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macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2007
Nagoya, Japan
Are you saying the Airport Extreme can't do DynDNS?

No, it can't. At least I don't know of it doing it...

What you can do however, is, get some cheap router which does support it (ie Linksys WRT54G, install DD-WRT/OpenWRT firmware on it) And then just connect your Airport though it. Will work fine - at least for everyone with slower then 100Mbit connections from their ISPs :p


macrumors 65816
Sep 28, 2007
Hmm, it says there is no update for my Airport Extreme Base Station, even though it is only at firmware 7.3.2. Did they pull the update?


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2003
Silicon Valley
Damn, why doesn't apple do a Dynamic DNS like everyone else out there. It is so easy and kinda a rip off to make it mobile me only. IMHO.

They do. Click the "edit" button next to the hostname in the "base station" tab of the "AirPort" window and enable the dynamic global hostname. This uses standards-based dynamic DNS updates, which are supported by dyndns if you pay them.

unfortunately, 7.4.1 seems to have broken this. :( It was working fine in 7.3.2 and now I get BADSIG errors from the server. WTF, Apple? Does every AEBS firmware update absolutely have to break something?


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Canada EH!!!
I ran the installer and now Time Machine can't access the backup file on the Capsule. The Network is ok and Airport Utility can 'see' Time Capsule but 100+GB of data has gone west! Can anybody help? Thanks.

I'm having a similar problem. Time Machine won't access my Time Capsule backup. It says that the user does not have the correct permissions to access the Time Capsule HD. DAMN!! This really ticks me off. :mad:


macrumors newbie
Feb 14, 2005
Capsule 5 GHz lost after upgrade to 7.4.1

Hi all,

I just upgraded my (old) Time Capsule to firmware 7.4.1 this morning. After upgrading it seemed that my wireless network was not working anymore ( I had my capsule creating a 802.11n only (5GHz) network). I could not see the network from the macs that previously worked, nor could I connect to that network.

Resetting . rebooting both the capsule and the macs did not resolve. also reconfiguring the capsule brought no relief. All other functions of the capsule are OK.

When I switch back to 2.4 GHz (802.11n only (2.4GHz)) I saw the network again, and could use it. So: only 5GHz does not seem to work properly after firmware upgrade ...

Any ideas from the community how to fix this ?
Are there more people with the same issue ? For now I moved back to the previous version of the firmware....



macrumors 68020
Jan 10, 2005
ok folks, as someone who has a new TC waiting for me when I get home (I needed one and this update makes it even better for me) I have a couple of questions...

1. can i put an itunes music library on the TC and using the new mobileme file sharing features point my itunes database on my blackbook to the TC drive when on the road and stream my music besides just accessing typical files?

2. is there a reasonable solution for backing up files on the TC drive or a drive connected to the TC to another drive? let me explain... while i know you can use the internal drive in the TC for Time Machine, if I put my iTunes library on the TC internal as its primary location... how do I backup (automatically, not with the manual copy button that TC has) those files to yet another drive? I have Superduper but I think it doesn't support networked drives like TC...


macrumors 65816
Apr 4, 2007
los angeles

I just noticed when I go into "Logs & Statistics" & then "DHCP Clients" It now shows the Client ID's. I'm not sure if it did this before. It drives me nuts, I wish it would tell the names of the devices I have set in the MAC control access.

Also, i just figured out I can access my Time Capsule remotely from anywhere! I just had to enable "Allow setup over WAN". Maybe it's tied with my MobileMe account that's why. I'm not sure how else it would know. Now I don't have to use a Dynamic DNS, I can just open my AirPort utility and find my IP at home, and connect to my drives.


macrumors 68030
May 24, 2007
my time capsule will not mount after installing this update. i notice that there are two time capsules (same name) listed in system preferences under "change disk ..." and but it can't change to the other one.


macrumors newbie
Mar 6, 2009
Wireless Distribution System


I've got an AE with Gigabit and an AE with Fast Ethernet--after upgrading the firmware, my WDS didn't come back up.

