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macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
Boot Speed

Originally posted by johnnyjibbs
Yes it would be nice if the Finder didn't crash so often when browsing Windows networks.

As for the boot issue, I think I heard of something like that but I don't know what the hell I'm doing with the terminal so I leave well alone. I don't like executing a command that I have no idea what it's doing.
Search the MR archives. There's a thread on this. The fix is just a symbolic link to the boot cache so it's detected properly on boot up. The first time you reboot, you won't see a difference, but from there on out the difference is noticeable.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
Re: AppleMatt

Originally posted by daveL
The high-level toolbox gives you menus, buttons and all the other human interface widgets.


I haven't gotten it dl'd yet, so I can't comment. With the long delay since pulling the initial seed, I would suspect that this seed won't be out long before it's released as final. At least, I hope that's the case.
Forget to mention that the HL Toolkit is Carbon.


macrumors 68030
Sep 18, 2003
London, UK
Originally posted by Stolid
I agree - you can't compare the updates. OS X tends to have update 'series' where you fix 10+ things in a patch. Microsoft tends to release very spot patches for a specific bug.
If you really wanted, you could compare say that OSX 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 are equvilient to Microsoft "Service Packs" -- which actually puts MS as having /less/ patches (as compared to WinXP). It's apples and oranges.
Windows users really don't have a big excuse with XP because of automatic updating; but people love to beat on the 'big guy'.
Everyone has patches.
I'd say that 10.3 did a hell of a lot more than a Windows service pack (likewise, 10.2 did that befoe it). Windows service packs tend to just be bug fixes that should have been sorted out long ago (e.g. there's going to be a two year gap between XP SP 1 and 2) and don't add many new features (XP service pack 2 mainly adds a pop-up blocker to IE (finally), for instance).

No-one can help bugs and issues, even if they do a good job with the programming. There will always be bugs. The way I see it, it's good that we get the updates to fix these issues quickly, not having to wait 2 years for a service pack to add/resume the functionality.

And it's an added bonus that, with each update, Mac OS X seems to get faster and faster. I guess I'm lucky that no update has messed things up for me yet.


macrumors member
Jun 23, 2003
I always thought of the winxp service packs as "all the updates we've made up to now" in one shot rather than 50 (or something) with the potential need to restart several times. So it would be more like 10.3.2 or 10.3.3 rather than 10.2 or 10.3.


macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2004
Norfolk, VA, USA
It's not a perfect comparison - which was exactly my point. MS doesn't charge for service packs, they also don't add features like Expose in them.
I can't say one is better than the other; I use both regularly and have my complaints about both Mac OSX and Windows XP (and my Linux and Win2k3 servers).
I use Mac OSX when I want "usable UNIX" or a large number of periphs (i.e. dig cams), I use Windows when I want to "just install this software," I use Linux when I want to futz with things as low as BIOS interupts :p
A lot of people can't afford/don't want to learn all these systems though; and I can't expect them to (nor do I think they should).


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2004
Originally posted by virividox
yay hope it doesnt get pulled again

actually to me, the longer it takes for these things to be released, the more time they have to tweak it and fix things, and the longer they will last. i think it would be good not to issue a major upgrade, such as from jaguar to panther, that kind of thing, until all of the hardware goes 64-bit, and then release a 64-bit OS. true that may take 1 or 2 years or more, but it seems like it would be more worth the time, effort and money. i'm curious as to what is apple's current plan of action. but i'm sure they would never tell.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 11, 2003
St. Louis, USA
Originally posted by ifjake
actually to me, the longer it takes for these things to be released, the more time they have to tweak it and fix things, and the longer they will last. i think it would be good not to issue a major upgrade, such as from jaguar to panther, that kind of thing, until all of the hardware goes 64-bit, and then release a 64-bit OS. true that may take 1 or 2 years or more, but it seems like it would be more worth the time, effort and money. i'm curious as to what is apple's current plan of action. but i'm sure they would never tell.

