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Oct 26, 2015
Ok so a fair amount of negativity of this forum !

For me the the combination of ATV 4 and Plex is a real treat.

Plex easily intergrates with my large iTunes collection # and plays full resolution mkv blu Ray rips as well, Plex just works

I have Netflix and Stan ( I live in Aus) and much more to stream

I like the remote

Hope Siri search gets intergrates into Plex, other than that all good
sounds like a match made in heaven tbh ... just not for me. I still have too many BR and DVDs, which frankly I don't watch because they're upstairs and eugh! I don't even have a disk drive on my MBA to rip my movies. Would absolutely love to go digital and stream everything, but for now it's such a farce so I make do with AirPlaying movies from stream sites.:(
Agreed! I have an Intel NUC connected to my tv that was primarily for Plex and Netflix but the is so much easier
ATV and Plex is really nice. Using both the official App and Simplex, which gives a different spin on things.

It's just a shame Apple Movies/TV is DRM'd because I'd love to use more than just the rental service.
I agree that a network connected device (raspberry pi 2) that runs a media streaming app (openELEC Kodi) 'just works'
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After making due with jailbreaking, PlexConnect, and AirPlay (none of which are ideal) for a number of years, I'm practically ecstatic to have an official Plex client on Apple TV.

The Plex app only irritates me when it doesn't refresh the home screen. From On Deck, I watch something and when that's over, I return to the home screen and that same thing that I just watched is still showing as unwatched in On Deck. I have to swipe up to the top and click the Reload button to make it refresh. I've seen complaints about this in the Plex forums so hopefully the Plex devs are working on it.
Plex and Apple TV was good, until it wasn't.

I have full blu-ray rips (MKV remux) and they were working fine, until the Apple TV would randomly disconnect from the Wi-Fi and the Settings app would sometimes says it connected without an IP, sometimes it's not connected, on one screen it is and on another it's not.

I don't have ANY Wi-Fi issues what so ever, the Fire TV played it fine via Plex. Is anyone else getting Wi-Fi problems with Apple TV?
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Plex and Apple TV was good, until it wasn't.

I have full blu-ray rips (MKV remux) and they were working fine, until the Apple TV would randomly disconnect from the Wi-Fi and the Settings app would sometimes says it connected without an IP, sometimes it's not connected, on one screen it is and on another it's not.

I don't have ANY Wi-Fi issues what so ever, the Fire TV played it fine via Plex. Is anyone else getting Wi-Fi problems with Apple TV?
None here. Been solid as a rock.
I loved Plex as well but I need a Plex pass to set up Parental Controls which I think is ridiculous. Air Video TV works just as good w/ Parental Controls built right in. The UI in the ATV Plex app is much better, but I'll manage.
Also the Air Video HD iOS app seems to be more reliable for me than Plex ever was on the go. Always had problems w/ buffering & random disconnects. To each their own.
I would like to remind people that for a few years now, people have been whining "just give me an app store" and "just give me the ability to run Plex on my aTV". Now we have both and it still isn't good enough. Now Plex is worthless unless it can be searched by Siri. Come on people!! Be happy about all this. Siri is nice and it would be nice if it would search everything, and maybe someday it will. But Siri is an enhancement not a must have.
The external drive issue though, if you don't want to run a Plex server, there are other apps available that will connect directly to a NAS.
Tried NAStify and it worked great... but again, no Siri control. If anyone knows of a way to control external hard drives via Siri, I'd be interested in how. I'm sure others would be too :apple:
I'm new to plex but i'm sure you all can answer my simple questions.

I loaded some media to plex by having it scan a couple of hard drives. All seems OK.

How do i get it to show RottenTomatoes ratings? (Or can it, i swore i saw screenshots showing it).

The files have multiple audios but it always defaults to AAC audio and won't allow me to change to Dolby DIgital. Why? (There was a setting in plex to use "dolby digital" or something like that, I checked it but still can't get 5.1 audio selected).

All for now.
Plex on the ATV is working great for me, not that fussed about voice controlling it so not a deal breaker for me.

@ladysman - When I select a film to watch, I see the RT rating on the next screen, with all other info about the selected film.
I would like to remind people that for a few years now, people have been whining "just give me an app store" and "just give me the ability to run Plex on my aTV". Now we have both and it still isn't good enough. Now Plex is worthless unless it can be searched by Siri. Come on people!! Be happy about all this. Siri is nice and it would be nice if it would search everything, and maybe someday it will. But Siri is an enhancement not a must have.

I agree mostly but when compared to the visual output via plexconnect and the existing sound issues between the plex app and the atv4 there is definitely room to improve. What I'm uncertain about is: if the sound bugs can be fixed (hopefully), if the size of the movie thumbs can be shrunk back to similar size so that more are visible on the tv screen i.e. currently takes two to three down swipes to equal what it used to in plexconnect, and finally a fix for the annoying light format replacing it with something more suitable for a darkened movie viewing area. These three things are basically take aways from where we were with the atv3 solution. (yes, I know plexconnect app and the now plex atv app are not the same source) but the root server is, and the plex folks are well aware of how the plexconnect solution operated with their server which basically mimicked its output. JMTC :D
Tried NAStify and it worked great... but again, no Siri control. If anyone knows of a way to control external hard drives via Siri, I'd be interested in how. I'm sure others would be too :apple:

Well that depends on how patient the person is. Apple is opening up the api to all developers early next year. So then anyone can incorporate Siri into their apps if they like. I'm happy enough to wait, I've survived this long without it, what's a few more months.
Grow up. You can't sit there & tell me that a feature as basic as Parental Controls with a media server cannot be included with Plex.

Sure it can be included with the free Plex but they need to make their money somehow, right?

Obviously you have a need for Parental controls, therefore you need to evaluate whether or not it is justified by you to purchase a Plex pass. If you don't then you have the option to find an alternative solution.
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