I'm troubleshooting it now...


macrumors newbie
Mar 6, 2009
The update just killed my 17" MBPro... looks like. I hit restart after running the update, walked away for coffee and came back to a black screen. Restarted again--and there's no chime, just some slight fan action, the power light and a black screen of death. Tried a couple more times, tried a PMU reset, tried to go into Target disk mode to grab files...but it's all a no-go. This is a 2007 model, so I'm out of warranty, so I guess repair is going to be major $$ if it means a logic board replacement.

How does a firmware update get to be so lethal?! And I'm not delirious with joy about buying a unibody 17" replacement after reading about the 30" ACD adapter and video card problems...


macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2008
Yeah its pretty ridiculous, I ended up doing two resets and two or three power cycles before it came back up looks like. I hit restart after running the update, walked away for coffee and came back to a black screen. Restarted again--and there's no chime, just some slight fan action, the power light and a black screen of death. Tried a couple more times, tried a PMU reset, tried to go into Target disk mode to grab files...but it's all a no-go. This is a 2007 model, so I'm out of warranty, so I guess repair is going to be major $$ if it means a logic board replacement.

How does a firmware update get to be so lethal?! And I'm not delirious with joy about buying a unibody 17" replacement after reading about the 30" ACD adapter and video card problems...


macrumors newbie
Mar 6, 2009
Yeah its pretty ridiculous, I ended up doing two resets and two or three power cycles before it came back up

I'm glad to hear yours came back up! I've been trying for 2 hours, letting it cool off in between...but it's a brick.


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2002
I'm glad to hear yours came back up! I've been trying for 2 hours, letting it cool off in between...but it's a brick.

Remove the battery and disconnect the power adapter.

Let the machine sit overnight.

Try it again in the morning.

P.S. Check that your ram modules are seated correctly too.


Feb 9, 2003
definitely a problem with 801.n (5Ghz) networks

you are correct in deducing problem with this update for older airport express and certain older base stations if you are only using the .n (5Ghz).
changing it to .n (compatibility with g/b) makes it work.


macrumors 68020
Dec 25, 2006
So with this new TimeCapsule feature does that mean I can access my TimeCapsule files and time machine through the internet when I am not at home??? :confused:


macrumors newbie
Mar 6, 2009
Time Capsule with external USB fails...


Thanks for the guidance. To be a bit more specific, I do not have a Mac (or a PC, for that matter) at home. I can, however, access my Time Capsule, it just seems that anything connected by USB cannot be accessed. I am wondering if the problem is being caused by the USB hub...

I've been having the same problem as you, however my USB drive is connected directly to the Time Capsule. I can access the internal TC drive fine and the USB drive is listed, but it times out with the same error message:

"Connection failed - There was an error connecting to the server. Check the server name or IP address and try again..."

What's even odder is my girlfriend had no trouble accessing it in our apartment while I was trying to connect from my office. So it's not something with the connection between the Time Capsule and USB drive itself, but how it is served through MobileMe.

The drive is formatted NTFS, so maybe that's the culprit? Has anyone had any success connecting to an external USB drive on a Time Capsule through MobileMe?


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Canada EH!!!
After the firmware (FW) update, Time Machine (TM) could not access the Time Capsule (TC) hd. I could access the TC hd using Finder but TM kept telling me that my username and password were not valid and I needed to access using a different account. I'm guessing that the disk permissions were somehow changed after the FW update. I tried I number of possible solutions but nothing would work. So I erased the TC hd and then TM had no problem accessing the hd. It's doing a fresh backup now. As long as my MBP hd doesn't blow up during the backup, everything should be fine.

One good thing did happen after the FW update ... I was not able to connect to my office computer using Back To My Mac but after the FW update the connection works great! I've yet to try connecting to the TC hd using the new Mobile Me setup. Hopefully that will work when I try it this week.



macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2006
it worked!

I work from home most days, but occasionally I work from a friend's office. I set up my USB connected drive through my AEBS with MobileMe, somewhat doubtful it would actually work.

Lo and behold, when I connected to the internet at my friend's office, my AEBS was listed in the finder. I clicked on it, entered the password for the router, and I could access everything on the drive relatively quickly.


