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macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2010
I'm sure this guy was predicting the release of an iPhone 4S & 5 last week. Analysts know literally nothing, they should just be ignored.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 7, 2007
Apple is just being super secretive with iphone 5. The rebuilt iphone 4 might have an A5 to help developers etc. :)


macrumors member
Sep 12, 2011
I guess people thinking its going to be the same design forgot about those iphone 5 cases that popped up, and 3.5 inch screen? its time to upgrade, and if you think 3.8-4inches is to big to fit in your pockets you seriously have a problem.


Mar 26, 2008


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2007
Wait 15 months and we get the exact same design? I'd pass on that one. No one cares about CPU upgrades, as evidenced by the fact that when the 3GS came out, a lot of people said "meh".

Well, they were wrong to say "meh". When I went from the 3G to 3GS the speed made a huge difference. The 3GS is orders of magnitude more usable than the 3G purely because it's faster. Note that an increase in RAM contributed to this speed increase, not just CPU.

Of course, if it's only a minor increase in speed, then sure, "meh". And if they increase CPU, but keep RAM at 512MB, it might only be a minor increase.

Considering that I'm still on a 3GS, whatever phone I get next will be a huge improvement. I'm going to get either an iPhone or an Android phone. It's looking more and more like iPhone 5 is going to be the less impressive new phone (but still impressive enough), and that something like a Samsung Galaxy S2 will be more appealing. We'll see...
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macrumors regular
Sep 9, 2008
Yea, even though that 18 month old phone still outsells all the new HTC and Samsung stuff.

Oh sure, the iPhone 4 does outsell them by a large margin, but it is also losing market share. A "spec bump" would only accelerate that market loss and thus could end up costing them billions if they don't adapt.

It is like Microsoft saying "oh we don't care about Mac we outsell them 10:1". Because while may be true they are quickly losing market share and losing billions in the process. No one can afford to rest on their laurels, especially the top dog.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2008
Arta, Greece
There's already 512MB in an iPhone 4.

Personally, I think the iPhone 4 is an incredible device: it's fast, it's stylish, it's beautiful. And most importantly, the app store ecosystem is thriving. Every time I buy a new app, it feels like I've bought new hardware specifically to run it.

I'm all for incremental improvements:

  • Longer battery life (please don't negate this by putting a higher-power CPU in there; no one is complaining about the iPhone 4 being slow).
  • Anti-fingerprint coatings that last longer.
  • OS features and tweaks.

There r numerous threads about iPhone 4 laggin as hell with 4.3.3. Just google iphone 4 lag animation


macrumors regular
Aug 29, 2011
Just want to point out that this will be Apple's first post-Steve product launch; they have to knock it out of the park. 16 months for a "Meh." upgrade isn't going to cut it, although I'm sure that they will be playing up iOS 5 heavily.

If the iPhone 5 doesn't have a 4" screen, I will be taking a more serious look at Androids.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2011
Greece and Holland
If it really stays the same like iphone4 is and its only cpu better then for sure i ll stick with my iphone 4!
i will only buy it if its bigger screen and more ram , better camera, else sorry apple but u screwed it big time :D


macrumors 68020
May 23, 2011
Then frankly, I'm not buying it, if this is true. A slight speed bump and marginally thinner design is not going to make me spend 200 bucks. That just seems silly.

We are on the same boat. Come Mid October, there are two options for me:
a. iPhone 5, if redesigned on Sprint
b. If it is just a minor upgrade, then I am still going to break free from AT&T and go the prepaid Android way for a year or so until Apple releases a proper update. You can get a highly rated LG Optimus for T-Mobile or Virgin for like $120, $45 per month with no contract. Can't beat it.

Either way I am out of AT&T and my old 3GS


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2010
There will be an Iphone 5 and it will look different and it will be faster and it will have a better camera, and it might even have the A6 chip (quad core) in it....and it will be a world phone and it will have a bigger screen, and it will be thinner, lighter, and have better battery life.

This is the Apple way, when they delay a release....

All these stories are decoys, to get you surprised when Steve Jobs (yes he will come out and show it) shows the Iphone 5 and Itouch 5 and the final version of IOS5 on later this month or early october...


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2003
Some of you guys really crack me. A case does not a big upgrade make. In fact quite the opposite. A case is superficial at best.

The iPhone 4 was much more than a new case. Anyway, if the new iPhone does not get a new case, this mean the screen size would stay the same, which would disappoint a lot of people. For me, I couldn't care less for a bigger screen unless it is also accompanied with a resolution bump. But I don't watch much video on my iPhone.

Back to the rumor: should be page 2. The photostream graphic is much better evidence than this "analyst." Of course, the graphic could be the work of an overzealous graphic artist anticipating the new form factor, or it could be the new iPod Touch, but I think both of those possibilities are unlikely.


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2009
Every year people on Macrumors expect these massive iPhone upgrades, and Apple has come up with incremental upgrades. The last iPhone design lasted three generations before being redesigned and the redesign wasn't even that dramatic.

I'm calling it now. The design will be very similar to the iPhone 4. There will be a faster processor perhaps dual-core, higher quality camera, more RAM and hardware tweaks that will help with battery life. We will not see LTE this time around. It will be available on Sprint and perhaps T-Mobile.

If Apple were changing their screen size they would need to let developers know so they can work on their apps. Less than a month of lead time is not enough. Oh, as far as I know there is nothing in the SDK that would allow an app to adjust based on varying screen sizes.


