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macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2010
All iPod Touch and iPhone models do not have anywhere near enough storage. Looks like I'll be buying a coupe more Classics before they are discontinued.


macrumors 6502
Sep 16, 2005
Meh, just kill it. You have the cloud so you have unlimited storage.

Well, I'm glad you have an ISP without bandwith limits and a phone plan with no limits and a workplace that doesn't filter the internet at all, so you can get this cloud data everywhere. (oh, and the cloud certainly isn't unlimited; you'll have to pay some yearly fee to get 160Gb of cloud)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
Screw Apple! They shouldn't have discontinued the ipod. Apple is no longer a company I have any respect for ANYMORE. They have gone too far.. I hope it does crumble under Tim Cooks Totalitarian command.

With Jobs gone(almost), the company might have problems.. as I don't trust Apple anymore. I am about to toss my Apple stuff in the trash.

May I suggest less caffeine?


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2011
They better make a 160GB touch after this, minus the touchscreen and ability to do anything but play music.

Guess I should probably buy a new classic now as mine has seen better days. I don't know what I am going to do with 100GB+ of music and nothing to put it on.


macrumors 6502a
May 24, 2009
The classic is great for listening in my car. Don't like my iPhone strapped in. The shuffle is great for exercise. Touch is ridiculous for this purpose.

But, Apple is about money, and while iPods do make a ton of money in our eyes, the percentages are not enough for Apple shareholders.

Maybe it'll backfire because they won't impact entry level consumers any more, but they're better at making money than me, so they would know.

I'm pretty disappointed. I have no use for a touch screen iPod. I want music without all the other garbage.

Thank goodness for eBay. I'll be buying iPods for the next fifty years. There's enough of them out there in every great design (and the not so great, like the buttonless shuffle).


macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2008
Mine works fine (Mac). Does the Windows version suck that bad?

As a Windows user... yes it does.

Anyway, this is sad news if true. I wouldn't mind if they got rid of the current nano though; that thing is overpriced garbage.


macrumors member
Jul 14, 2011
My current ipod is starting to get old now. Guess I better think about picking up a new classic before they're gone.


macrumors member
Jun 5, 2007
Sad if true, if only for sentimental reasons.

Although I've since moved on to, first, an iPod Touch and now an iPhone I still have my original 5GB iPod from back in October 2001. And it still works :)


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2009
Yeah, something like this is on its way. I had a feeling that this would happen, but only when two conditions could be met. 1. When the iPod touch is offered in 128 GB capacity, and 2. when the iPod Nano comes way down in price.

But I feel we won't see a 128 GB touch any time soon, and rather Apple will emphasis their iCloud and iTunes Match as a great alternative to a large storage device (and it is).

And to get rid of the shuffle, they need to make the Nano at least $79, $99, and $129 for 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB capacities.


I thought iCloud would download the music to your device. I don't see how that's justification for not needing storage.

Because you only need room for what you're going to listen to that day.

It won't be as useful on WiFi only devices, but still very useful.


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2011
The classic is great for listening in my car. Don't like my iPhone strapped in. The shuffle is great for exercise. Touch is ridiculous for this purpose.

But, Apple is about money, and while iPods do make a ton of money in our eyes, the percentages are not enough for Apple shareholders.

Maybe it'll backfire because they won't impact entry level consumers any more, but they're better at making money than me, so they would know.

I'm pretty disappointed. I have no use for a touch screen iPod. I want music without all the other garbage.

Thank goodness for eBay. I'll be buying iPods for the next fifty years. There's enough of them out there in every great design (and the not so great, like the buttonless shuffle).

The HDDs crap out too much to keep buying the Classic used IMO. Eventually if they discontinue it, the prices of them on eBay and the like will skyrocket. Probably the same with the replacement HDDs.


macrumors 65816
Jul 11, 2008
We are in the post iPod era. It is a thing of the past.

Riiight because multimedia players are a thing of the past. File sizes aren't getting any bigger right? People's digital libraries are shrinking so there is no need to have a huge 160GB iPod Classic right?

Better kill of macs too since this is the post "personal computer" era now! Its all about the iPhone and iPad screw everything else! Besides Macs are making less of a profit than the iPods, why bother having them too!?

