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macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2016
Didn’t ABC news just get busted For fake war footage shot at a range in Kentucky?

state run media.

I have found it helps to read news only, and then throw out all the adjectives. It is amazing how little actual information gets reported and how much is opinion.

aren’t journalists supposed to be objective?

Journalists now have to write something that sells, and truth of optional. I read a few different outlets and discard the BS and try to find the actual news nuggets somewhere near the bottom. There isn't a single news outlet anywhere that's not biased. I think USA today might be a bit less obvious than the rest which is why hotels usually slide that one under your door in the morning.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
Duh- it's a news app

Kinda like sending out a press release telling the world that the Weather App will be showing the temperature this winter


macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
It'd be funny, if it weren't so troubling, that the remnants of the Republican party, which once beat their chest about how much more patriotic and moral they were than everyone else, now follow the most immoral man ever to inhabit the White House, and they scream in pain if exposed to any information source that isn't filled with conspiracy theories coming straight from Putin's psychological warfare units. They're deathly afraid of being exposed to actual news, because they've been warned by Putin's disinformation factories and their willing and unwitting assistants that any other source of information is "fake news".


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Good. As long as it isn't right wing fascist propaganda from Fox, I support it. Trump thinks any news that isn't supportive of him is Fake News, that is an extremely dangerous place for our society to head. I don't have an issue with conservative values, but blatant lies, racism, and propaganda from Fox is where I draw the line.
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macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
If it’s not Fox News it’s not Fake News.

Trump lately thinks Fox has jumped the fence too though.

the 98%-far-left US media monopoly at works

So 99% if one counts Fox... and whoever else Trump used to find reliable until they dared to look crosseyed at him on some occasion when he noticed.

imo short of literal recitation of a candidate's policy statements, American political reporting these days basically fits into the "infotainment" category until it gets right down to the official reports of vote counts on election dates. So no reason why Apple News shouldn't pick up the election season coverage in the same vein as any other entertainment provider.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Wherever my feet take me…
1st rule of mass media: give the people what they want. And that's info that supports their personal biases, not a straight, fact-only journalism. Added with the whole PC, and the inability of people to want to listen to bad news or opposing viewpoints. Plus, media companies are more interested in making money and spin, rather than just reporting the news.


macrumors 68000
Jul 12, 2011
the 98%-far-left US media monopoly at works

Americans imagining these fairly boring run of the mill for profit news outlets are somehow communist propaganda is always weird. Like MSNBC clearly leans Democrat but socialist daily it is not. Fox News is just 24/7 grumpy old man fantasy fears.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2011
Even a cursory view over the mainstream media shows how crap all of them are. None of the "journalists" or analysts seems to have read or understood the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or been able to contextualize any US foreign policy from WW2 til today (and I say that as a fairly MotR centrist).

Apple siding with any of these clowns in the media circus won't inform a single reader / viewer, but will instead be to promote whatever viewpoint is beneficial to Apple and just get everyone riled up in their echo chamber (left or right - equally insular)

You, my friend, rock. I admittedly lean more to the conservative side, from a issues standpoint, but I completely agree with your sentiment!
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macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2008
Athens, GA USA
If you are not an American & commenting on this ; we Americans know what narrative that you have been force fed for years by "CNN International", so we really don't give your opinions a seconds thought. Now, if anyone wants to debate Apple products here - you have come to the right place!
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macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
The question is who is going to be the democratic frontrunner? 11 months to go and still not a clue from all these analysts and shills. What a sad state of disarray the party (and their media accolades) are in, overconfident for reasons no one can possibly fathom.

it's looking more like Hillary every day, who hasn't even been running up until now

I think its reasonably safe to assume we're going to get orange man: the sequel term. reeee
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macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2008
Athens, GA USA
You might not believe this, but we have our own news organizations.
Understood, but some of that media take the frantic inaccurate narrative of what they perceive to be "American News" from CNN International which most Americans laugh at. If you spent anytime in the US you will find it's not the "racist Wild West" as they portray to lead their leftest agenda. Glad to see the Brits (my ancestors countries) got smart last week & are headed to Brexit! Cheers!
The question is who is going to be the democratic frontrunner? 11 months to go and still not a clue from all these analysts and shills. What a sad state the party is in

it's looking more like Hillary every day, who hasn't even been running up until now

I think its reasonably safe to assume we're going to get orange man: the sequel term. reeee

Tulsi seemed lke the most sane to me. I'm an Independent.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Tulsi seemed lke the most sane to me. I'm an Independent.

Doesn't stand a chance against the DNC machine. She's getting the 2016 Bernie treatment. As least she's outspoken unlike the spineless old man who took it from Hillary. Even when they detect a taste of where the Democratic Party is headed, this 'new' Democratic Party, they resort to their old tactics and shoot themselves in the foot.

They weren't happy at all that she ended all Kamala hype with a single question. They rejected valid polls of hers.

...They simply don't like moderate or independent voters. DNC is gunning for the leftists and communists, which doesn't represent the average voter or what's on their mind.
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Jul 3, 2013
Didn’t ABC news just get busted For fake war footage shot at a range in Kentucky?

state run media.

I have found it helps to read news only, and then throw out all the adjectives. It is amazing how little actual information gets reported and how much is opinion.

aren’t journalists supposed to be objective?

I agree, watching the coverage of Brexit in the UK has been insane. I would pay for an opinion free unbiased source of news but I honestly believe journalists can’t help themselves. They have to leave their say in there somehow.
I’ve also found the majority of journalists are very left leaning especially as they come from universities that are typically left leaning.
Ive actually found one of the best sources of news has been YouTube, there’s some great channels that can cut through the lies and BS that MSM pushes out.


macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2008
Athens, GA USA
I have a Journalism degree from the 3rd ranked Journalism college in the US. However, Journalism (in 1979 when I got my degree) is not in the same universe of todays "journalist" with "gottcha" questions & agendas on both sides. It makes me literally ill...


Jul 3, 2013
Doesn't stand a chance against the DNC machine. She's getting the 2016 Bernie treatment. As least she's outspoken unlike the spineless old man who took it from Hillary. Even when they detect a taste of where the Democratic Party is headed, this 'new' Democratic Party, they resort to their old tactics and shoot themselves in the foot.

They weren't happy at all that she ended all Kamala hype with a single question. They rejected valid polls of hers.

...They simply don't like moderate or independent voters. DNC is gunning for the leftists and communists, which doesn't represent the average voter or what's on their mind.
I quite like Tulsi myself, I don’t agree with everything she says but she’s the only not insane one who doesn’t seem to hate America in my opinion.
As an immigrant and someone who served alongside the US military in my own country’s military I do respect her.

My wife and I will likely vote for Trump, he’s actually gotten things done, did what he said he would do and the economy is booming. Why would we vote against that. I fully support his crackdown on illegal immigration that hurts legal immigrants like myself.

Also the way the DNC has treated Trump and constantly tried to impeach him over nothing is disgusting. Why would I ever vote for people like that? Trump isn’t perfect but the DNC seems to hate the America I loved and moved here for.
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