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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 22, 2008
Just asking.

It attracts a lot of attention and for some reason I am little uncomfortable using it on NYC subways.
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yes, that's why i keep it in a moleskin type case so no one knows its an ipad I am reading.

A lot of people have had their iPads grabbed while waiting on the platform
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yes, that's why i keep it in a moleskin type case so no one knows its an ipad I am reading.

A lot of people have had their iPads grabbed while waiting on the platform

I would never bring my iPad anywhere in public (in plain sight). Of course, I'd travel with it, but use it in my hotel room, etc.
its so perfect for offline newspaper reading. but yeah i agree. on of my buddies just had his iPhone grabbed outta his hand by kids on the subway the other day. iPad would be much easier.
I ride the Metra train to and from Chicago every day, and I am not worried because it seems like EVERYONE has either an iPhone, iPod, or iPad. But that's a commuter train. I think I would feel a little differently riding the el or the subway.
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If someone is going to snatch your iDevice from you, you must look like an easy target.

Been using the iPad/iPhone on the subway for years without any problems.
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I am over 183cm and have a shaved head, people generally assume I am the one who is going to the mugging.

haha--I was just telling my mom the same thing because she was scared about me falling asleep on the train and getting robbed. I'm not the friendliest looking guy at first glance, so usually people don't even sit by me on the train unless they have to.
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I wouldn't use it on a bust day but sometimes there's like 4 people on a bus and I'm normally at the back so they can't even tell I've got one. Free wifi on the bus as well and it is pretty good as well and loads YouTube pretty fast and in pretty good condition.
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I try to be very discreet about using my iPad in public.

One, because they're still new devices and they do attract attention. I was recently in a dramatic production and while waiting backstage for my part I would use my iPad. Virtually every other cast member around was doing exactly the same: reading with their iPhones, BlackBerries, playing games with their PSPs, typing on their laptops, whatever. Yet I overheard some nasty comments about "that guy" who's "waving the iPad around". Just by virtue of it being new, everyone noticed the iPad while the phones and laptops remained invisible. (It actually left a real bad taste in my mouth about these people who I thought were my friends, but that's another story.)

Two, because I have been known to set it down and forget it. It's just too big to pocket and I don't carry a backpack or anything. Once I set it down near my legs at a restaurant and forgot all about it -- raced back for it 20 minutes after I left. Thankfully since nobody had noticed me bringing it in, it was still exactly where I left it, under the table I sat at.

Actually, for both these same reasons, I am strongly considering my next device to be an iPhone 5 instead of an iPad 3, when those respective devices get released.
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I try to be very discreet about using my iPad in public.

One, because they're still new devices and they do attract attention. I was recently in a dramatic production and while waiting backstage for my part I would use my iPad. Virtually every other cast member around was doing exactly the same: reading with their iPhones, BlackBerries, playing games with their PSPs, typing on their laptops, whatever. Yet I overheard some nasty comments about "that guy" who's "waving the iPad around". Just by virtue of it being new, everyone noticed the iPad while the phones and laptops remained invisible. (It actually left a real bad taste in my mouth about these people who I thought were my friends, but that's another story.)

Two, because I have been known to set it down and forget it. It's just too big to pocket and I don't carry a backpack or anything. Once I set it down near my legs at a restaurant and forgot all about it -- raced back for it 20 minutes after I left. Thankfully since nobody had noticed me bringing it in, it was still exactly where I left it, under the table I sat at.

Actually, for both these same reasons, I am strongly considering my next device to be an iPhone 5 instead of an iPad 3, when those respective devices get released.

I think that's ridiculous that people think you're "waving it around". Simply sitting there and using it is not waving it around. There is a lady on the train I ride in to work every day who likes to sit and tell her friend in a very loud voice how great her iPad is. You can tell she wants the whole rest of the train car to hear her too. THAT is waving it around. She apparently doesn't notice that about every other person on the train has one too. (I still haven't seen an ipad 2 out in the wild yet.)
I dont use my iPad 2 on the subway. I'm usually super tired in the morning. However, I do see a few of people using iPad 1 on the subway. I will however pull out my iPhone on the subway if I need to switch tracks or what not.