(Before someone comes at me, those statements are sarcasm)

Really kills me how there are so many pro-product killers on this site. So what if they're still around, they still have their own purpose. Its not hurting your iOS device in anyway. Its not like development is getting taken away in the development of iPod Shuffle and iPod Classic, they've been the same device essentially since 2007.

iPod Classic still sells and seems to always be second only to the iPod Touch in sales on Amazon. The iPod Classic is in a league of its own, it has no real competition capacity-wise. It'd be foolish to discontinue it, but this is apple we are talking about here. The same company that stripped the 6th gen nano of features and made a buttonless shuffle.

The theory is that by killing these two products they think the users will jump ship to one of their iOS devices which is simply not true.


macrumors 603
Oct 14, 2007
San Jose, Ca
Since neither device runs iOS, this wouldn't surprise me at all. Especially since last year the Nano turned into the Shuffle Plus.

The iPod nano doesn't run any version of iOS, it just mimics it.

Apple’s sexily diminutive new iPod Nano, replete with 1.13-inch touchscreen, certainly looks like iOS. It might even — held close enough to the nostrils — smell like iOS. But it’s nothing of the sort.

Backstage at today’s iPod Event, an Apple spokesman confirmed that the new iPod Nano is not running iOS.

I wonder if Apple would consider making a flash based iPod Classic 128GB model (with a click wheel and wireless syncing)? The Zune had Wireless Syncing, so I think Apple can make it happen for the iPod Classic.

I have an iPod Classic and the only issue I have with it is its Hard Drive, if Apple would make a Flash Based model then I would trade mine in.


macrumors 6502
Aug 30, 2011
New Zealand
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

iCloud/itunes in the cloud. is for USA only at this stage, and like others have pointed out. It downloads the song, still need storage. icloud does not stream your music.

I know lots of people with iPhones, who also use iPods because of the lack of storage on the phones. I have a 16GB iPhone4, and a 16GB iPod nano. And 9 times out of 10, I have both on me at the same time.

My two little brothers both under 10 years old want iPods, no1 is going to buy them a iPod touch, so they got iPod shuffles.


macrumors 6502
May 21, 2011
I'd be disappointed if they do. I dont think they will for the following

1. I fail to see a large capacity touch coming soon, flash memory is still pricey
2. iCloud won't be good for people with large music collections and/or slow interent connections
3. the Classic is the original

I would be happy to see a completely redesigned 320gb 10th anniversary edtion the maybe they'll call it an era. :apple:


macrumors 68000
Jun 18, 2009
New Zealand
I knew something is going to happen when they updated the icon and name on iOS 5. Is now called Music instead of iPod :)

I'm waiting for a new iPod Shuffle, not sure what to do now. Should I believe this Rumors and get one now :(


macrumors 6502
May 18, 2011
Adds up with Apple splitting/removing the iPod app from iOS 5. Can't say I will miss the Classic or Shuffle very much.


macrumors 6502a
May 24, 2009
The HDDs crap out too much to keep buying the Classic used IMO. Eventually if they discontinue it, the prices of them on eBay and the like will skyrocket. Probably the same with the replacement HDDs.

I have been using my 20 GB 4th Gen for what, 6, 7 years? Still works flawlessly. Same with a first Gen nano. And my sisters' 3rd Gen nanos. All work perfectly. So, what was it about all these drives crapping out?


macrumors 6502
Apr 23, 2011
classic is positively ancient. find myself touching the screen and it not working!!!!!! :mad:

Constable Odo

macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2008
It's unlikely they'll axe the iPod Classic. The iPod line can't be that much of a bother to Apple to deal with and Apple is still making money from it. So what if the revenue from it isn't as high as the iPhone or iPad. Besides, the iPod line will not allow other manufacturers to grab that market share. No successful company is stupid enough to throw away a market that it has a 70%+ share control. People keep saying the iPod market is shrinking but it's not going to shrink to zero. If Microsoft doesn't dump the Zune, then why should Apple dump the iPod Classic line? I feel that Apple will upgrade the hard drive on the iPod Classic and continue it.
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