Of course, now I have even less need to utilize iDisk.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2007
Nagoya, Japan
I have the 2 wire router and an AES. I don't use the AES because the 2 wire has actually been more stable. Strange? I have PS3, XBOX 360, Cable, all hardwired, and 4 pc wireless, a WII wireless and 2 ipod touchs. I have never had any problems with it. Just saying before you trash it.

I am very interested in AES for file sharing though. Can I do the same thing with my mac mini? I think you would follow the same protocols?

First the mini... yeah, you can do the same... Just enable file sharing on it, and set up the port forwarding on the router... Then just connect to it via yo.u.r.ip : port (minus the spaces because then it turns : p into a smily) and should work fine...

2wire routers I hate. I have one now and it is the biggest piece of crap I have ever used. I'm quite a heavy user and all of the computers on the network are constantly pumping data in and out 24/7 - and when everything is connected to the 2Wire router directly, it just can't handle it...

The moment things get a bit though, it just shuts down and reboots, then a bit of time passes and it does it again... and again... and again. Then as I said in my original post, IT DOESN'T EVEN SUPPORT UPNP - what a joke...

Then have you seen the control panel thingy of 2wire routers? It looks like a 5 year old designed it (I'm not talking about it being **** ugly). Things are hidden away, it takes ages to find any of the settings, it takes 10 clicks to many to get anywhere, everything is categorized idiotically, if you change something sometimes it changes sometimes it craps out. etc etc etc...

The only solution I found for this piece of crap is turning off WiFi on it, connecting only one device to it (another router, just make sure its not in bridge more or else that ruins everything) and setting up DMZ (thank god it supports that at least) to the device... Then it kinda somewhat stably works... But still, what asses designed it all, I don't have the slightest clue...


macrumors newbie
Jun 1, 2008
Really confused, I have a 1TB TC, a MacBook and a MacBook Air and a MobileMe account, but cant work out what this update has actually done.

Accessing files remotely...huh? where?, how?, any chance of apple reverting to thier old style of giving usefull step by step guides or are we seeing apple become more and more like windows by the day.
Why are we all so confused? isnt the point of owning an apple that its a much more user friendly OS etc, Im not a tech, im a chef pulling 300hrs a month and dont have time to learn this stuff. Please can somebody just write a simple check list of what i may need to click, check etc before this "New Feature" becomes available.

Sorry to moan but I think its for the greater good if someone smart can show us all what we are doing wrong as apple have deemed the user unimportant.


macrumors regular
Mar 6, 2008
Melbourne, Australia

I spent 3/4 of an hour playing with my BroadBand Modem, AirPort Express (Late 2008) because the stupid AirPort Utility opened itself up and spat that "Gozai" was reporting problems at my IP, which was my AirPort.

I turn my modem off at night, leaving my APE blinking Orange at me until I turn both my Mac and Modem on in the morning, so, owing to the fact that my Modem WAS indeed "off", I booted it up and AirPort still didn't respond (Orange light still blinking).

So, I waited, contemplated unpacking my AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule finally, and using that.....but I just slipped and clicked the "Continue" button.

It turned out that the update was available, so I installed it and "ka-boom-boom" it was responding at 2x the speed of before the update (maybe that has something to do with my 802.11n based iMac & MacBook Pro).

So, the moral of this ridiculously-stupid "Read up on things before assuming something is wrong".



macrumors member
Oct 22, 2008
reselect your backup disk in time machine and enter a password if needed

Problem solved! Unlocking the padlock in Time Machine preferences to revert to 'on the hour backups' erased the "backup failed" alert and Time Machine is now backing up manually,as before the firmware update. Many thanks!


macrumors newbie
Oct 28, 2006
you are correct in deducing problem with this update for older airport express and certain older base stations if you are only using the .n (5Ghz).
changing it to .n (compatibility with g/b) makes it work.

I have the same problem using .n in 5Ghz mode.

It works for a certain time, then disappears from itself ...

Any solution found for this annoying bug ?

Common Apple don't you test your updates before releasing them...
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