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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple will hold its much-rumored iPad event on October 22, reports AllThingsD. While the event will focus on Apple's upcoming fifth-generation iPad and iPad mini, the new Mac Pro and OS X Mavericks will also be featured at the event. Though Apple has not officially announced the event, AllThingsD has a solid track record when it comes to event predictions.

Rendering of the 5th-generation iPad compared to iPad 4 and iPad mini​
People familiar with Apple's plans tell AllThingsD that the company will hold its next invitation-only event on Tuesday October 22. The focal point of the gathering will the latest updates to the company's iPad line, but new Mac Pro and OS X Mavericks will likely get some stage time as well, I'm told.
Apple's fifth-generation iPad will take on an iPad mini-style design, resulting in a thinner, lighter tablet with smaller side bezels. It's expected to feature a 64-bit A7 processor and an improved camera.

Apple's iPad mini is expected to include the same 64-bit A7 chip along with a Retina display and an 8-megapixel camera. According to recent rumors, the iPad mini could be in short supply and may not see widespread availability until 2014.

Update: The Loop's Jim Dalrymple has seconded the October 22 date with one of his famous "Yep" confirmations.

Article Link: Apple's iPad-Centric Event to Take Place on October 22


macrumors regular
Jun 16, 2005
I'm so ready for a new ipad. My ipad first gen is on it's last legs.


macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
Not to be that guy, but no updated Macbook Pro's? Surprising they won't be included.


macrumors regular
Mar 9, 2012
Awesome! Currently have the Mini 1, but eventually I'll get the Mini 2. Mainly for the extra space (currently have 16GB). For now I'm content though.


Jul 29, 2010
As someone else mentioned: what about MacBook Pro's?!

Perfect timing. Just about to make a Craigslist ad for my iPad 2. In couple weeks eBay, Craigslist and similar sites will be flooded with older iPads.

macrumors 68000
May 25, 2012
Please iPad mini retina!!!! lol

With the same processor and going retina (higher dpi than reg ipad) do you think they bump the minis price?

How do they keep the profit margin up on the mini without raising the price and adding all these new features?

Maybe they skimp on the mini ram? worse camera? no touch id?


macrumors member
Jun 8, 2012
Miami, Fl
I really hope they do put an A7 chip on the iPad mini 2 instead of an A6... But most importantly, I hope it gets a retina display!!!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2011
Owwwww my Mini's just about to be outdated... Luckily I have a 5S...

So what we think is:

New cameras
New design for normal iPad
Non-retina faster iPad mini (maybe retina if we are lucky!)
Fingerprint scanners?
A7 (at least for the normal iPad)
Same battery life

Does anyone think that Apple will keep the current mini as a cheaper, Nexus 7 opposer and release a more expensive mini as well? This would be a great move if they want to compete more with the other upcoming Android devices.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Not to be that guy, but no updated Macbook Pro's? Surprising they won't be included.

So much for Haswell MacBook Pros this month? :confused: :(

As someone else mentioned: what about MacBook Pro's?!

Apple doesn't care about the computer anymore. Look at how long they let the Mac Pro languish without any significant updates. That's why they removed "Computer" from the company name and are now Apple, Inc.
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