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2007
why is everyone taking this report as gospel?
most likely the phone will look the same with a bigger screen in the same form factor. remember those edge to edge glass rumors, or the screen shots of the actual screen. those were probably real.

you can fit a 3.7 or a 3.8 inch screen in the same form factor and still call it retina. Elongated home button, edge to edge glass=larger screen. would also match up with the Apple icon that was leaked. It is all adding up if you think about it.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2007
I appreciate how Apple is always pushing forward, but too much change isn't always a good thing. I could see the Apple eco-system start to crumble if Apple begins changing their designs too rapidly. Case manufacturers invest heavily in producing new accessories for Apple products; if the shelf life of those accessories becomes a year or less, many of those manufacturers might not be able to make their investment back and might just abandon the Apple eco-system as financially untenable.

I would guess that the updated iPhone will keep the same form factor. The "radically new" iPhone will probably debut on the normal schedule, over the summer.

The old phones don't just vanish into thin air, they get sold to others who buy new cases for them.


macrumors regular
Aug 31, 2011
Peoria, AZ
If this is true I am switching to Android. Cya Apple.

Trade ya!!

I have an android and you give me that POS IP4

BTW, you will be back when you have to deal with all those Preinstalled Bloatware and the only way to get rid of it is to Root your Phone and void your warranty!! Good Luck with that!!


macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2010
Lexington, KY.
Ugh. I was really hoping for an updated design, not because I don't like the 4 (I do), but because all these rumors of the iPad 2-inspired design had got me excited. Heck, even the sloped back had started to grow on me.

As it is, I've got a tough decision ahead. I'm still using my trusty 3GS and it's not having any problems at all. But I was dead-set on upgrading for the A5 and especially the better camera (I use my phone camera at my job ALL THE TIME). Being able to take better, more detailed pictures on the fly with my phone is a must for me.

I'm one of those "off cycle" people. I didn't get the 3GS until January of 2010 (7 months after launch), so I wasn't eligible for the 4 last summer (and I couldn't afford to drop $600 5 months after getting the 3GS). Now, I'm afraid, I'm stuck in the same situation. If I upgrade to the "spec bump" iPhone 4S, I won't be eligible for the iPhone 5 or 6 (or whatever they'll call it) when they release it next year.

I suppose I can stick with the 3GS for another 8 months to a year, but man, it sucks when your significant other has the 4 and you have to look at that beautiful Retina display all the time! :D

As I said...I've got a TOUGH decision ahead of me in a few weeks, especially if this is true!


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
There is nothing wrong with wanting a redesign. In fact, sales wise, it would actually benefit to have a new design to distinguish it from the iphone 4. Most people would just buy the cheaper iPhone 4 if it looks exactly the same

Yeah, just like no one bought the 3GS, instead buying the iPhone 3G that was 99$ on contract. :rolleyes:

Come on guys. The phone's casing doesn't make the phone.


macrumors 68000
Aug 7, 2011
Liverpool, UK
I'm the consumer, I decide (damn it!). If you take a look at the story on 9to4mac, you can see the reason why I believe the next iPhone release (whenever that will be) will be a significant one. The good old iPhone 4 is a great machine but since March this year, it has fallen significantly behind and is relying on the ecosystem prison and the carriers long-term contracts to keep consumers. Neither of those reasons are great reasons and already many people are looking enviously at some of the Android products (I said some, not all) and with ice cream sandwich coming up October/November, Apple will make a significant move. IMHO


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macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2005
They'll need more than a spec boost for me not to get the next Nexus (suppose to be awesome).


macrumors regular
Feb 1, 2008
honestly my mom just got a htc sensation and it is effing blazing fast with a beautiful screen.. 768 ram and dual core 1.2 processor

not saying im gonna switch but dam apple will be so behind on the hardware aspect if kuo is right and they're sticking to 512mb and a single core a5

definitely no upgrade for me as ios 5 im sure will run just fine on iphone 4


macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
Los Angeles
Over the last 4 years Apple has historically released new iPhones around the june/july timeframe. We're now into September and rumours indicate a new model being announced in October (maybe announced earlier and shipping in early october).
It's obvious that this delay is not about iOS5. Apple has a new iPhone model in the works and it's taking a bit longer to develop and test and they want iOS 5 and the new iPhone to ship at the same time. If the nuance voice control stuff does actually show up they will have something *really* neat to wow us with. Remember, they never tell us all the features at WWDC. They're holding that stuff back for their own use. Next year we'll see APIs for the voice control at WWDC.

My educated guess is that the new model will have a GSM/CDMA combined chipset and a completely new design (new antenna for one). Those items combined are causing the real "delay". The antenna issue with the iPhone 4, as much as it was blown out of context, was a design mistake on Apple's part and they are not about to repeat it. I'm sure they've learned a lot from that and are going back to an internal design this time around. New materials most likely (no more glass back, another design decision that Apple probably regrets based on the reports of many many repairs to those) and a bigger screen to compete with the 4+" displays going into the higher end Android phones.

I certainly hope Apple will wow us soon, they can't afford to be left behind in this matter.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 15, 2010
After waiting 1.5 years for a new iPhone, they can't stiff us with an "S" model... Apple is behind all those great looking 4" Androids... Every iPhone owner admits to drool over the screen size, the thinner factor and overall look of the Android phones.

No, please stop saying this. We are not all drooling over android screen sizes or designs. Plenty of people here at MacRumors and other Apple sites have made it very clear that we do not want a larger screen. Stop acting like you speak for the majority because you most certainly do not. Even if we were to assume that 50% of all iPhone users wanted a larger screen, there is still the other 50% who do not.
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