Yes, but I don't think the iBook will become G5 until sometime 2006 at EARLIEST. Remember how long it took Apple to stick a G4 into the iBook (just last fall...). Over three years since the G4's introduction. I would guess that Apple won't be releasing a full-bore 64-bit OS for at least 5 years. Until then, there may be increased 64 bit functions, or parts that only work with 64-bit procs (like Quartz Extreme only worked with AGP 2X 32MB or higher...).

Which is why I just bought my iBook G4. It won't be G5 anytime soon, and neither will the eMac.

The one thing I don't understand is, why doesn't Apple take the X.3 server and make it all-out 64 bit quickly. That would be awesome!


macrumors member
Aug 17, 2003
There is still a large problem with 10.3.x for most audio guys who use a usb or firewire interface or control surface. There is constant crunching, pops and cracks coming through the speakers that not only are annoying to myself but to clients as well. Im using a tascam us-428 and never had this problem until g5/panther. Does anyone know if this is a hardware issue or os issue? I sure hope this new update will fix sounds like it might.


macrumors 68020
Dec 19, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
i want quartz update! and boot

increase boot up and hook up some updated quartz and u got me! lol I predict a saturday-tuesday release haha


macrumors regular
Apr 16, 2003
Originally posted by geerlingguy
Yes, but I don't think the iBook will become G5 until sometime 2006 at EARLIEST. Remember how long it took Apple to stick a G4 into the iBook

True, but the difference between the G5 and G4 is much greater than the difference between a G4 and G3. Plus the G4 is pretty clearly at a dead end; I expect Apple will try to stop using it as soon as possible. I think the iBook and eMac will get G5s around the middle of next year.

I would guess that Apple won't be releasing a full-bore 64-bit OS for at least 5 years.

Depends on what you mean by "full-bore". 32-bit processors should be supported for quite a while. I do expect that OS X 10.4 will allow individual processes to access more than 4GB of memory, which is the primary benefit of a 64-bit processor.


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2003
In my head
Windows XP updates

Can anyone tell me what my Dad needs to do exactly to get patches etc automatically installed on XP Home Edition? At the moment his software update service consists of me emailing him every so often after reading stuff on the net about critical patches.


macrumors member
Dec 2, 2003
New Zealand
How big is this thing??

Its jolly nice to see Apple continuing to develop and improve OS X but how big is this sucker going to be?? 40MB, 50MB?? How long until the first 100MB update from Apple??

10.3.2 has been very stable for me, although waking from sleep still take a while sometimes...

For Billyboy... tell your father to solve all bhis problems at once and get a Mac... that's all he has to do.... :D


macrumors member
Feb 12, 2004
Re: Windows XP updates

Originally posted by billyboy
Can anyone tell me what my Dad needs to do exactly to get patches etc automatically installed on XP Home Edition? At the moment his software update service consists of me emailing him every so often after reading stuff on the net about critical patches.

Right click My Computer // Properties // Automatic Updates.


macrumors 68030
Jul 20, 2001
Re: How big is this thing??

Originally posted by fatbarstard
Its jolly nice to see Apple continuing to develop and improve OS X but how big is this sucker going to be?? 40MB, 50MB?? How long until the first 100MB update from Apple??

10.3.2 has been very stable for me, although waking from sleep still take a while sometimes...

For Billyboy... tell your father to solve all bhis problems at once and get a Mac... that's all he has to do.... :D

Apple has done near-100MB updater files in the past. The 10.2.8 combo updater was between 70-80 MB, if I recall.

I remember a few years ago, when servers clogged like crazy when OS 9.1 and OS 9.2 updaters came out. It was TOUGH getting those downloads. Apple's done a great job streamlining things and lining up capacity so that, when a new update is available, it's almost always speedy.


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2003
the thing is that they increase the size and i believe the next updates will only increase. So i really do not understand why they do not let magazines to put them in their CDs


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
Re: How big is this thing??

Originally posted by fatbarstard
Its jolly nice to see Apple continuing to develop and improve OS X but how big is this sucker going to be?? 40MB, 50MB?? How long until the first 100MB update from Apple??

10.3.2 has been very stable for me, although waking from sleep still take a while sometimes...

