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Mar 21, 2011
Neat billboard ...

I don't approve Apple doing this worldwide, to gain "forced" attention, but still .. WOW.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Should it be Shot on iPhone 6 or Shot with iPhone 6?


Neat billboard ...

I don't approve Apple doing this worldwide, to gain "forced" attention, but still .. WOW.

What do you mean by "forced attention"?


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2011
Nashville, TN
Copycat response: "Shot on Samsung."



Feb 11, 2008
Luckily for you Apple does read these forums and have taken your opinion into consideration, please give them 24-48 hrs to begin removing all ad placements from building, billboards, magazines and online to accommodate you.

But someone else said they really like it! Will they put it back 24-48 hrs later ? Amazing customer service I say!!!!


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
I also don't care, but I think it has more to do with Apple promoting the iPhone. as something it isn't - professional quality camera.

No professional is selling their Nikon/Canon and relying solely on the iPhone.

That's not to say the iPhone can't take nice photos - particularly when you're using additional hardware (like extra lenses), and photoshopping/filtering the crap out of them.

But these photos really look good because the photographers understand how to control aperture, light, composition, lenses etc. The actual camera itself is not controlling those things. Any idiot with a hammer and chisel won't suddenly start sculpting statues like David.

Oh Jeez, somebody in the other thread predicted how far this lunacy would go. So the iPhone6 doesn't contain talent, so Apple shouldn't be allowed to show these picture? Come on, this is just nonsense. Take a look at the gallery on Apple's website. Every photo has commentary on what the photographer did to make it a great photo and none credit the phone.

And while you're there please find the photo that has had the crap photoshopped out of it. You can start by locating the one which has credit to 'Photoshop' in the list of apps.

I think that's why this campaign doesn't really sit right with me. Apple aren't really celebrating the skills of these photographers - they're instead trying to claim credit for those skills and sell the idea that 'you, too, can take photos like this if you just had an iPhone 6'. To me, that's just disrespectful and (I feel) a bit arrogant.

I think the photographers should be credited in the ads rather than just the camera.

But that's just my opinion. I'm sure the campaign will sell millions more phones.

The fact you don't acknowledge that the photographers ARE credited on every billboard shows that you want to be offended by this. Again, the website is celebrating the photographers. But take a look at advertising for all kinds of cameras. They all use photos taken by skilled photographers and nobody ever got upset or offended by it before. All the credited photographers will have given their permission for work to be used like this, and the ones I've seen offer any comment are delighted.


Feb 11, 2008
This is just makerting ! Irony being apple has dropped the ball with it's photo editing software.

Give a photographer any smartphone and they will produce you amazing pictures, it's about composition and not the camera . All the current high end phones have the capability to produce these images in the right hands.

Just look at the pics that apple is promoting in this markerting campaign and what comes out of the iPhone 6, so much post processing, and composition composition composition....


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
This is just makerting ! Irony being apple has dropped the ball with it's photo editing software.

Give a photographer any smartphone and they will produce you amazing pictures, it's about composition and not the camera . All the current high end phones have the capability to produce these images in the right hands.

Just look at the pics that apple is promoting in this markerting campaign and what comes out of the iPhone 6, so much post processing, and composition composition composition....

So? You can do great things with an iPhone. Should it be illegal to promote that message?


Feb 11, 2008
Oh Jeez, somebody in the other thread predicted how far this lunacy would go. So the iPhone6 doesn't contain talent, so Apple shouldn't be allowed to show these picture? Come on, this is just nonsense. Take a look at the gallery on Apple's website. Every photo has commentary on what the photographer did to make it a great photo and none credit the phone.

And while you're there please find the photo that has had the crap photoshopped out of it. You can start by locating the one which has credit to 'Photoshop' in the list of apps.

The fact you don't acknowledge that the photographers ARE credited on every billboard shows that you want to be offended by this. Again, the website is celebrating the photographers. But take a look at advertising for all kinds of cameras. They all use photos taken by skilled photographers and nobody ever got upset or offended by it before. All the credited photographers will have given their permission for work to be used like this, and the ones I've seen offer any comment are delighted.

Give those same photographers a htc , nokia or Samsung , and the results would be just as impressive. Issue here is that the iPhone 6 does not have a camera that is so much better than the competition.

What you are missing here, you also do post processing of images after they are shot using apps. These images you see will have been pp in lightroom, ps etc, though since they are not apps on the iPhone , they are not listed. It's a markertng campaign for the iPhone and apps.


So? You can do great things with an iPhone. Should it be illegal to promote that message?

Not at all, but how about they give us apple editing software to achieve those results.

And it's just a smartphone camera , go ahead and take your best pic with your iPhone 6 and compare it with what apple is promoting, now ask yourself why your pic looks like crap, using the same phone and app?!!


macrumors 601
May 19, 2011
It surprises me that they managed to get iPhone JPEGs to print up to billboard size well. But then, you're looking at them from very far aware so I guess you wouldn't notice the low res image.


macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2014
Berkeley, CA
In two weeks:

"Samsung Launches Worldwide 'Shot on Galaxy S6' Ad Campaign Spanning Magazines, Billboards and More"


They'll also say it's better because it has more megapixels, even though the picture quality is still obviously worse.