Now, in my case, I do use my iPad 2 on the Metro-North which is a commuter train. A lot of people use the iPad on the Metro-North.
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I don't mind using mine in public but I do find the silver backside attracts a fair amount of attention, along with my bright pink smartcover. :D My iPad 2 is in a rather discreet leather case so it attracts less attention and most don't care.

On the other hand I'm still afraid to use it in public transportation because sometimes I do have to run fast through a wall of people, and often I just don't have time to put the iPad back into my bag. It's not the best device to be carried among the crowd in one hand.
I luckily don't have a long subway commute so I never really pull mine out (only 2 stops on the N or R).

I can see how it does get attention though. Most of the time people are trying to look at your screen to see what you are doing or reading.

I brought my Ipad2 to a company meeting this morning and I agree that it does almost seem like you are "flaunting it". I don't understand why because I always pull my Iphone out. I guess it's just so new and not everyone has one yet??
I dont use my iPad 2 on the subway. I'm usually super tired in the morning. However, I do see a few of people using iPad 1 on the subway. I will however pull out my iPhone on the subway if I need to switch tracks or what not.

Now, in my case, I do use my iPad 2 on the Metro-North which is a commuter train. A lot of people use the iPad on the Metro-North.

Mostly business crowd on metro north so no worries. But man are they snooty or what. You pick one phone call and even if u talk softly the whole compartment is looking at you.
I think that's ridiculous that people think you're "waving it around". Simply sitting there and using it is not waving it around. There is a lady on the train I ride in to work every day who likes to sit and tell her friend in a very loud voice how great her iPad is. You can tell she wants the whole rest of the train car to hear her too. THAT is waving it around.

Exactly. I was just trying to sit in a corner and do my thing. That's why I was really upset about overhearing what I did. If I truly was trying to show off, then fine, call me out on it, but I really didn't think I was calling any attention to myself. After that incident I kept the iPad hidden in the dressing room and just went in there every time I wanted to use it :rolleyes:

But the point rings true, and that and the portability issue (you can't stuff an iPad in your pocket) is why I'm leaning toward an iPhone now.
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Too risky. It's a sad thing about our society but also think of the value. Stealing someones wallet you get maybe $20 to $40 in small bills and credit cards that are blocked within minutes of the mugging.

To make a livable income the mugger would have to risk stealing at least 15-20 wallets a week! That's a few muggings a day. Increases the odds something goes wrong, plus spending a lot of time finding victims at the right locations and times.

With an iPad, its a $500 to $700 device that can easily fetch it's full retail value or damn near it on craigslist or eBay. Steal on 64Gb 3G model and you got your money for the whole week! And now that everyone has one and uses them on trains and buses (especially people sitting by an exit) you basically have 80% of the job already done for you.

If I was a mugger, I'd be stupid not to target iPads or iPhones. That is why as a commuter, I never take out such devices unless I have to. If I'm listening to my iPhone I have it in my pocket with just the headphones out. Not easy to snatch, compard to someone sitting a few seats down playing angry birds on their iPad!

Remember, in the wild, you dont have to outrun the tiger to survive, you just have to outrun the guy next to you. Be smart.

Using your iDevice actively means you aren't paying attention to your surroundings (even if you like to think youd notice something while using it you really wont) and it makes you an easy and high value target.
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Initially, I was going to use my iPad on the bus. Then I saw the type of people who rode buses.
I think it's all relative to where you are commuting. I used to commute from Jersey to midtown and anywhere during that trip I would have felt fairly safe using my ipad. But now I commute from Flatbush ave to grand central and well you need to gauge your decision on the folks around you and know your surroundings. People who act oblivious end up being the easy targets.

When a group of 5 kids gets on the train after school all rowdy you better believe you might be a potential target to be ganged up on and have your ipad jacked. At the very least you are holding a $500 electronic device and one that is a hot commodity right now.

Go with your instincts if you don't feel safe don't pull it out. Or buy the cover that looks like a bound book. No one wants to steal books. hah!

On a side note I'd say I feel more comfortable using it on my commute to work and wouldn't even bother pulling it out on my way home but that has more to do with how populated the area is where I'm getting on and off the train.
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Be careful. I guess it really deepens on the area of travel, but it doesn't hurt to be vigilant. Living in a City like NY made me watch people and my surroundings so close to the point where I saw the trouble before it began.
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