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macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2016
Stage manager in iOS 16 is pure trash and I went back to classic full screen apps on my 11" M1 Pro.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 26, 2008
I'd love to try the beta, but I can't risk running into a bug that breaks things for me. So while it'll probably work fine, I'm taking the safe option and waiting.
For my phone I totally agree, but my iPad is a more of a whatever device so I donā€™t mind it having a bug here or there
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macrumors 68020
Jul 20, 2012
i don't care. already running it on my iPad and the beta is working fine for me. stage manager sucks but i don't use it. it's good that Apple wants to try improve it.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 6, 2020
With what you say you want, you seem better off having a MacBook for your usage then. iPadOS =/= MacOS. You seem like someone that's probably complained that Apple just need to put MacOS on an iPad.

Stage Manager can remember position/size of using multiple windowed apps in a group, as I have Safari and Mail as one group on the right hand side, to pop open when I need to. That group stays there and I can bounce back to it when needed.

Stage manager is a different way of working with apps.
If you close an app and reopen it, it will not remember its last position/size.

macOS has Stage Manager but it's OK because macOS also has the old and good way of using windows, Stage Manager on macOS is an option, not imposed as the only way to use windows.


macrumors G3
Sep 8, 2002
The Netherlands
Usually the new macOS is launched in October, about 1 month later than iOS.
Maybe this time, they're trying to release them all together?

Could be that iPhone 14 will become available in October..?


macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Well, Apple wants you to buy both iPad Pro and Mac OS M2 Laptop. Not one or the other!
That why I use a iPad mini for casual usage, and Mac laptop and desktop for its strengths. While I like the thought of having sorta a Mac like GUI on iPadOS, I don't think stage manager is the Rosetta Stone for iPadOS being akin to MacOS.

Guess we shall see as stage manager becomes more used by a lot of people with their comments/opinion's.


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
I'm pretty ok with the mini not getting it. Who would want to use windowing on an iPad mini. I'm betting they never allow it on that form factor.
Anyone using an external monitor with it? The mini is roughly the same size as 4 iPhone screens, so it's definitely possible to put 4 screens on the tablet at once. And even today, with iOS 15, you can get 4 apps on screen at once. I'd say that the form factor is the limiting factor, except there's really not a massive size difference between the mini and pro.
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Mr Todhunter

macrumors 6502
Apr 4, 2010
Third planet from the Sun
I'm hoping that's tongue in cheek, as otherwise that wins the prize for the most absurd post on this forum.....
Absurd? Welll maybe. But just suppose I have a few thousand books and I use the iPad mostly for reading. Visit a couple of news sites, play a game once a month, NEVER watch youtube, listen to music only on the iPhone, have NO social networking apps. Plus I enjoy turning the pages like Iā€™m reading a real book. On a sidenote I threw away my tv-set 19 years ago. Guess what? Iā€™m not like you.

Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
How about limiting the apps to 2 instead of running 4 or 6 apps then? Is that also not possible either?
Soā€¦ umā€¦ Split View?
Which has existed on the iPads for going on seven years now.
I completely understand the people running on older iPad Airs and pros upset that they donā€™t get stage manager.
I get it. I know people in your position. I also think itā€™s very ridiculous.
The 2018-2020 Pros should be able to run it just fine.
But as for the iPad Mini, I have no idea why anyone would want stage manager on it.
You can already stuff three apps on the 8.3 inch screen between split view and slideover, and you can create multiple spaces of sets of split view and slide over apps.
Exactly what benefit would stage manager bring to that small of a display?


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Jason Snell has been sounding the alarm on Stage Manager not being ready for prime time so if this is true itā€™s a good thing.
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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Ha, I don't think that's even an open. Apple was not satisfied with the results. That idea was shot down in Cupertino a long time ago.

My intake: Apple wants everyone to order new iPad equipment with M1 and M2 chips period šŸ™
Meh. Stage Manager isnā€™t all that. Certainly doesnā€™t warrant someone buying a new iPad.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
The problem is the newest iPad mini just came out not even a year ago and doesn't have an M1. It's a bit too early for Apple to be dropping features.
What features is Apple dropping? No one is losing any features they had when they bought their hardware.
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