It surprises me that they managed to get iPhone JPEGs to print up to billboard size well. But then, you're looking at them from very far aware so I guess you wouldn't notice the low res image.

Are the billboards that high-res anyway?


Copycat response: "Shot on Samsung."


I don't think anyone cares about that anymore, but that image has to be the most Internet-viral thing ever created. It is the perfect viral image, something that people feel extremely compelled to show others.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
Give those same photographers a htc , nokia or Samsung , and the results would be just as impressive. Issue here is that the iPhone 6 does not have a camera that is so much better than the competition.
So what? The ads don't mention the competition. HTC can run their own ad if they want to.
What you are missing here, you also do post processing of images after they are shot using apps. These images you see will have been pp in lightroom, ps etc, though since they are not apps on the iPhone , they are not listed. It's a markertng campaign for the iPhone and apps.

It's a marketing campaign? On a billboard? Sacrilege! You're assuming I haven't been a professional Photoshop user for the last 15 years. Photoshop didn't create those pictures. People did, using iPhones. Tweaking with an app is the last 5% of the art. Post processing doesn't invalidate the image unless you're trying to use it in a court. This isn't a court, execept in the minds of the 'but Samsung, but HTC, but Nokia' crowd.

And it's just a smartphone camera , go ahead and take your best pic with your iPhone 6 and compare it with what apple is promoting, now ask yourself why your pic looks like crap, using the same phone and app?!!

I have an iPhone5S. I have a few photos as good as those Apple is pushing. I have hundreds that aren't. That is the way of photography. Luck, lighting and subject are major factors in grabbing a good photo.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2011
Are the billboards that high-res anyway?

About 25dpi, if I remember correctly from the few encounters I had with them. As with everything, it's all about viewing distance.

These same arguments came up with 35mm film, the 6mp images from the first digital cameras (the Nikon D1x in my case), when it all basically revolves around, 'how far away will you be standing when looking at it?'


macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2011
It's a great refreshing approach to advertising. Promotes how creative you can be with your phone with pictures from actual iPhone users and shows there is no need to attack the competition. It's why Apple is winning.

Some people might think it's like advertising your business in a charity run but this is just advertising. Honest and rewarding for the photographers but not opportunistic. Go Apple!


macrumors member
Aug 30, 2012
Awww, shame it wasn't for stuff done on a 4S or am I too late to that party?!

I did actually sell my Canon EOS 40D as I never took it out, whereas my phone's always with me and is great for a shadow selfie as you can see in this pic. No photoshopping or editing done on that pic btw.


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macrumors 6502
Aug 31, 2009
Clearwater, FL
I also don't care, but I think it has more to do with Apple promoting the iPhone. as something it isn't - professional quality camera. . .

That's NOT what Apple is saying.

How more clear and simple does it have to be for you?

They're advertising iPhone 6 and its great camera. It's NOT "professional quality" as such. It's simply a great camera which is only part of a great smart phone.


macrumors 6502
Feb 24, 2014
I also don't care, but I think it has more to do with Apple promoting the iPhone. as something it isn't - professional quality camera.

No professional is selling their Nikon/Canon and relying solely on the iPhone.

The best camera is the camera you have with you.

And to be fair, if you give a DSLR to someone that doesn't know how to use it, you are also going to get a poor image.
Basically all advertising is going to use professional to get the best possible representation. Be it using models to make those jeans to look 'oh, so hot'
Or a photographer to get the best images.

I wonder what type of camera this photo was taken on...:


macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2011
Atlanta GA
I like that apple is marketing their iphone 6 and :apple: watch. I really don't understand why apple doesn't market some of their other products too. Apple makes some amazing products. I LOVE my 2012 Mac mini and my 2013 time capsule! They get hugs daily. #✌️##:p:)


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2012
There's no doubt those are pretty great shots they have put up. And Apple has done right by the folks who have taken the pictures. It's daft of people to accuse Apple of being unethical and infringing IP.

As far as iphone-has-nothing-to-do with the quality of pictures... Yes, the pictures could be just as good with any other hardware. Doesn't mean Apple can't boast about how good they are. If you couldnt advertise stuff which was similar in capabilities across product categories, there would hardly be any advertisements. (Would that be a good thing? That's a separate economic debate I suppose.) Apple's marketing did a pretty great job of using this as a messaging. Samsung or HTC could have run the exact same campaign. But Apple beat them to it.


macrumors 601
Jun 22, 2006
The thick of it
What a pity Apple isn't also supporting photographers by continuing to produce professional level software.

Maybe they've decided to leave that to app developers.

Here's a shot I took with my iPhone 4 in 2011:


The iPhone camera was impressive then, and it just keeps getting better.


macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2007
iPhone 6 bilboard in Barcelona

I spotted this huge bilboard yesterday here in Barcelona



It's already the second one. Few months ago they did campaign for the iPhone 6
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