software a single star actually spent time learning all that it has to offer. I find it hard to believe that anyone could take the time needed to learn such complex software in so short a time and be able to provide an objective review.


It's $299 for crying out loud! Not bad even for being "stripped" down.


H. Flower

macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2008
I have read them all, lack of OMF/EDL/XML, FCP7 import, output to tape etc.

These are all important features for legacy editing. For modern editing, you don't need any of that. You record digital, you edit digital, you use flash storage, you output to file and do whatever is needed with it. OMF is a problem that is still relevant but 3rd parties will soon handle.

If you work with footage older than a few years, tape in/out is mandatory in modern editing.


macrumors 68020
Aug 4, 2008
they should just issue refunds to everyone, and give the app out for free, and start working on a new one from scratch. this one is a failure.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
Personally, I would never buy $300 software that I wasn't sure I could return if I needed to. $1, $5, $10, sure, but nothing as expensive as $300.

Anybody demanding a refund didn't do their homework. They are lucky that Apple is refunding their purchase. Let this be a lesson to them. Software updates aren't always going to be linear upgrades.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2009
I wonder how many of the 562 people giving the software a single star actually spent time learning all that it has to offer. I find it hard to believe that anyone could take the time needed to learn such complex software in so short a time and be able to provide an objective review.

I find it hard to believe that anyone would spend $300 on an app just to give it one star out of spite or haste. When all's said and done, the rating system is representative of customer satisfaction, whatever that may be. Clearly, there's not a lot of satisfaction here.....That's what counts.


macrumors 68000
Oct 31, 2005
Bogus Reviews

I find it interesting that anyone with an Apple account can post a software review rating without owning or ever seeing a copy of the software. This means that any nay-sayer can post a single star review without ever seeing the product. That's crazy Apple, get a clue and demand ownership and proof of extensive use before accepting reviews.


Jul 21, 2003
I find it interesting that anyone with an Apple account can post a software review rating without owning or ever seeing a copy of the software. This means that any nay-sayer can post a single star review without ever seeing the product. That's crazy Apple, get a clue and demand ownership and proof of extensive use before accepting reviews.


While you were busy spending time not understanding the problems many editors have with FCPX, you were also busy not understanding how the app rating system works.

You are a very busy person!


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
God, the Drama Queens Are Out

I think they made a PR blunder. The essential code is amazing, and most of the deficiencies will be filled in 6 months to a year, either by Apple or third parties. In the meantime, the new programs do not erase your FCPS3. You can use them both for a time. I think most people are going to be going back to X after a while.

I think the updating of Quicktime is well along in this software, and we will see Lion's Quicktime soon enough. My own favorite thing is Quicktime Text. I hope that the latest version of Quicktime will have that ability, plus. It can use scc captions and the high-def variety, but I do subtitles!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2009
I find it interesting that anyone with an Apple account can post a software review rating without owning or ever seeing a copy of the software. This means that any nay-sayer can post a single star review without ever seeing the product. That's crazy Apple, get a clue and demand ownership and proof of extensive use before accepting reviews.

Attempting to rate this application without having first purchased it results in the following message:

"To rate this app, you must have purchased it from the Mac App Store".

Curiously, there are now only 215 ratings for some reason. Does that mean that over 1000 customers were refunded and also had their ratings removed?

Either way, if it was an attempt to massage the ratings, it's only improved by half a star.

Mr. Gates

macrumors 68020
I personally believe that like the Mac Users such as as in for Final Cut Pro X

are some people who dont have maps and their education was in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere such as, , ....\

I believe our education of Final cut Pro over here, such as, in the US should help the US or Help South Africa, and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we should be able to build up our future, ...for it



macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
So what is your take on the matter? Did you demand a refund?

My take is that people need to stop adding their 2 cents when they don't take the time to understand even the most basic reasons why people are upset about this whole situation.

It has nothing to to with having to relearn anything, or the price, it is about missing essential features.


macrumors regular
Dec 4, 2008
Palo Alto
Part of the concern is that there are reports from beta testers that Final Cut Sutdio 2's installer won't work under Lion. Maybe that'll be fixed for the realse? Who knows. It's the uncertainly, among other things, that has people upset.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007

I wonder if Apple is heading downhill with their software now?

Sadly, you don't need to wonder. In terms of Pro hardware and software, they're clearly running as fast as they can from that market, yet seem to want to keep the name "Pro" on their products. Apple is fast becoming a consumer gadget company, nothing more. Macs and all their related software are going to hell in hand-basket or being turned into "deskpads" with Lion. Steve is so obsessed with iOS products he doesn't even know what a real desktop is like anymore, let alone the proper software to do professional things with it. I think he's been away from Pixar for far too long. :(

I think Apple is spreading themselves to thin. They are constantly pulling people from one team to assist another.

Reading comments of people using Lion, it still sounds like it's not ready for the masses. (I'm going to wait till at least the first point update.) I think they need to hire more people!

I've been saying that for years now. I get pegged an Apple hater by the fanboys on here, but sometimes the truth needs to be told. Steve is a megalomaniac that needs too much control to ever hire enough people to get all these different things done RIGHT. He needs to let go of the reigns of some products and let others handle them (preferably ones that actually care about "truck" computers still, for example) and then he can spend the last years of his life playing fairy godfather for the iPhone with 3 new phones a year with the one at the start of the year losing software support by the end of the year.... :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2007
"Everything just changed in post.*"

*Not necessarily for the better. All Sales Final.

I wonder if people would be as upset if the name Final Cut, and thus expectations based on older versions, was not used for this software.
Apple's break with the functionality of the past versions, and not deficiencies in FCP X, seem to be the source of a lot of complaints.

Bingo. If they named it iMovie Pro, FCPgate could have been avoided.


macrumors G3
Jan 11, 2002
Los Angeles
Yes they could, but can you really compare a $2500 product to a $300 one?
Why not? FCP and Avid have been going to head-to-head in a lot of markets for years. AFAIK Apple has not said they are leaving the professional space so why should version 10 of FCP get a free pass?

There are plugins for Avid more expensive than the whole Final Cut Pro X, and you don't get a trial period on those.
The only way currently to get a old FCP project into FCP X is to use a $500 plugin. Now that's ridiculous.

I have read them all, lack of OMF/EDL/XML, FCP7 import, output to tape etc.

These are all important features for legacy editing. For modern editing, you don't need any of that. You record digital, you edit digital, you use flash storage, you output to file and do whatever is needed with it. OMF is a problem that is still relevant but 3rd parties will soon handle.
Minor pet peeve here but digital has been a routine part of post and production for the last 10-15 years. Tapless is a different story and version 10 of FCP unfortunately has lost compatibility w/some professional tapeless cameras. And tape, while past it's heyday, is still relevant and will be for years.

Bottom line - keep your FCP7 application for legacy projects, use the new FCPX for modern projects. Have the best of both worlds until FCPX is improved. The performance and new feature set is worth it. Just syncing clips to secondary audio is worth 300$ alone.
PluralEyes will do it for half the price.



macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2007
It's Not All Bad

I'm happy to see them refunding, but sorry to see that its reputation shot so soon.

I thought FCPX/iMovie Pro was a joke until I started a Ripple Training tutorial, in which the instructor speaks to both amateurs and FCP "legacy" users. He says things like, "You may be used to this feature from FCP, but in X, this is how it works now." And often, those new features were QUITE impressive to me. Huge improvements that I would love to use.

But right now, I can't imagine any professional production houses using it, so learning it at this point is mute. Also, pros are hesitant to upgrade anyway, but now I can't imagine pros using it for a looooong time even AFTER it's up to par because of this disastrous premature release.
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