For Billyboy... tell your father to solve all bhis problems at once and get a Mac... that's all he has to do.... :D
69.4 MB


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
I bet 69.4 MB isn't the final size. I wouldn't be surprised if it hits 70 MB (or even 75 MB) before it's released. I've had good luck with previous Mac OS X updates, so I expect good things of this update, too (despite it being rather large).


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2001
I want to see Mail fixed - it has too many problems and not enough features to beat Entourage, and I HATE using Msh*t products.

And how about fixing the lousy FAX software in X?
Cant be that difficult to actually store the faxes after they have been sent and actually TELL you that they have been sent?

Apart from that, X is the best OS bar none, and even if they never fix Mail or FAX, I still love it.

But I wish they would fix them.........


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2001
Originally posted by vrapan
the thing is that they increase the size and i believe the next updates will only increase. So i really do not understand why they do not let magazines to put them in their CDs

YES! Why the hell dont they? Wouldnt it be good advertising as well?


macrumors 68000
Jan 13, 2004
Washington, D.C.
Slow Startups in Panther

theres a console script that you can run that relinks a startup file they missed that fixes the slow start ups (i used to have to wait for the mac os x startup bar to go all the way across, now it j goes to "waiting for network initialization" and it's there!) It was a sudo command and you had to run it (at least i did) from another networked mac os x computer by logging in remotely. I dont remember what it was.


I hope that they fix the intermittent freezing in finder, expecially in ms and macromedia apps, and in expose'.

P.S. I'm posting this in two forums... so if youre confused, now youre not! :D


macrumors newbie
Feb 19, 2004
Originally posted by lessthandmb
There is still a large problem with 10.3.x for most audio guys who use a usb or firewire interface or control surface. There is constant crunching, pops and cracks coming through the speakers that not only are annoying to myself but to clients as well. Im using a tascam us-428 and never had this problem until g5/panther. Does anyone know if this is a hardware issue or os issue? I sure hope this new update will fix sounds like it might.

You think it's software related? Did you ever have Jaguar on the G5? From what I was reading on the Apple discussion boards, it's a problem with the power supply in the PM G5s. It's not working for me right now but this is the thread I had bookmarked about it --

I was getting ready to call AppleCare and see about getting a replacement for my power supply. I'd much prefer a software update that fixes it.


macrumors member
Jan 1, 2003
Haughton, LA
Originally posted by displaced
*fires up Microsoft Software Update Services admin page on company server*

*views update counts*

IE 5.0x -- 268 updates
IE 5.5 -- 119 updates
IE 6.x -- 326 updates
Windows 2000 -- 1755 updates
Windows XP -- 1482 updates
Windows Server 2003 -- 355 updates

These are only English updates classed as 'critical', although some updates replace others.

So don't even *bother* comparing OS X to Windows!

Installed Win Server 2003 server today.

5 updates....not 355.

Can you post a link to your info?


macrumors 68000
Jan 13, 2004
Washington, D.C.
I'm thankful my school's techy-savvy!

I am sooo glad my school has a T1 (soon to be T3- the network's faster than the internet connection, well, obviously, but its way faster) so that I can update regularly. I am going to get 10.3.3 as soo as it comes out.


(was there ever a 10.2.2? or 10.1.1? I just like that 1.1/2.2/3.3 sound! :D)


macrumors regular
Originally posted by Glial
Installed Win Server 2003 server today.

5 updates....not 355.

Can you post a link to your info?

I installed win 2K on a computer of a friend of mine. Of course, after installing the first thing I did was to update. I had to do it three times, because (just checking) there were that many updates of updates. What a kludge.

Of course, this could be incremental updates, not updates of updates per se. But still. Can't they combine these? Sheesh.


PS. I do like win2K a lot btw. It looks spartan compared to OSX, but it just works for me, without fail. This is in case you restart your computer regularly - hardly any wintel user leaves his PC on/sleeping from day to day, but switches it off at the end of every work day. Does anyone know if W2K even has a BSOD?


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2003
Originally posted by Glial
Installed Win Server 2003 server today.

5 updates....not 355.

Can you post a link to your info?
Lucky you. Like a sharp stick in the eye.
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